Numerical Analysis and Computational Methods

111 papers
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Numerical Analysis and Computational Methods is a branch of mathematics that focuses on developing, analyzing, and implementing algorithms for approximating solutions to mathematical problems that cannot be solved analytically. It encompasses techniques for numerical approximation, error analysis, and the study of convergence and stability of numerical algorithms.
The discrete autonomous/non-autonomous Toda equations and the discrete Lotka-Volterra system are important integrable discrete systems in fields such as mathematical physics, mathematical biology and statistical physics. They also have... more
We study the limiting behavior of the zeros of the Euler polynomials. When linearly scaled, they approach a definite curve in the complex plane related to the Szegö curve which governs the behavior of the roots of the Taylor polynomials... more
In this paper we discuss a kind of symbolic operator method by making use of the defined Sheffer-type polynomial sequences and their generalizations, which can be used to construct many power series transformation and expansion formulas.... more
The study discussed the utilization of banana (Musa Paradisiaca) peel incorporated into biodegradable planting bag. The use of banana peel (BP) in this study is mainly to replace the synthetic materials used in the conventional planting... more
The aim of this research is to establish a relation between the derivatives of Hardy's Z function and the argument of the Riemann zeta function in the neighborhood of points where |Z| reaches a large maximum. In this paper, we make a... more
In this manuscript, we construct a general family of optimal derivative free iterative methods by using rational interpolation. This family is further extended to a family of with-memory methods with increased order of convergence by... more
For a given $\theta\in (-1,1)$, we find out all parameters $\alpha,\beta\in \{0,1\}$ such that, there exists a linear combination of Jacobi polynomials $J_{n+1}^{(\alpha,\beta)}(x)-C J_{n}^{(\alpha,\beta)}(x)$ which generates a Lobatto... more
Politically-contested issues are often discussed with different emphases by different people. This emphasis is called a frame. In this paper, we examine the performance of classifiers trained using the media frames Corpus (MFC) (Card et... more
Plastics, which are dumped in landfills and disintegrate very slowly, are one of the main drivers of land pollution. Because of this, biodegradable and biocompatible polymers are currently increasing importance in both fundamental and... more
Diophantine equation is an important concept while studying number theory. But there is as such no standard method or procedure to find the solution of the Diophantine equation. In this article, the numerical solution of Diophantine... more
This paper introduces a globally convergent algorithm for solving a class of nonsmooth optimization problems, involving square roots of quadratic forms. The class includes in particular limit analysis problems in plasticity. The algorithm... more
A new formulation for the channel capacity problem is derived by using the duality theory of convex programming. The simple nature of this dual representation is suitable for computational purposes. The results are derived in a unified... more
In the last few years, the notion of optimal polynomial approximant has appeared in the mathematics literature in connection with Hilbert spaces of analytic functions of one or more variables. In the 70s, researchers in engineering and... more
In this work, we present two sets of full asymptotic expansions for the modified Bessel functions I ν (z) and K ν (z) and a full asymptotic expansion for I ν (z)K ν (z) as ν → ∞ and z is fixed with | arg z| < π. In particular, we show... more
The purpose of this study is to (1) identify addiction symptoms that are uniquely associated with mobile phone use among adolescents in Korea; (2) examine how background characteristics are related to addiction symptoms; and (3) explore... more
Conventional regular moment functions have been proposed as pattern sensitive features in image classi®cation and recognition applications. But conventional regular moments are only invariant to translation, rotation and equal scaling. It... more
Under the Riemann hypothesis, we use the distribution of zeros of the zeta function to get a lower bound for the maximum of some derivative of Hardy's function.
