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Background: The United Kingdom (UK), alongside other industrialised countries, is experiencing a shortage of nurses partly due to low retention rates. Job satisfaction has been highlighted as a contributing factor to intent to leave and... more
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      NursingResearch DesignOrganizational CultureLeadership
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      NursingMental HealthMental Health nursingStigma
Prescriptive authority for nurses and midwives was introduced in Ireland in 2007. This allows nurses and midwives who have completed a prescribing preparation programme to independently prescribe a wide-range of medications. To date... more
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      NursingPregnancyPatient CompliancePatient Satisfaction
Breastfeeding prevalence in the United Kingdom is one of the lowest in Europe. The midwife provides feeding support for new mothers but research suggests that midwives' knowledge of breastfeeding is limited. To discover the views of... more
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      NursingQuality of Mental Health CareOrthopedic NursingNursing Studies
Results of reliability and agreement studies are intended to provide information about the amount of error inherent in any diagnosis, score, or measurement. The level of reliability and agreement among users of scales, instruments, or... more
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      NursingResearch DesignHealth CareStatistical Analysis
The purpose of this study was to describe children's (aged 8-12 yr) experiences with postsurgical pain relieving methods, and their suggestions to nurses and parents concerning the implementation of pain relief measures in the hospital.
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      NursingSurgeryContent AnalysisTreatment
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      NursingPhenomenologySocial SupportQualitative Research
Background: In postoperative pain treatment patients are asked to rate their pain experience on a single uni-dimensional pain scale. Such pain scores are also used as indicator to assess the quality of pain treatment. However, patients... more
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      NursingAdolescentMedicineYoung Adult
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      NursingEmpathyNursing CareGreat Britain
Background: Suffering is not only characterized by the feeling of being threatened, but also by the feeling of impotence to deal with such a threat. Literature identifies a terminal illness as a period during which several experiences... more
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      NursingQualitative ResearchSpainNarration
Incontinent patients are at risk for incontinence-associated dermatitis. Prolonged exposures of the skin to urine and/or stool are causal factors but the exact aetiology and pathophysiology are not fully understood. The aim of the current... more
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      NursingAdolescentUrinary incontinenceYoung Adult
The British government's involvement in overseas nurse recruitment originated in its imperial past when the Colonial Nursing Service was established in 1940 by the Colonial Office to unify the administration of British nurse appointments... more
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      NursingColonialismUnited KingdomLabour Market
What is already known about the topic?
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      PsychologyNursingParentingHong Kong
Background: Italian Nursing Faculties use a range of tutorial strategies (laboratory sessions, intensive clinical tutoring, weekly tutoring) aimed to enhance nursing students' diagnostic reasoning: these strategies have different impacts... more
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      NursingReflective PracticeCritical ThinkingClinical Reasoning
In psychiatric care professionals perceive some patients as 'difficult', especially patients with long-term non-psychotic disorders. For these patients few evidence-based treatments exist. An intervention program, Interpersonal... more
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      NursingInterpersonal CommunicationMental Health nursingLong Term Care
End-stage chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a debilitating, life-limiting condition. A palliative approach is appropriate for individuals with end-stage COPD, yet currently few interventions embrace this holistic,... more
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      NursingPalliative CareInterventionsNursing Studies
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      NursingIsraelProspective studiesNursing Studies
What is already known on this topic? -The extent to which patients feel confident and capable in their ability to participate in safety-related behaviours is positively associated with their behavioural intentions.
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This research into the concept of support was undertaken because of the recurrent use of the concept in nursing research and especially because of the vital importance of support to family carers of older persons. To inductively develop a... more
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      NursingSocial SupportConcept analysisNursing Research
This study explored the perceptions of 12 patients attending a day care unit in June/July 1996, with the purpose of finding out what was important to these people about their day care experiences. It used a phenomenological methodology... more
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      NursingHumanismSocial IsolationPatient Satisfaction
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of an educational program with interactive videodisc systems (IVS) in improving affective dispositions toward critical thinking for RN-BSN students in Taiwan. A pre-/post-test... more
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      Program EvaluationNursingEducational MeasurementCritical Thinking
Acute psychiatric wards manage patients whose actions may threaten safety (conflict). Staff act to avert or minimise harm (containment). The Safewards model enabled the identification of ten interventions to reduce the frequency of both.... more
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      NursingCluster AnalysisGreat BritainNursing Studies
Background The NSW Health Policy Directive (NSW Department of Health 2000) lists clinical service and consultancy; clinical leadership; research; education; clinical services planning and management as the five domains of practice for... more
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      NursingAustraliaConsultantsLeadership Development
What is already known about the topic?
