Null Subjects
Recent papers in Null Subjects
This dissertation explores Subject Pronoun Expression (SPE) in Cabo-Verdean Creole (CVC), a Portuguese-based language spoken in the Republic of Cabo Verde. The CVC subject domain has at least three types of nominative anaphora: a subject... more
In this chapter, I will offer an overview of null subjects (NSs) with individual reference interpretation in the history of Russian. 1 Specifically, I will relate the current use of NSs in root contexts and NSs in syntactically embedded /... more
El presente trabajo se ha desarrollado gracias a una beca de Formación de Personal Investigador otorgada por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación en el marco del proyecto «Corpus de Rección y complementación verbal del griego y el latín:... more
Please cite this article as Posio, Pekka. 2011. Spanish subject pronoun usage and verb semantics revisite: First and second person singular subject pronouns and focusing of attention in spoken Peninsular Spanish. Journal of Pragmatics... more
This paper focuses on subject distribution in Greek and Chilean Spanish, both null subject languages, as evidenced in the oral production of monolingual and bilingual speakers. Narratives elicited from 40 monolinguals and 76 bilinguals of... more
The paper discusses syntactic constructions with a zero subject, with focus on data from 3 languages – Russian, Ukrainian and Modern Icelandic. Zero subjects are defined in the paper according to the Meaning-Text-Theory (MTT) tradition as... more
It is generally assumed that languages with rich agreement allow null subjects, while languages with poor agreement do not. However, the concept of agreement richness has been remarkably difficult to define. This study, based on a sample... more
Peninsular Spanish (PS) and European Portuguese (EP) are null subject languages where subject person is expressed by verbal affixes and the use of subject pronouns is considered to be reserved e.g. for such purposes as the expression of... more
This paper focuses on subject distribution in Greek and Chilean Spanish, both null subject languages, as evidenced in the oral production of monolingual and bilingual speakers. Narratives elicited from 40 monolinguals and 76 bilinguals of... more
This paper examines the nature of the dependency between the availability of null subjects and the ``richness'' of verbal subject agreement from the point of view of grammar change in Medieval French based on corpus data. We present a... more
Pronominal systems are among those with the highest degree of variability in varieties of English. This may in part be due to the fact that many standard English varieties display some irregularity which is often 'remedied' in speech... more
Draft for a chapter of The Cambridge Handbook of Hispanic Linguistics (K. Geeslin, ed.). Please take into account the strict word count of 8,000 words including references and endnotes.
The Cabo-Verdean Creole (CVC) subject domain has clitic and tonic pronouns that often amalgamate in double subject pronoun constructions; the possibility of a zero-subject and the formal category underlying subject clitics are disputed... more
I revisit some "old" issues in Second Language Acquisition (SLA) that were formulated based on the Principles & Parameters model in the 1980s (Chomsky 1981) to accommodate them in a more current parametric approach, namely the Parameter... more
I revisit some "old" issues in Second Language Acquisition (SLA) that were formulated based on the Principles & Parameters model in the 1980s (Chomsky 1981) to accommodate them in a more current parametric approach, namely the Parameter... more
This presentation summarises the results of my recent study into the licensing of wide-focus subject- verb inversion in Ibero-Romance (namely, Asturian, European and Brazilian Portuguese, and Peninsular, Mexican and Rioplatense Spanish),... more
The goal of this chapter is to unveil the main properties of syntactic subjects in Chilean Spanish by addressing the following research questions: (i) To what degree is Chilean Spanish similar/dissimilar to Caribbean Spanish?, (ii) Is... more
Abstract: This paper takes a closer look at the attraction properties of T. It highlights an empirically attested distinction between rich agreement inflection, exhibited by null-subject languages, and rich tense inflection, found in... more
This paper takes a closer look at the attraction properties of T. It highlights an empirically attested distinction between rich agreement inflection, exhibited by null-subject languages, and rich tense inflection, found in Romance, but... more
This chapter analyzes the expression of subjects with identifiable referents in Brazilian Portuguese, using the multi-level architecture of Functional Discourse Grammar (Hengeveld & Mackenzie 2008) and the notions of transparency and... more
In this paper a novel view of the distribution of null subjects in Spanish is explored in which the discourse category of the antecedent of pro is crucially paid attention to. Implementing Frascarelli's (2007) work, I propose that the... more