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Indigenous students in the middle-school years who experience difficulties in basic mathematics are a particularly vulnerable group. During these years gaps in performance between educationally disadvantaged students and their peers... more
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      Mathematics EducationPolitical ScienceNumeracyEffect size
Abstract: This paper reports data from the evaluation of the numeracy component of a long-running educational intervention, covering the period from 2001 to 2008." QuickSmart" is both an intervention and research project... more
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      Program EvaluationPsychologyNumeracyStandardized Tests
This research report summarises the results of an exploratory teaching program in a primary and secondary school in rural New South Wales, Australia, focused on improving basic mathematics skills. Pupils, aged 11 to 13 years, identified... more
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      Computer ScienceEducationMathematics EducationAutomaticity
The snail’s pace of the development and promotion of African indigenous languages as viable media of instruction is responsible for the linguistic marginalisation of the majority of African students in higher education. This article... more
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      MultilingualismLanguage Policy
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceDevelopmental PsychologyEducational Psychology
Creative thinking is one kind of thinking (thinking) that directs getting insight (insight) recently, a new approach, a new perspective, or a new way of resolving problems. In addition to creative thinking ability factor, factor of... more
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      PsychologyMathematics EducationCreative thinkingNumeracy
In the 2012 PIAAC Survey of Adult Skills of 23 industrialised countries, the UK (England & NI) scored below average on adult numeracy. Several recommendations focus on the need for (some) individuals in the population to undergo training.... more
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      PsychologyLiteracyAdults Learning MathematicsNumeracy
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan langkah-langkah pembelajaran kooperatif tipe TAI (Team Assisted Individualization) menggunakan kartu soal yang dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa kelas VII D SMP PGRI 6 Malang pada materi... more
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Teachers' effectiveness is measured by how consistently they exhibit skills-related actions and how they apply their diverse abilities to accomplish tasks and achieve high-quality performance. Therefore, it is necessary to measure and... more
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Embodied design is a theory-to-practice and pedagogical framework and emphasizes the role of embodied and situated activity. Since embodiment has a powerful impact on young children's learning, implementing embodied deign in kindergartens... more
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      EmbodimentTeachers' professional developmentMath Education in Kindergarten
Quality Education is the bedrock foundation of primary level of educational pyramid. It helps not only in the development of individuals but also improve their living standard at academic and professional domains. Government of Punjab has... more
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      PsychologyLiteracyMathematics EducationLinguistics
Despite large schooling and learning gains in many developing countries, children in highly deprived areas are often unlikely to achieve even basic literacy and numeracy. We study how much of this problem can be resolved using a... more
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      PsychologyDevelopment EconomicsLiteracySocial Sciences
Background: Low education levels are endemic in much of the developing world, particularly in rural areas where traditional government-provided public services often have difficulty reaching beneficiaries. Providing trained para-teachers... more
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      LiteracyEducational MeasurementChild DevelopmentReading
In the wake of neo-liberal informed global trends to set performance standards and intensify accountability, the Dutch government aimed for 'raising standards for basic skills'. While the implementation of literacy standards was hardly... more
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      LiteracyMathematics EducationGovernmentalityAccountability
Objectives As personal health data are being returned to patients with increasing frequency and volume, visualizations are garnering excitement for their potential to facilitate patient interpretation. Evaluating these visualizations is... more
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      PsychologyComputer ScienceHealth LiteracyMedicine
Improving student learning outcomes is essential for academic achievement in India. Learning outcomes in the education system of the country need to be addressed. ASER 2021 shows that there are still gaps in foundational learning. Many... more
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    • Languages and Linguistics
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      SociologyPublishingMathematics EducationCase Studies
human capacity-known alternatively as mathematical literacy, numeracy, or quantitative literacy-is not innate but rather a learned set of competencies linked to language and culture . Quantitative literacy enriches a person's life and... more
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      PsychologyComputer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceLaw
A number of research studies have suggested that specific pedagogic strategies can have a positive impact on learning, and in turn, have a positive impact on school performance, in particular for children being schooled in disadvantaged... more
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      PsychologyMathematics EducationNumeracyDisadvantaged
Public health nurses (PHNs) are community residents' access points to health information and services in Japan. After the Fukushima nuclear accident, they were challenged to communicate radiation-related health information to best meet... more
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      Medical EducationHealth LiteracyPublic HealthMedicine
Health literacy comprises not only an individual's ability to gain access to, understand and use health information, but also health care providers' ability to make health information accessible and usable. The Fukushima nuclear accident... more
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      Medical EducationHealth LiteracyPublic HealthMedicine
This conference paper was originally published as: Cranley, L., & Hine, G. (2016). Are there any winners in high-stakes mathematics testing? A qualitative case study exploring student, parent and teacher attitudes towards NAPLAN numeracy... more
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      MathematicsEducationMathematics EducationPolitical Science
Educational researchers advocate the use of an effect size and its confidence interval to assess the effectiveness of interventions instead of relying on a p-value, which has been blamed for lack of reproducibility of research findings... more
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      Computer ScienceStatisticsEducationInference
Students' learning abilities related to implementing literacy and numeracy as knowledge and abilities that are closely related to understanding numbers, symbols and analysis of quantitative data such as graphs, tables, charts,... more
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      LiteracyMathematics EducationNumeracy
