Occupy Wall Street
Recent papers in Occupy Wall Street
ix þ 246 pp., index, $75.00, ISBN 978-1-4384-3619-7 (hardback) $24.95, ISBN 978-1-4384-3620-3 (paperback)
In this article, I compare the origins and early development of the Occupy movement with that of the Spanish 15M, the Indignados or ‘outraged,’ movement. How movements are integrated into longer-lived global networks has been... more
he article discusses the book "Debt: The First 5000 Years," by David Graeber, in relation to the Rolling Jubilee debt repayment project by the organization Strike Debt, which stemmed from the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) social movement.... more
The article discusses a number of cases relating to the latest trends in the development of the party-political systems in the US and EU countries. Article presents analysis of such U.S. movements as “Occupy Wall Street”, “Tea Party” and... more
In Trump's Counter-Revolution, Mikkel Bolt Rasmussen looks behind the craziness of Donald Trump to decipher the formation of a new kind of fascism, late-capitalist fascism, that is intent on preventing any kind of real social change.... more
Shortly before the demise of the worldwide Occupy movement, two watershed events mark its final transformation. Two collaborations with international art exhibitions in Germany, that not only changed the fate of the movment, but brought... more
"This book is an interrogation of humanity's new potentials and threats brought by technology when the question of social change is becoming more crucial than ever. The selected essays in this anthology confront questions from a... more
Debt cancellation in its Ancient Near Eastern context is an act and prerogative of sovereign power. This raises challenges for conceptualizing debt cancellation/Jubilee today as a radical or progressive practice.
Cosa significa protestare per le strade, perché occupare uno spazio nella città? Veniamo da un recente risveglio, da anni che hanno riportato la politica nelle piazze e nelle strade. In tutto il mondo uomini e donne sono scesi in piazza... more
Occupy Wall Street was a movement of many faces. Its impact on the public debate was significant, sparking support and criticism from a variety of sources. The occupation of the park, a ‘privately owned public space’, awoke the interest... more
This chapter examines the discursive constructions of debt, deficits and austerity in service to neoliberal globalization. Drawing in particular upon the relatively recent turn toward austerity in Europe as enforced by the “troika” of the... more
This paper weaves together two recurring themes in philosophical and political debates of recent years: the idea, loosely inspired by Walter Benjamin, that describes melancholia as a dominant structure of feeling and desire among the... more
Digital Rebellion examines the impact of new media and communication technologies on the spatial, strategic, and organizational fabric of social movements. Todd Wolfson reveals how aspects of the mid-1990s Zapatistas... more
"Reading Geoffrey Pleyers’ account of the alter-globalization movement has a certain poignancy, as well as engendering a sense of excitement and the glimmer of new possibilities. ... Pleyers is very good on the limitations and... more
This paper looks at how citizen journalism is shifting the power from traditional media and its influence on the general public. This paper also particularly focuses on the Occupy Wall Street movement, which incidentally sparked similar... more
Panel 1 - Critique of history and history of critique with Christian Garland, Harry Cross & Matt Bolton
British Sociological Association (BSA), Durham University, 20th September 2017
British Sociological Association (BSA), Durham University, 20th September 2017
Gerechtigkeit sollte die Grundlage allen politischen Handelns sein. Doch was, wenn staatliche Maßnahmen und Gesetze dieser Norm widersprechen? Können dann auch in Demokratien Akte des zivilen Ungehorsams gerechtfertigt sein? Und wenn ja,... more
The spread of the Occupy movement across the globe has reinvigorated the political, expanding the horizon of possibility after over thirty years of closure imposed by neoliberalism. While a literature which analyzes the interlinking... more
My book review of Kate Crehan’s "Gramsci’s Common Sense: Inequality and Its Narratives"
Hitler participou de movimentos ocultistas desde sua juventude e sua biografia está repleta de fatos misteriosos que deixam entrever uma espécie de predestinação satânica que o levaria ao poder. Porém, outras forças ocultas, materiais até... more
It is not uncommon to conceive of the Occupy Movement as a powerful civic protest that failed to mobilize politically. The literature on #Occupy is limited to: a) academic accounts of how the movement fits existing theories about social... more
We are the 99 per cent of the population who are subjected to the system and you are the one per cent who benefit from disproportionately high advantages. The slogan of the indignant is forceful and carries a populism which breaks with... more
The following article focuses on online trolls as Internet phenomenon and traces the differences between them and the hacktivist group Anonymous. After a short intro into the problems of online subcultures and Internet communities, the... more
First proof of the book - so not the same as the published version, but close to it. For citation purposes it would be advantageous to cross-check with final published version.
In this interview, Walter Benn Michaels talks about his trajectory from being a student involved in the anti-war movement in the late 1960s to becoming an English professor, whose critique of what he calls " left neoliberalism " and his... more
The great political achievement of the modern era, stable representative democracies that legitimate power, are everywhere under attack. No thinker can better help understand our present democratic disillusionment than Hannah Arendt.... more
""Politics is always about nomination. It is about naming a political subjectivity and organizing politically around that name.– Simon Critchley (2007, 103) This paper situates Guy Standing’s recent work on ‘the precariat’ within a... more
The Occupy Wall Street movement gained global appeal as protest camps spread across the United States and to over 80 countries and 95 cities around the world. The slogan “We are the 99 percent” captured a sentiment of rising economic... more
Towards a Post-Exceptionalist American Studies. Ed. Winfried Fluck and Donald E. Pease. REAL: Yearbook of Research in English and American Literature 30 (2014): 445-482.
This paper sets out to develop two related ideas. First, it seeks to identify how both violence and neoliberalism can be considered as moments. From this shared conceptualisation of process and fluidity, I argue that it becomes easier to... more
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