OT in the NT
Recent papers in OT in the NT
The quotation in Eph 4:8 is one of the most perplexing exegetical challenges in the entire epistle. It occurs with significant changes, such that its meaning is in effect opposite that of the source text in Ps 68:18. In addition, the... more
In 1 Timothy 2:15 Paul makes a very perplexing statement to the effect that Eve will be saved through “the childbearing” if they exercise good judgment and remain in the Christian way. This statement has puzzled commentators for two... more
In Michael Phua’s Chinese article entitled “Interpretation of Psalm 40 in Hebrews 10: A Case Study on the NT Use of the OT,” he proposes that “the incarnation of Jesus enriched the meaning of Ps 40:7” and concludes that “the method by... more
The purpose of this paper is to show that sonship in the NT served as a metaphor for the OT concept of corporate solidarity. Part 1 explains the corporate anthropology of the OT authors and provides a definition of corporate solidarity.... more
It is the majority position that Hebrews has little to add to NT pneumatology (see §1.1). However, that is far from the case. Indeed, on all seven occasions that the author of Hebrews refers to the Spirit, he does so using language and... more
Novum in Vetere latet et in Novo Vetus patet («El Nuevo está latente en el Antiguo, y el Antiguo se hace patente en el Nuevo»). Con esta fórmula resumía san Agustín la unidad de los dos Testamentos de la Biblia, en la que el misterio de... more
Interpretations of the resurrection proof in Mark 12:26-27a must explain the relevance of Jesus’ Exod. 3:6 citation and indicate how his conclusion points to resurrection rather than immortality. Current scholarly proposals often render... more
El episodio del diácono Felipe con el eunuco etíope relatado en los Hechos por Lucas nos permite comprobar la riqueza de fe y de vida que brota de la lectura creyente de la Escritura; una Escritura que en su conjunto habla de Cristo y a... more
sermon from Matthew 4:1-11, preached 1/21/18 at Kilgore Bible Church, Kilgore, TX
Este libro, nacido en el trabajo pastoral, ofrece un primer acercamiento a la Sagrada Escritura, Antiguo y Nuevo Testamento. Se pretende subrayar ante todo su armonía interna y su relación con el cumplimiento de uno y otro Testamento en... more
This essay seeks to advance the position of Steven Porter, and John Coe on the minimizing and marginalization of the role of the Holy Spirit in churches, in terms of the theology of the Holy Spirit, with emphasis on regeneration, and... more
sermon from Matthew 2:13-23, preached 1/7/18 at Kilgore Bible Church, Kilgore, TX
This article describes the history of the research on the use of Scripture in John’s Gospel approximately from 1885 to 2004. The perspective adopted in this overview has identified four areas of interest and methodological approaches. The... more
Pages 73-85 in: Methodology in the Use of the Old Testament in the New: Context and Criteria. Edited by D. Allen & S. Smith. Library of New Testament Studies 579. London: Bloomsbury, 2019.
There is a broad consensus in New Testament scholarship that 1 Cor 12–14 is Paul’s attempt to reign in an abusing use of glossolalia among the Corinthian Christ followers. While a concern about such abuse is evident in the passage, the... more
In the classic movie, The Princess Bride, Vizzini keeps repeating, "Inconceivable!" At one point, Inigo Montoya responds to him, saying, "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."
One of four papers used for the exhibition De/Coding the Apocalypse by Michael Takeo Magruder. It asks the questions (and mediates on the answers) How have people approached Revelation's supposed future images? What longings do these... more
sermon from Matthew 11:1-19, preached 7/22/18 at Kilgore Bible Church, Kilgore, TX
This essay seeks to honor Richard Hays’s pioneering work on and faith in Paul’s narrative substructure by considering how we might strengthen, and even reconceive, the project so as to provide it with a stronger methodological foundation.... more
sermon from Matthew 4:12-25, preached 1/28/18 at Kilgore Bible Church, Kilgore, TX
This study responds to the status quaestionis concerning the New Testament Letter of James with a marked departure from current scholarship that remains largely skeptical of definitive hypotheses regarding authorship, historical... more
The post-Renaissance era has spawned many good, and less good, philosophical approaches and studies but wreaked havoc in more sharply critical Analysis of the Sacred Scriptures and extra-Biblical approaches to Christ, His Teachings and... more
Ever since James Cameron’s The Terminator and its sequel Cameron’s Terminator 2: Judgment Day arrived in cinemas, their similarities to the biblical themes, and particularly “apocalyptic” ones associated with the book of Revelation,... more