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The aim of the study was to examine the atheroprotective effect of dietary curcumin in a mouse model of atherosclerosis and to identify its cellular and molecular targets at the vascular level. Methods and results: ApoE -/mice were fed... more
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      Nutrition and DieteticsAtherosclerosisCell AdhesionNutrigenomics
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      Philosophy of ScienceStructural BiologyHistory of ScienceComputer Networks
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    • Nutrigenomics
Health nudge interventions to steer people into healthier lifestyles are increasingly applied by governments worldwide, and it is natural to look to such approaches to improve health by altering what people choose to eat. However, to... more
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      PsychologyNutrition and DieteticsDepressionNutrigenomics
Proper nutrition offers one of the most effective and least costly ways to decrease the burden of many diseases and their associated risk factors, including obesity. Nutrition research holds the key to increasing our understanding of the... more
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      EngineeringNutrition and DieteticsHealth PromotionHealth Behavior
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Insulin resistance has been shown to be the major contributing factor to the metabolic syndrome, which comprises a cluster of risk factors for metabolic aberrations such as obesity, dyslipidemia, hypertension, and hyperglycemia.... more
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      ObesityGene regulationNutrigenomicsMolecular and cellular biology
Research on aquatic animal nutrition has demonstrated that the expression of related genes can be modified with different feeding components. From the nutrigenomics point of view, nutrients are feeding signals, which are detected by the... more
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A B S T R A C T Ruminants have a very special niche in the animal kingdom, and are the most important livestock species providing milk, meat, and wool for humans from consumption of highly-fibrous feedstuffs. Cattle, goat and sheep have... more
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Advances in molecular biology, emergence of novel techniques and huge amount of information generated in the post-Human Genome Project era have fostered the emergence of new disciplines in the field of nutritional research: Nutrigenomics... more
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      Nutrition and DieteticsDietNutrigenomicsFolic acid
Makanan sebagai sumber protein, karbohidrat, lemak, vitamin, dan mineral sangat diperlukan bagi kesehatan fisik, pertumbuhan, dan mengatur proses metabolisme. Makanan yang berkualitas, aman dan menarik dapat diperoleh melalui perlakuan... more
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      Nutrition and DieteticsRuminant NutritionNutritionPublic Health Nutrition
Nutrigenetics and nutrigenomics hold much promise for providing better nutritional advice to the public generally, genetic subgroups and individuals. Because nutrigenetics and nutrigenomics require a deep understanding of nutrition,... more
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      GeneticsHealth PromotionResearch DesignSingapore
The Institute of Medicine recently convened a workshop to review the state of the various domains of nutritional genomics research and policy and to provide guidance for further development and translation of this knowledge into nutrition... more
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      GeneticsHealth ManagementDietNutrigenomics
Nutritional research is undergoing a remarkable transformation driven by new technological tools. Because of the complexity of the components present in food and how they may interact with the biochemical networks of living organisms,... more
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Genetika Manusia
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      GeneticsHuman GeneticsNutrigenomics
Compendio de Biomecánica articular
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      NutrigenomicsNutricionFisioterapia OrtopedicaBiologia Molecular
La epigenética estudia los procesos de expresión géni- ca que no requieren de la modificación de la secuencia de AdN, es decir, se ocupa de las diferentes trayectorias que un genotipo puede tomar a lo largo del desarrollo del organismo.... more
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      Nutrition and DieteticsRuminant NutritionNutritionPublic Health Nutrition
There is growing interest in applying metabolic profiling technologies to food science as this approach is now embedded into the foodomics toolbox. This review aims at exploring how metabolic profiling can be applied to the development of... more
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      MetabolomicsNutrigenomicsFunctional FoodNutritional Status
Bibliographic Indices. This publication is listed in bibliographic services, including Current Contents® and PubMed/MEDLINE. Disclaimer. The statements, opinions and data contained in this publication are solely those of the individual... more
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      GeneticsNutrition and DieteticsFoodNutrigenomics
The genetic makeup that individuals inherit from their ancestors is responsible for variation in responses to food and susceptibility to chronic diseases such as Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Common variations in gene sequences, such... more
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    • Nutrigenomics
La presentazione, redatta in occasione di un esame, prende in considerazione l'interazione tra gli alimenti e l'istone deacetilasi. In particolare si è voluto porre attenzione alle: - diete iperlipidiche - diete iperglicemiche e alcune... more
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      Nutrition and DieteticsNutrigenomicsDietary Supplements1. Nutrigenomics and human health
Mounting evidence supports the hypothesis that functional foods containing physiologically-active components may be healthful. Longitudinal cohort studies have shown that some food classes and dietary patterns are beneficial in primary... more
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      NutrigenomicsFunctional FoodFood habitsMediterranean diet
In Italy, patients with dyslipidemia account for 15-20% of the adult population with major healthcare and socio-economic impact. According to the ESC/EAS guidelines for the management of dyslipidemias, desirable cholesterol and... more
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      Life StyleDietNutrigenomicsItaly
Despite progress that has been made in the treatment of obesity, the epidemic continues to rise worldwide. While pharmacological treatment of obesity may be effective, medications may have significant side effects and can be potentially... more
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      DesignArtSocial SciencesPerformance Art
Pregnancy is a vital time of growth and development during which maternal nutrition significantly influences the future health of both mother and baby. During pregnancy, the fetus experiences a critical period of plasticity. Epigenetics,... more
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The immune system is exquisitely sensitive to environmental changes. Diet constitutes one of the major environmental factors that exerts a profound effect on immune system development and function. Epigenetics is the study of mitotically... more
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      Nutrition and DieteticsDietNutrigenomicsmiRNA
This review synthesizes recently published information regarding nutrition and its impact upon epigenetically mediated mechanisms involved in longevity and aging.
