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      NumismaticsRoman numismatics and archaeologyAncient Roman NumismaticsHellenistic Roman and Byzantine Archaeology in the Land of Israel
In 2017, an opportunity arose to carry out a systematic metal-detecting survey in the environs of the Roman town of Sorviodunum. Whilst controlled excavations and geophysical investigations have previously taken place both inside the... more
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      ArchaeologyNumismaticsRoman EmpireRoman coins
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      Native American StudiesNumismaticsSoutheast Asian ArchaeologyAncient numismatics (Archaeology)
An article from the Searcher magazine discussing three hoards of the coins known as sceattas found in the county.
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      Anglo-Saxon StudiesNumismaticsEarly medieval numismaticsAnglo-Saxon archaeology
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      NumismaticsAncient Roman NumismaticsByzantine NumismaticsPisidia
The aim of this article is to discuss a very important topic of interest and to define the character of an immense group of coins, namely - the group of the tetradrachms, which, according to the author, are called the tetradrachms of the... more
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    • Numismatics
An article considering the hoard of ten Roman gold aurei recently found in the Norfolk Broads.
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      HistoryArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyNumismatics
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      NumismaticsPapal HistoryPapal Coins
I am in the beginning stages of establishing the Southeast Asian Numismatics Digital Archive (NOTE: An early proof-of-concept site can be found at A proposal currently under consideration would adopt the numisdata... more
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      Southeast Asian StudiesSouth Asian HistoryNumismaticsSouth Asian Archaeology
Gli Annali di storia bresciana, promossi dall'Ateneo di Brescia, sono realizzati con il contributo della I diritti di traduzione, di memorizzazione elettronica, di riproduzione e di adattamento totale o parziale, con... more
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      Art HistoryNumismaticsMedieval numismaticsNumismatica medievale
This MSc thesis contributes new information to and original analysis of the topics of Viking-Age silver hoards and Irish monastic settlements, as well as their respective usefulness for understanding the early medieval Irish economy.... more
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      Historical GeographyMedieval StudiesNumismaticsEarly Medieval Ireland
In der vorliegenden Arbeit soll der Horizont des Imperium Romanum nach Osten anhand von numismatischen Zeugnissen untersucht werden. Hierfür bieten sich vor allem die römischen Münzfunde aus Indien an, da sie in der Fachwelt am meisten... more
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      ArchaeologyNumismaticsRömische KaiserzeitRömische Geschichte
Conclusions about the duration of participation in the circulation of the coins from the 6th–7th centuries are presented by analysing the coin composition of the collective finds from the studied period. The results show that the life... more
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      NumismaticsNumismaticByzantine StudiesByzantine History
achim lichtenberger, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster rubina raja, Aarhus Universitet Advisory Board Susan e. alcock Marianne Bergmann robin osborne r. r. r. Smith voluMe 1
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      Ancient HistoryClassical ArchaeologyClassicsIconography
Der Bayerische und der Böhmische Pfennig (Text auf Tschechisch) Bayern und Böhmen waren im bereits im Hochmittelalter sowohl durch intensive Handelsbeziehungen wie auch durch Migrationsprozessen eng miteinander verbunden. Die Phasen,... more
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      Economic HistoryMedieval HistoryNumismaticsHistory of Trade
The quantitative and qualitative growth of archaeological research in post-classical contexts in Italy has made it possible to conduct a census of coin finds in churches from the early Middle Ages to the Modern Era. This paper presents... more
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      NumismaticsMedieval ArchaeologyAnthropology of MoneyMedieval numismatics
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    • Numismatics
22 perforated coins were excavated in the Aquincum-Graphisoft cemetery, the eastern graveyard of the civil town, primarily found in child graves. This is surprising compared to the general scarcity of these pierced coins in... more
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      NumismaticsRoman numismatics and archaeologyAncient Roman NumismaticsRoman coins
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      NumismaticsMonetary historyChinese history (History)
Newly discovered 1st century AD coins issued by the kingdom of Kucha.
