Nuclear Energy Law
Recent papers in Nuclear Energy Law
Kenya is in the early stages of implementing a programme that will introduce nuclear power into its energy mix. 1 Nuclear power is primed to meet the energy needs required to attain the country's economic goals and objectives set out in... more The book 'The European Atomic Energy Community in the European Union Context: The 'Outsider' Within' explores the unique nature of the Euratom Community as an entity that establishes a supranational... more
Nuclear energy is one of the most important components of the world electricity supply in today's world. It provides approximately 21% of electricity in OECD countries. However, there has been a growing social and academic debate over the... more
Turkey intends to build three nuclear power stations in the Akkuyu, Sinop and Igneada regions to meet its increasing energy demands. This policy, however, is still a highly controversial topic in Turkey as nuclear energy has both... more
The legal concept and the doctrinal theory of state responsibility and liability have been in the focus of public international law for a long while. By means of domestic legislation, national law–regardless of the relevance of the... more
This work compiles primary and secondary legislation, soft-law, case-law and other documents relating to the regulation of peaceful and non-peaceful nuclear activities and of ionizing radiation at the EU level. It includes individual and... more
Both the Czech and Slovak Republic announced their plans to play an important role in the process of "nuclear renaissance" in Central Europe. However, this process cannot be limited to a mere multiplication of nuclear facilities, but must... more
Nuclear energy is the third most common energy source after fossil fuels and renewable energy worldwide. Nuclear energy provides about 10% of the world's electricity currently. However, there has been a growing discussion over nuclear... more
The given scientific article deals with the influence of Dr. Zygmunt Switkowski on the issue of nuclear debate in the Commonwealth of Australia that has been especially active in this country at the turn of 20th century and in 2000s as... more
The main purpose of this article is to analyse the link between environmental issues and human rights. It investigates whether environmental dangers and degradation constitutes a violation of these rights. The concept of a right to life... more
The a tomic energy progra m initia ted in a modest manner and later developed into multi-dimensiona l orga nizations under DAE. The spectrum of significa nt activities includes resea rch a nd development in nuclear sciences a nd... more
This paper investigates the legal barriers to apply project finance for building nuclear power plants. Countries such as the UK, Turkey and emerging economies (i.e. Malaysia and Indonesia) are increasingly seeking to attract private... more
In late 2011 The Japanese Diet ratified four civil nuclear cooperation treaties, with Vietnam, Russia, Korea, and Jordan, adding them to the seven already in place with other countries, including China. The move was significant not only... more
The study aimed to highlight the national efforts conducted to establish and sustain the nuclear safety and regulatory infrastructures required for the development of Sudan nuclear power program. Many progresses on the legal and... more
After more than 50 years of a Euratom Community and despite detailed and wide-reaching European rules in neighbouring fields such as radiological protection, the European Union (EU) has so far been unable to adopt rules on the safety of... more
Introduction to International and EU Law applicable in the context of nuclear accidents
Severe nuclear plant accidents have made adverse impact on nuclear safety in the world (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2010). As a result, a few leading countries` reactions were distinguishing. Germany, for... more
Th is paper presents a global outlook on the evolution of the case-law of the European Court of Justice and of the European General Court related to Nuclear Law, focusing specifically on the cases handled since 2000. On the one hand,... more
Assessing Nigeria’s legal and regulatory readiness for nuclear energy investments and potential disputes Chinenyendo Nriezedi-Anejionu* Abstract Current trend in nuclear power plants (NPP) financing is increasing the relevance of... more
In a bid to attract foreign direct investments (FDI) into the energy sector, Nigeria has signed many investment and energy-related treaties. However, many of these treaties have not been ratified and domesticated as required by the 1999... more
Nuclcor Energlt i5 lhc use of susloincd nucleor .fission to gcnerote heat antl electr.icit!. lhs Nuclear pow,cr plnnts provided ohout 5.7% o.f the x,orld's crrct'glt ond I3% of rhc worltl,s elcctricillt, irt 2012. In 20],3, thc IAE,q... more
Here you can find nuclear power generation lectures by Dr. Ugur GUVEN. These nuclear power generation lectures by Dr. Guven is designed for the undergraduate student level. The nuclear energy lectures by Dr. Guven is found at... more
This paper looks at the recently adopted framework for nuclear safety in the European Union (EU) -Directive 2009/71/Euratom, both in terms of its legislative history and of the outcome's usefulness and characteristics.
Paper deals with the relations between an international convention (Vienna Convention on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage) and an act of European law (Brussels 1 Regulation) in regarding to the announced plans to multiply nuclear power... more