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The search for knowledge regarding healthy/adequate food has increased in the last decades among the world population, researchers, nutritionists, and health professionals. Since ancient times, humans have known that environment and food... more
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    • Nutrigenomics
Molecular mechanisms involved in the protective effect of Mediterranean diet and olive oil consumption in humans Valentini Konstantinidou TESI DOCTORAL UPF / 2010 DIRECTOR DE LA TESI Dra. Maria Isabel Covas Planells ...
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      NutritionNutrigenomicsGene expressionMicroarray
Descripción: hierba siempreverde, espinosa, rizoma robusto, tallo de hasta 2 m de alto. Hojas alternas, oblongas, delgadas, lobuladas, haz verde, envés blanquecino, sin espinas, de hasta 0.9 m de largo. Flores azul-violeta, grandes... more
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      Health SciencesNutrigenomics
The modern food system feeds six billion people with remarkable diversity, safety, and nutrition. Yet, the current rise in diet-related diseases is compromising health and devaluing many aspects of modern agriculture. Steps to increase... more
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      Health PromotionMetabolomicsDietProteomics
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is considered a global pandemic, and the incidence of DM continues to grow worldwide. Nutrients and dietary patterns are central issues in the prevention, development and treatment of this disease. The pathogenesis... more
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      Nutrition and DieteticsDietNutrigenomicsEpigenetics
The aim of this research was to explore consumer perceptions of personalised nutrition and to compare these across three different levels of ''medicalization'': lifestyle assessment (no blood sampling); phenotypic assessment (blood... more
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      Health BehaviorFocus GroupsDietConsumer Behavior
Proper nutrition offers one of the most effective and least costly ways to decrease the burden of many diseases and their associated risk factors, including obesity. Nutrition research holds the key to increasing our understanding of the... more
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      EngineeringNutrition and DieteticsHealth PromotionHealth Behavior
The field of nutrigenomics shows tremendous promise for improved understanding of the effects of dietary intake on health. The knowledge that metabolic pathways may be altered in individuals with genetic variants in the presence of... more
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      Nutrition and DieteticsNutritionDietNutrigenomics
Neural tube defects (NTDs) are one of the commonest birth defects with a high incidence in India. However, few studies have systematically looked into the etio-pathogeneis of NTDs, which mainly includes nutritional deficiencies and... more
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      NutrigenomicsIndiaNeural Tube Defectsvitamin B deficiency
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Recent longitudinal studies in dietary daily intake in human centenarians have shown that a satisfactory content of some micronutrients within the cells maintain several immune functions, a low grade of inflammation and preserve... more
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The aim of this study is to apply the Nutrient Analysis Critical Control Point (NACCP) process to ensure that the highest nutrient levels in food can determine a beneficial effect on the health of the consumer. The NACCP process involves... more
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      Food ScienceNutritionFood and NutritionNutrigenomics
Evolutionary medicine has gained increasing attention in recent years by implying that a food selection similar to that of the Paleolithic may prevent diseases. This article is an attempt to characterize the food selection during hominid... more
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      NutrigenomicsEvolutionary medicineBody CompositionBiological evolution
Considerable information on the chemistry and biological properties of dietary phytochemicals has accumulated over the past three decades. The scattering of the data in tens of thousands publications and the diversity of experimental... more
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      EngineeringBioinformaticsHealth PromotionMetabolism
Nutrigenomics attempts to define the molecular relationships between nutrition and the response of genes, as well as establishing the expected response of the individual to nutritional substances depending on the person’s basic genetic... more
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      GeneticsMolecular BiologyIntegrative MedicineComplementary and Alternative Medicine
Vitamin D is a micronutrient that is needed for optimal health throughout the whole life. Vitamin D 3 (cholecalciferol) can be either synthesized in the human skin upon exposure to the UV light of the sun, or it is obtained from the diet.... more
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      BioinformaticsNutritionLife SciencesVitamin D
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) encompassed several chronic inflammatory disorders leading to damage of the gastrointestinal tract (GI). The 2 principal forms of these disorders are ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn disease (CD).... more
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      ProbioticsLife StyleDietNutrigenomics
Milk has co-evolved with mammals and mankind to nourish their offspring and is a biological fluid of unique complexity and richness. It contains all necessary nutrients for the growth and development of the newborn. Structure and function... more
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    • Nutrigenomics
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      NutrigenomicsResearchChronic DiseaseAwareness
Childhood obesity is a major worldwide health problem. Intervention programs to ameliorate the rate of obesity have been designed and implemented; yet the epidemic has no end near in sight. AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) has become... more
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      ObesityNutrigenomicsChildhood ObesityMetformin