Background: With the sensitivity of the polymerase chain reaction test used to detect the presence of the virus in the human host, the worldwide health community has been able to record a large number of the recovered population.... more
Objective. To describe women's perception of health care after they decided to have a voluntary termination of pregnancy and their referral to the abortion clinic. Design. Qualitative method, using semistructured interviews carried out... more
The present paper reports the occurrence of Gerres infasciatus (Perciformes: Gerreidae), the third species in the "G. filamentosus" complex, for the first time from coastal waters of Andhra Pradesh, Odisha and West Bengal states of India,... more
The paper presents the design of deep excavation support system in an urban environment. Excavation is carried out in the vicinity of surrounding buildings whose structural stability must be ensured during the execution of the... more
The main aims of this paper are to show that some results presented in [1] are erroneous. To this end, we provide some counterexamples to demonstrate our claim, and give the correct form of the incorrect results in [1]. Also, some... more
Background/Objectives: An extensive experimental and analytical investigation was carried out to explore the behaviour of circular concrete filled GFRP tubes (CFFTs) using NSC (Normal Strength Concrete), HSC (High Strength Concrete) and... more
We prove convergence for the basic LR algorithm on a real unreduced tridiagonal matrix with a one-point spectrum-the Jordan form is one big Jordan block. First we develop properties of eigenvector matrices. We also show how to deal with... more
The work presents a comparative analysis of mobile phone use by university students from two universities, a group from Isfahan (Iran) and another from Malaga (Spain). To do this, two groups of young people (90 students from the... more
Madura is one of the sharia tourist attractions in Indonesia, so many local and foreign tourists come to Madura Island to carry out sharia tours by visiting Islamic places such as mosques, tombs of the great Madurese clerics, and halal... more
Adsorption capacity of Cr (VI) onto cousinia eryngioides boiss, activated carbon was investigated in a batch system by considering the effects of various parameters like contact time, initial concentration, pH, temperature, agitation... more
In this paper, the synthesis of new montmorillonite nanocomposite hydrogel (MMTNH) based on poly (acrylic acid-co-acrylamide) grafted onto starch, is described. Montmorillonite (MMT) as nanometer base, acrylic acid (AA) and acrylamide... more
The purpose of this research is to know Influence Halal Lifestyle, Profitability, Size of the Corporate Social Responsibility based Tawhidi Epistemology Approach. The method used in this research is quantitative research with descriptive... more
Thermodynamically consistent equation of state (EOS) of two-temperature aluminum across a wide range of parameter space (compression ratio ratios V 0 /V up to 4, electronic temperatures T e up to 1,500,000 K and ionic temperature T ion up... more
Solving the Vlasov-Maxwell problem can lead to very expensive computations. To construct a simpler model, Laval et al. [G. Laval, S. Mas-Gallic, P.A. Raviart, Paraxial approximation of ultrarelativistic intense beams, Numer. Math. 69 (1)... more
This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with... more
Filtering is the most common task in digital signal processing, when some particular parameters of the input signal are removed or modified and a new signal is obtained at the output. The most common filtering goal is to remove noise from... more
Objectives: This study focuses on customer preference to the Mobile phone Service Providers among the University students. In a shorter span, the usage of mobile phones has a drastic increase and that emerge new technology devices to... more
Досліджено нові програмно-орієнтовані логічні формалізми-логіки часткових предикатів з операцією (композицією) предикатного доповненням, названі LC. Подібні операції використовуються в різних варіантах логік Флойда-Хоара з частковими... more
Numerical methods for strongly oscillatory and singular functions are given in this paper. Beside a summary of standard methods and product integration rules, we consider a class of complex integration methods. Several applications of... more
Bilateral traumatic facial nerve palsy (FNP) is rare and can present with distressing features. We report a 23-year-old male final year medical student with a 10-day history of speech difficulty following a passenger motorcycle road... more
It has been reported that about 40% of the compounds being developed by the pharmaceutical industries are poorly water soluble. The limiting factor to the in vivo performance of poorly water soluble drugs after oral administration their... more
Coronavirus (COVID-19) is the virus which has killed so many people in the world. The spread of COVID-19 within a region in South East Asia has been modelled using a compartment model called SEIR (Susceptible, Exposed, Infected,... more
Amidst growing concern over media manipulation, NLP attention has focused on overt strategies like censorship and "fake news". Here, we draw on two concepts from the political science literature to explore subtler strategies for... more
Clear cell sarcoma is a rare mesenchymal tumor with melanocytic differentiation, firstly described by Enziger in 1965. It accounts for less than 1% of all soft tissue sarcomas and occurs predominantly in the extremities of adults. Primary... more
In this article we study solutions to second order linear difference equations with variable coefficients. Under mild conditions we provide closed form solutions using finite continued fraction representations. The proof of the results... more
The Safavid era is the first reign of twelfth-Imam of Shi'a. On the other hand, it is the first reign which the Ulama came into the field of Politics seriously & had run their laws, decrees & political functions up to the last official... more
This case report highlights problems encountered by psychiatrists when treating a 68-year-old female patient who presented with a first episode of psychosis. She suffered from constipation, an anticholinergic side effect of quetiapine and... more
In order to fight poverty, targeting mechanisms for social assistance have generally been used especially in developing countries. Even though there are differences intargeting mechanisms from one country to another, the most important... more
We treat the theory of numerical quadrature over a square using an m2 copy Q'"'f of a one-point quadrature rule. For some integrand functions the quadrature error Q'""f-Zf may be expressed as an asymptotic expansion in inverse powers of m... more