We use European Space Agency Envisat data to present the first observational evidence that a Northern Hemisphere tsunami triggered Antarctic ice-shelf calving more than 13 000 km away. The Honshu tsunami of 11 March 2011 traversed the... more
Electromagnetic generators (EMGs) and triboelectric nanogenerators (TENGs) are the two most powerful approaches for harvesting ambient mechanical energy, but the effectiveness of each depends on the triggering frequency. Here, after... more
For 11 days in January 2001, the Conrad Blucher Institute for Surveying and Science, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, in collaboration with the College of Marine Science, University of South Florida, deployed a pair of 25-MHz CODAR... more
The 133-km barrier island chain extending east from Fire Island Inlet to Montauk Point, New York, provides an excellent setting for evaluating sand management practices which have had a significant impact on the local (order of 1-2 km)... more
The purpose of this Coastal and Hydraulics Engineering Technical Note (CHETN) is to investigate the basic physics and numerical code of GenCade by running a series of simplified test cases and comparing the results to another numerical... more
Chapter 1 Introduction configured breakwater project was recently constructed in Cameron Parish in the western part of Louisiana and provides a model for designing a breakwater project at Grand Isle. This task reviewed the observed... more
This Coastal and Hydraulics Engineering Technical Note (CHETN) describes a major upgrade of the Sediment Budget Analysis System (SBAS) to include the capability to create and manage regional sediment budgets. The SBAS is a PC-based... more
The 133-km barrier island chain extending east from Fire Island Inlet to Montauk Point, New York, provides an excellent setting for evaluating sand management practices which have had a significant impact on the local (order of 1-2 km)... more
The U.S. Marine Corps’ Force Design roadmap has inspired great debate about the purpose, role, and strength of the Marine Corps in an increasingly contentious and complex world. On the surface, Force Design appears to be an attempt to... more
High-resolution multibeam sonar and state-of-theart data processing and visualization techniques have been used to quantify the evolution of seafloor morphology and the degree of burial of instrumented mines and mine-shapes as part of the... more
Experiments were performed that test the kinematic breaking criterion, which states that the horizontal fluid particle velocity at the surface of a crest exceeds the local phase speed of the crest prior to breaking. Three different... more
Results on horizontal asymmetry and steepness distributions from analyses of ocean wave data collected during 10 severe storms in the northern North Sea are presented. The data have been collected at a sampling rate of 5 Hz using laser... more
In this study significant wave height (SWH) from EnviSAT radar altimeter data has been assimilated in the coastal ocean wave model SWAN (Simulating WAve Near-shore). Optimum interpolation (OI) technique has been used for this purpose. A... more
Akurasi pengukuran gelombang di laboratorium merupakan faktor penting penentu kualitas hasil pengujian. Penelitian ini mengevaluasi akurasi pengukuran tinggi gelombang di depan model pemecah gelombang terapung menggunakan metode kombinasi... more
Prozessbasierte morphodynamische Simulationsmodelle haben sich in den letzten Jahren zu wichtigen Ingenieurwerkzeugen für die Beurteilung von wasserbaulichen Maßnahmen entwickelt. Sie werden nicht nur zur Analyse zurückliegender Zeiträume... more
A coupled atmosphere–wave–sea spray model system is used to evaluate the impact of sea spray and wave drag on storm-generated waves, their height variations, and directional wave spectra in relation to the storm location and translation... more
The long-term goal of this effort is to develop an improved nearshore wave and current modeling system in order to achieve better and more detailed short-term predictive estimates of nearshore oceanographic conditions over spatial scales... more
We review several approaches that have been used to estimate ocean surface gravity wavenumbers from wave-resolving remotely sensed image sequences. Two fundamentally different approaches that utilize these data exist. A power spectral... more
Simultaneous microwave and video measurements of shallow water breaking waves are presented. A comparison of the data from the two sensors shows that short-duration spikes in the measured X-band radar cross section are highly correlated... more
This project would not have been possible without the unflagging help of my major professor, Dr. John Brubaker. John remained enthusiastic about this project from my first suggestion to its completion. He also always listened patiently to... more
We investigate the distribution of various fractions phosphorus (P) in sediments at the coastal area of Semarang City. Samples were collected from thirteen locations at the Banjir Kanal Barat, port and Banjir Kanal Timur. Sedimentary... more