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      NumismaticsChinese archaeologyChinese history (History)Kushan history
Tav. I. a: denaro ottoniano di Pavia, collezione privata; b: denaro ottoniano di Lucca, Museo Nazionale di Villa Guinigi, Lucca; c-d: denaro lucchese per Corrado II e per Enrico IV, collezione privata; e-f: denari lucchesi per Enrico V,... more
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      NumismaticsMedieval numismaticsNumismatica medievaleNumismatica
If you want to be remembered as “Great” it helps to be the child of a king, whether your name is Alfred, or Catherine, or ….Alexander.

It also helps to fight victorious wars. History’s losers seldom get to be called “Great”

And it... more
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      NumismaticsAlexander the GreatAncient Greek Numismatics
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      ArchaeologyBalkan StudiesNumismaticsStatistical Methods in Archaeology
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    • Numismatics
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    • Numismatics
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    • Numismatics
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    • Numismatics
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    • Numismatics
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    • Numismatics
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    • Numismatics
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    • Numismatics
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    • Numismatics
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    • Numismatics
Özet: Makalede Osman Gâzî'nin İbrâhim Artuk tarafından yayımlanan ilk sikkesi hakkındaki bâzı iddiâların bilimsel tenkidi ve 1980'li yıllarda ünlü nümismat Nicholas Lowick'in R. P. Lindner'le birlikte inceledikleri, ancak o zamandan beri... more
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      NumismaticsEconomic and Social History of the Ottoman EmpireMedieval numismaticsOttoman coinage
Списание "Журнал за исторически и археологически изследвания" е индексирано и реферирано в международната мрежа CEEOL. Изданието е включено в Националния референтен списък на съвременни български научни издания с научно рецензиране. The... more
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      History of MedicineNumismaticsEmblem studies
Бойко-Гагарін А.С. Нове надходження до зібрання НМІУ - "севський чех" 1686 року // Нумізматика і Фалеристика. - № 2. - Київ, 2018. - С. 17.
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      Museum StudiesUkrainian StudiesHistory of MuseumsNumismatics
This workshop organised by François de Callataÿ and Antony Hostein is about names on coins (Greek, Hellenistic and Provincial). It will be held in l'INHA, Paris IIe, on Thursday 11th January. Our guest speaker will be Dan Dana (CNRS). For... more
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      Roman HistoryHellenistic HistoryOnomasticsIdentity (Culture)
Resumo: O presente artigo busca discutir a ficção para além do ψεῦδος (pseûdos) no mundo grego. Para tanto, examino o estatuto da ficção e do ficcional a partir de moedas falsas. Na relação do homem grego com sua moeda, falsa ou... more
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      Ancient HistoryGreek LiteratureGreek TragedyNumismatics
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      NumismaticsMedieval ArchaeologyMedieval numismatics
En el Archivo Histórico Nacional, en la sección de Papeles de Estado, encontramos un Expediente sobre la Amistad de varias naciones de Indios de Luisiana, entre los años 1778 y 1788. En el mismo se contiene la documentación relativa al... more
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      NumismaticsAmerican Indian StudiesHistorical medalsNumismática Colonial Sudamericana
A paper discussing Robert Cogell, blacksmith of Watlington, issuer of a token previously attributed to Oxfordshire but now realised to be a Norfolk issue. From Token Corresponding Society Bulletin for June 2019.
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      Numismatics17th-Century StudiesPost Medieval NumismaticsPost-Medieval Archaeology
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      HistoryEconomic HistoryAsian StudiesJapanese Studies
""Archaeologist, Teacher, Friend. Nicolai Telnov’s Anniversary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 MONOGRAPH INSIDE THE JOURNAL N. V. Zhilina (Moscow, Russia). Stamped Jewel Attire Reconstructed Based on Old Rus Hoards of 10th —... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryEuropean HistoryCultural History