Recent papers in Obesity
The regenerative decline of organisms during ageing is linked to the reduced proliferative activity, impaired function and exhaustion of tissue-specific stem and progenitor cells. Studies using heterochronic parabiosis, involving the... more
The worldwide epidemic of obesity has become an important public health issue, with serious psychological and social consequences. Obesity is a multifactorial disorder in which various elements (genetic, host, and environment), play a... more
The beneficial effect of exercise training and exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation on symptom-free exercise capacity,cardiovascular and skeletal muscle function, quality of life, general healthy lifestyle, and reduction of depressive... more
Family environmental factors and parenting styles can be major determinants of obesity risk in children. 1-4 According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in 2012, 18% of children (aged 6-11 years) were obese, and 21% of... more
Cardiovascular risk is poorly managed in women, especially during the menopausal transition when susceptibility to cardiovascular events increases. Clear gender differences exist in the epidemiology, symptoms, diagnosis, progression,... more
Obesity is generally a life-long problem with numerous weight-related complications. The relationship between body weight and risk of developing a significant disease, as well as total mortality and morbidity, has been examined in many... more
The aim of this study was to assess the associations of overweight and obesity with lumbar radicular pain and sciatica using a meta-analysis. We searched the PubMed, Embase, Scopus, and Web of Science databases from 1966 to July 2013. We... more
The rising prevalence of obesity has reached pandemic proportions, with an associated cost estimated at up to 7% of health expenditures worldwide. Bariatric surgery is currently the only effective long-term treatment for obesity and... more
Over the past several decades, excessive body weight has become a major health concern. As the obesity epidemic continues to expand, metabolic disorders associated with excess body weight, including type 2 diabetes, dyslipidemia,... more
Background: Isolated growth hormone deficiency (IGHD) provides the ideal model to characterize GHD without interference from other pituitary deficiencies or their treatment. No study has addressed the question whether adult patients with... more
This prospective, randomized study investigated the effect of exercise on leptin, insulin, cortisol and lipid profiles in obese children. A total of 40 obese boys aged 10-12 years with a body mass index (BMI) ≥ 30 kg/m 2 were randomly... more
Leptin resistance is a hallmark of obesity, but its etiology is unknown, and its clinical measurement is elusive. Leptin-sensitive subjects have normal resting energy expenditure (REE) at a low leptin concentration, while leptin-resistant... more
Overweight and obesity in childhood is associated with negative physical and psychological effects. It has been proposed that obesity increase the risk for developing cognitive deficits, dementia and Alzheimer's disease and that it... more
The term Body Composition is used to illustrate the different components that, when taken together, makes up a person's body weight. For analysis of body composition it is often suitable to think of the body as made of two components: fat... more
, including 370 men engaged in sports in which weight-related performance classes are associated with weight cycling (boxers, weight lifters and wrestlers; further called as weight cyclers), and 834 matched control men with no athletic... more
Background: Ethnic differences in the association between central obesity and raised albumin-creatinine ratio (ACR) have not been investigated. Our aim was to determine whether the association between central obesity, defined by the... more
Your article is protected by copyright and all rights are held exclusively by Springer Science+Business Media, LLC. This e-offprint is for personal use only and shall not be selfarchived in electronic repositories. If you wish to... more
Soaring obesity rates in the United States demand comprehensive health intervention strategies that simultaneously address dietary patterns, physical activity, psychosocial factors and the food environment. Healthy Bodies, Healthy Souls... more
Recent reports have suggested that the problem of childhood and adolescent obesity has been exaggerated in Australia, and that community-wide obesity prevention initiatives are not warranted; we argue that this is not an accurate... more
for the Lifeways Cross-generation Cohort Study Steering Group BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: Animal models have demonstrated that maternal overnutrition during pregnancy influences offspring adiposity. Few human studies of normal pregnancy have... more
Values for body surface area (BSA) are commonly used in medicine, particularly to calculate doses of chemotherapeutic agents and index cardiac output. Various BSA formulas have been developed over the years. The DuBois and DuBois (Arch... more
The prevalence and associated factors of diabetes mellitus (DM) and impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) were studied in a tribal community with an apparently high diabetes prevalence. A sample of 724 subjects aged Ն 25 years was selected... more
The purpose of the study was to investigate the psycho-social factors such as self-esteem, stress, and family support that affect the depression in pregnant women. Methods: The participants were 149 pregnant women who were seen at the... more
MAMUN, ABDULLAH A., DEBBIE A. LAWLOR, MICHAEL J. O'CALLAGHAN, WILLIAM BOR, GAIL M. WILLIAMS, AND JAKE M. NAJMAN. Does childhood sexual abuse predict young adult's BMI? A birth cohort study. Obesity. 2007;15:2103-2110. Objective: The... more
There is mounting evidence that inflammation plays a role in the development of coronary heart disease (CHD). Observations have been made linking the presence of infections in the vessel wall with atherosclerosis, and epidemiological data... more
Objective: Depression and insomnia are closely linked, yet our understanding of their prospective relationships remains limited. The aim of the current study was to investigate the directionality of association between depression and... more
Introduction: Post-marketing data on weight-loss medications in free living population are a necessary adjunct to data from clinical trials.
Adolescents with obesity (N = 48) and their caregivers were randomized to Multisystemic Therapy (MST) or a group weight-loss intervention. MST adolescents significantly reduced percents overweight and body fat, while control adolescents... more
Obesity is one of risk factors of various chronic diseases and malignancy. It may result from excess accumulation of body fat. This condition may be caused by dysfunction of appetite-regulating pathways and energy balance due to leptin... more
Background/Aim Obesity is a significant public health concern globally. It is associated with poor physical health, mental health and subjective wellbeing and limitations on occupational participation. With its focus on the relationship... more
Breast cancer is the most common malignancy among women worldwide. There is extensive literature on the relationship between body weight and breast cancer risk but some doubts still remain about the role of adipokines per se, the role of... more
How social phenomenon are defined – or framed – is assumed to inform subsequent policy. Yet, the actual relationship between framing and policymaking remains understudied and undertheorized. This article aims to remedy this deficit by... more
Adiponectin has been associated with common metabolic disorders. The current study was conducted to measure and compare levels of adiponectin with obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and gender in Punjabi subjects from Faisalabad,... more
Background and Objective: Obesity plays an important role in the development of chronic diseases including diabetes, hyperlipidemia, and cardiovascular diseases (CVD). This study was conducted to evaluate the association of the age of... more
Objectives: To assess the risk of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and its associated risk factors among patients with type 2 diabetes in the south of Saudi Arabia. Methodology: This is a cross-sectional study conducted in the Armed Forces... more
This report reviews the risks and consequences associated with childhood and adolescent obesity. Although no consensus definition of childhood obesity exists, the various measures encountered in the literature are moderately well... more
To determine whether patterns of sleeping metabolic rate (SMR) are altered in obesity. Specifically to determine the relationship between changes in SMR and body weight, body mass index (BMI, kg/m(2)), and fat-free mass (FFM); and to... more
HE HEALTH BURDENS OF OBESITY ARE SEVERE, especially among African-American women who experience lower life expectancy and higher rates of chronic diseases than the general population. Furthermore, losing weight continues to be a major... more