At plunging breakers, air bubbles are entrained at the impingement of the water jet, formed at the top of the wave, with the water free surface in front. During the present study, air bubble entrainment at a pseudo-plunging breaker was... more
Recently long waves with periods of several minutes have been recognised as an important exciting component to beach erosion, sedimentation in harbours, and oscillations of water and moored ships in harbours. Although long waves are... more
As waves travel and shoal towards a beach, their surface elevation becomes peaky (sharp crests) and asymmetric relative to the vertical. Within a wave period, the corresponding orbital velocity near the bottom shows a similar (time)... more
Steady scale-invariant solutions of a kinetic equation describing the statistics of oceanic internal gravity waves based on wave turbulence theory are investigated. It is shown in the non-rotating scale-invariant limit that the collision... more
Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and... more
This paper obtains the solitary wave, shock wave as well as singular soliton solutions to the generalized Ostrovsky-Benjamin-Bona-Mahoney (gO-BBM) equation. The ansatz method is applied to obtain the solutions. Several constraint... more
Current real-time applications feature rivers that are pre-calculated off-line and present static animations and behaviours. These pre-calculated approaches have several limitations when used in real-time applications such as video games... more
The public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and... more
Revision der Roten Listen: in Arbeit Erarbeitung einer aktualisierten nordseeweiten Übersicht der benthischen Lebensgemeinschaften: in der North Sea Study Group des ICES noch in Arbeit 8 2.2 Datenerhebung 2.2.1 Recherchen nach vorhandenem... more
Revision der Roten Listen: in Arbeit Erarbeitung einer aktualisierten nordseeweiten Übersicht der benthischen Lebensgemeinschaften: in der North Sea Study Group des ICES noch in Arbeit 8 2.2 Datenerhebung 2.2.1 Recherchen nach vorhandenem... more
Waves are the dominant forcing of the nearshore system and, in order to understand and predict beach morphological evolution, it is crucial to have a reliable source for wave characteristics at shallow water (about 20 m depth). The best... more
Accurate estimates of Stokes drift are necessary to quantify Lagrangian transport and upper-ocean mixing. These can be estimated from directional wave spectra. Here, a methodology for the reconstruction of such spectra is developed using... more
ENVISAT fast delivery RA-2 and ASAR wind and wave products are routinely received, monitored and validated at ECMWF. RA-2 wind speed product is of good quality. Although Ku-band significant wave height (SWH) product is slightly high, it... more
HAL is a multidisciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or... more
Panjang Island waters located in Jepara Regency and it is one of the areas in the waters of Jepara Regency which has a diversity of aquatic ecosystems. As a tourist destination, Panjang Island has an important role for the community.... more
Our global long-term goal is making further progress in understanding of the mixing processes in the ocean on large and small scales. To achieve this goal, we develop theories of anisotropic turbulence and dispersive waves in different... more
Scientists and engineers have observed for some time that tidal amplitudes at many locations are shifting considerably due to nonastronomical factors. Here we review comprehensively these important changes in tidal properties, many of... more
The main objective of this work is to investigate intra-tidal morphology changes during a tidal cycle and understand their relationship with the geometry of the sand mixing depth layer. To accomplish this objective high resolution... more
In May 1999, the European Space Agency (ESA) selected the Earth Explorer Opportunity Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) mission to obtain global and frequent soil moisture and ocean salinity maps. SMOS single payload is the Microwave... more
This paper describes a numerical model to simulate the behavior of a mussel longline system, subjected to environmental loads such as waves and current. The mussel line system consists of an anchor, a mooring chain, a long backbone line,... more
Smith, Coastal Engineering Research Center ; prepared for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 274 p. : ill. ; 28 cm.-(Technical report ; CERC-94-3 v. 1) 6 m long and 4 m wide. (The terminology "basin" implies that both longshore and cross-shore... more
The coastal processes study reported herein was requested by US Army Engineer District, New York (NAN) as part of a comprehensive plan of shore protection for Sea Bright to Ocean Township, New Jersey. This investigation was conducted by... more
Environmental monitoring of marine renewable energy projects is needed to reduce environmental uncertainties and enable sustainable commercial implementations. An Adaptable Monitoring Package (AMP), along with the support infrastructure... more
longshore current, nearshore, undertow, radiation stress, bottom stress, momentum mixing. 15.
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instruction, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and... more