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      NursingPrimary CareGeneral PracticePrimary Health Care
S tatistical analysis of data is crucial in cephalometric investigations. There are certainly excellent examples of good statistical practice in the field, but some articles published worldwide have carried out inappropriate analyses.... more
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Background: Seasonal influenza has become a serious public health problem worldwide and vaccination is recognized as the most effective preventative measure. Healthcare workers can be the vectors of influenza outbreaks. Data suggest that... more
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      NursingRiskPublic HealthKnowledge
This paper discusses technology in relation to nursing practice development in order to demonstrate the need to apprehend nursing within the context of technological advancement. Issues pertinent to formulating an understanding of... more
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      NursingNursesProfessional AutonomyNursing Studies
Reliable data on child growth is a prerequisite for monitoring and improving child health. Despite the extensive resources invested in recording anthropometry, there has been little research into the reliability of these data. If these... more
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      NursingChild healthNonparametric StatisticsAnthropometry
What is already known about the topic? Increasing numbers of people, due to advanced age, will be frail and chronically ill and in need of home care or nursing home care.
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      NursingIcelandNursing HomesAged
Background: The study documented Australian primigravidas' perceptions about breastfeeding. Objectives: To examine women's perspectives of their breastfeeding experiences during the first 12 weeks postpartum. Design: A Journal was... more
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      NursingQualitative ResearchSocial ClassHelping Behavior
Background: The Belgian Nursing Minimum Data Set (B-NMDS) is a nationwide registration of 23 nursing activities. It was developed for the measurement of nursing care in acute hospitals. It is used to support healthcare management & policy... more
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      NursingDecision MakingBelgiumNursing Care
Background: Achieving asthma control is central to optimising patient quality of life and clinical outcome. Contemporary models of chronic disease management across a variety of countries point to the importance of micro, meso and macro... more
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      NursingPrimary CarePrimary Health CareQuality of life
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      NursingNursing Studies
Background: Recent research reveals that not all job demands have negative effects on workers' well-being and suggests that the negative or positive effects of specific job demands depend on the occupational sector. Specifically,... more
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The aim of this paper was to explore the patients' experiences of hope during the first months following acute spinal cord injury. This qualitative study has a descriptive and explorative design. Data were collected by personal... more
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      NursingFearQualitative ResearchSpinal Cord Injury
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      NursingCommunicationOrganizational CulturePatient Safety
2009) Creating a therapeutic environment : a non-randomised controlled trial of a quiet time intervention for patients in acute care.
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The study aims were to (a) describe the experiences of Chinese Australians with heart disease following discharge from hospital for an acute cardiac event; (b) identify patterns and cultural differences of Chinese Australians following... more
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      NursingFocus GroupsChinaCardiovascular disease
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      NursingMental HealthMental Health nursingPrejudice
The purpose of this literature review is to document what is known about the most common symptoms and symptom clusters in adolescents receiving cancer treatment in order to advance the science of symptom management for this unique group... more
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      NursingAdolescentNursing StudiesNeoplasms
Background: Diabetes-related distress is a prevalent emotional state experienced among people living with type 2 diabetes. It has predominantly been studied in relation to diabetes management and metabolic control and to some extent in... more
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      NursingNorwayProspective studiesNursing Studies
Objectives: Cancer treatment can impair fertility. The aim of this review was to investigate (1) fertility information needs, receipt and provision, (2) fertility information preferences, and (3) factors associated with... more
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      NursingFertilityInformation ServicesCaregivers
Making decisions to call emergency assistance to patients is an important dimension of nursing practice. Most usually these decision making situations are uncertain and it is expected nurses rely on past clinical experiences. This study,... more
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      NursingLogicDecision MakingEvaluation
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      Program EvaluationNursingNonparametric StatisticsEducational Measurement
Background: Reporting of known and suspected child abuse and neglect is a fundamental responsibility of health professionals in many countries including Australia. Nurses' duties to report child abuse and neglect are expressed in... more
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      NursingAustraliaProfessional TrainingMultivariate Analysis
Ongoing instability in the nursing workforce is raising questions globally about the issue of nurse turnover. A comprehensive literature review was undertaken to examine the current state of knowledge about the scope of the nurse turnover... more
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      NursingHealth CareJob SatisfactionQuality of Mental Health Care
Objectives: This scoping review explores the work of nurse practitioners in primary health care settings in developed countries and critiques their contribution to improved health outcomes. Design: A scoping review design was employed and... more
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      NursingPrimary Health CareNurse PractitionersDeveloped Countries
Background: The majority of older persons in Lebanon live with their family, which provides the help and care required when their relative is functionally impaired. Knowing that taking care of an older impaired relative is considered a... more
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      NursingFamilyLebanonSocial Support