This longitudinal study, with urban and rural preschool children, examines the relationship between executive function (EF) and mathematics. A panel of direct and indirect measures of EF were used to determine which EF measures were most... more
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      PsychologyEducationAssessmentExecutive Function
The teaching campus program is one of the independent learning independent campus (MBKM) programs in the form of collaborative activities between students and target schools in teaching and developing literacy, numeracy, school... more
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      LiteracyMathematics EducationNumeracy
The authors investigated how 2-digit Arabic numerals are named by looking at the effects of masked primes on the naming latencies. Target numerals were named faster when prime and target shared a digit at the same position (e.g., the... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceMathematicsAttention
The aim of this article is to show how an approach focusing on the dynamics of the relationship between land and politeia-an aspect not often adequately considered in recent studies on the conceptualisation of citizenship as "sharing... more
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      Greek EpigraphyAncient Greek HistoryCitizenshipAncient Greek Law
his study examined numeracy corners and lower basic public primary school T pupils' twenty-first century skills acquisition with their implications for achieving Sustainable Development Goals in Lagos State, Nigeria. A descriptive survey... more
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      Mathematics EducationSustainable DevelopmentNumeracy
Methodology: The study used a combination of quantitative and qualitative research since it utilized both descriptive statistics and thematic analysis. For quantitative research, it used and utilized one-group pretest-post test... more
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    • Mathematics Education
This paper focuses on some of the most important factors that appear to have strongly influenced the development of the dominant research designs used in mathematics education research. Factors discussed that have influenced research... more
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      Computer ScienceResearch MethodologyHigher EducationMathematics Education
This study responded to one key research question: What are the accountability relationships between the actors in implementing the 3Rs curriculum reform? A qualitative research approach informed the study, using key informant interviews,... more
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Basic numeracy abilities are crucial for elementary school kids because they provide a foundation for grasping mathematical concepts. By studying and mastering certain concepts for solving mathematical problems, students in basic... more
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      NeurosciencePsychologyComputer ScienceLiteracy
Mathematics education is characterized by its variability and cultural basis, a quality that is equally evident in educational practices. This review methodically analyzes the salient features of mathematics education, with a particular... more
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    • Mathematics Education
The lack of numeracy knowledge among students at State Elementary School 013 Kaliamanting Island Village is a problem so further learning is needed The aim of this research was to assess the impact of using the Jarimatika method on... more
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The lack of numeracy knowledge among students at State Elementary School 013 Kaliamanting Island Village is a problem so further learning is needed The aim of this research was to assess the impact of using the Jarimatika method on... more
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      Program EvaluationComputer ScienceEducational TechnologyData Analysis
Kedung. This study aims to determine the implementation of the teaching campus program in improving the numeracy literacy of phase B students at SD Negeri 3 Kedung. This research was conducted at SD Negeri 3 Kedung in the 2022/2023... more
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      PsychologyLiteracyMathematics EducationMedical Education
The Department of Education aims to improve learners' numeracy skills across grade levels. It seeks to enhance mathematics learning outcomes through intervention programs and best practices. These efforts support sustainable quality... more
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Viðfangsefni þessarar ritgerðar er tengsl markvissrar tónlistarþjálfunar við framfarir í lestri og staerðfraeði hjá börnum. Margvíslegum heimildum um erlendar rannsóknir á þessu sviði var safnað saman og er fjallað um þaer í textanum.... more
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This study aims to look at the effectiveness of project-based learning on literacy skills and digital literacy of students in elementary schools. This study used a quantitative approach with the control group research method and the... more
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      LiteracyMathematics EducationNumeracyMultivariate analysis of Variance
The origins of mathematics accompanied the evolution of social systems. Many, many social needs require calculation and numbers. Conversely, the calculation of numbers enables more complex relations and interactions between peoples.... more
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    • Archaeology of Natural Places
Numerasi memilki peranan yang penting bagi masa depan siswa. Melatih kemampuan numerasi dasar siswa sejak dini untuk mempersiapkan generasi penerus. faktor dorongan motivasi dalam belajar merupakan salah satu hal yang perlu dibangkitkan... more
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This paper discusses a research study that focused on middle grades students' abilities to read and to move between different graphical representations before and after instruction. The data analyzed were collected from a group of 76... more
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceData AnalysisCognitive processes
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      BusinessNutritionPolitical ScienceSocial Capital
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      BusinessNutritionPolitical ScienceSocial Capital
This research is motivated by the lack of understanding of teachers on the assessment of reading comprehension, as well as banykanya Siwa in III, IV, and V class who experience barriers / difficulties in reading comprehension. This study... more
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      PsychologyPedagogyReading Comprehension
Introduction:Dissemination of results to research participants is largely missing from the practices of most researchers. Few resources exist that describe best practices for disseminating information to this important stakeholder... more
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      PsychologyMedicineNumeracyFocus Group
This article reports the results of research concerned with students’ statistical anxiety and confidence to both complete and learn to complete statistical tasks. Data were collected at the beginning and end of a quantitative method... more
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      PsychologyEmployabilityMathematics EducationLearning and Teaching
I declare that "An Exploration of the Design and Development of a Semi-Integrated curriculum for a Mathematical Literacy First Year Course Offered in a B.Ed Programme at a South African University" is my own work and that it has not been... more
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      Mathematics EducationPolitical ScienceCurriculum