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The question of when and how international orders change remains a pertinent issue of International Relations theory. This article develops the model of pragmatic ordering to conceptualise change. The model of pragmatic ordering... more
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      Social ChangePragmatismInternational Relations TheoryPractice theory
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      Public International LawLaw of the SeaOcean affairsHistory of the Law of the Sea
EDITORIAL Por Etiene Villela Marroni (PPGCPol/UFPel) e Delmo de Oliveira Torres Arguelhes (NEA/INEST/UFF) Os mares aproximam. Esta assertiva elaborada por Montesquieu, e elevada a lei científica por vários estudiosos da geopolítica,... more
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      BrasilMeio AmbienteRelações InternacionaisMarine Sciences
This book describes the system of indexes, developed by the IMEMO for evaluation of the overall maritime potential of a country. The Index of Maritime Might (IMM) is atop this system. This research includes the rankings of the top-100... more
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      Maritime LawLaw of the SeaMaritime PolicyMaritime Security
The ocean sustains life on our planet, from absorbing carbon to regulating temperatures, and, as we exhaust the resources to be found on land, it is becoming central to the global market. But today we are facing two urgent challenges at... more
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      OceanographyApplied PhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyClimate Change
Neste terceiro GEM Policy Brief de 2021, destacamos dois setores essenciais à Economia do Mar do Brasil, contando com contribuições dos subgrupos “Relações Geopolíticas” e “Defesa e Segurança”. Aproveitando que no dia 16 de novembro foi... more
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      GeopoliticsMaritime SecurityBlue EconomyEstudos de Defesa, Defesa Estratégica, Segurança Estratégica, Segurança Externa, Segurança Interna, Segurança Pública, Gestão Estratégica Internacional, Sistema Interestatal, Guerras e Conflitos, Poder, Ciência Política, Sociologia, Antropologia.
Since 2004 we have witnessed the importance of the ocean as a great National Purpose to be achieved. Since then, the ocean has been in vogue in the media and in the political, strategic, scientific and technological agenda. Today,... more
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      Maritime and Oceanic HistoryPublic policies and higher educationOcean affairsOcean literacy