Nubian Archaeology

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Nubian Archaeology is the study of the ancient cultures, societies, and artifacts of Nubia, a region located along the Nile River in present-day Sudan and southern Egypt. This field examines the historical development, material culture, and interactions of Nubian civilizations from prehistoric times through the medieval period.
ABSTRACT: Preface to the Guide: Focus and limitations: The compilation of this guide began in Spring 2007 as a series of check lists and book requests for the somewhat small collection of Egyptological and related works in M. H. Sterne... more
This is an attempt to revive interest in pre-Babylonian capitivity Old Testament history, discredited through lack of evidence in Israel/Palestine. It supports the vercaity of the Old Testament historical account, from Abraham to the... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
This is a proof copy, the final version will be uploaded after publication Abstract In modern towns with multi-ethnic population and congregations of different religions and variations of religion one can notice the tendency of people... more
This publication belongs to a series of planned books on Palestine emerging from the Lower Jordan River Basin Project, a collaborative effort between the universities of Birzeit and Bergen. This project has a resource management profile,... more
The Kingdom of Kush flourished in northern Sudan between 2000 and 1500 BCE. During this period, the capital Kerma emerged as a major economic and political centre in the Nile Valley. After a short review of the application of world system... more
DETAILS: This searchable Excel database reflects the collection of key Egyptological, Near Eastern, Nubian, Arabian, Anatolian, and Aegean, plus some selected European, Viking/Norse (new), Newfoundland archaeology (new),... more
The vivid engravings on vertical rocks at the desert site of Nag el-Hamdulab west of the Nile comprise a rock art gallery of exceptional historical significance. The authors show that the images of boats with attendant prisoners, animals... more
The aim of this book is to present the material record of Nubian monasticism in a systematic manner and to conduct a comparative analysis of this phenomenon. This book also addresses several fundamental issues, for instance the presence... more
The archaeology of Egypt is in world archaeological circles widely regarded as non-theoretical in a negative sense. The consequence of such a state of the discipline are often uncritical uses of concepts and models which were under heavy... more
11th Conference of Nubian Studies Warsaw University, Warsaw 27 August - 2 September 2006 Enemy Brothers. Kinship and Relationship Between Meroites and Nubians (Nuba). Dr. Claude Rilly, CNRS-LLACAN (Paris) Meroitic and Nubian languages... more
This chapter reviews the recent debates within Egyptology and Kushite studies about the Libyan rulers, ordering of Kushite kings, political geography of late-Libyan-Kushite Egypt, and the implications for Egyptian-Israelite relations.... more
On the other hand, Jan Assman cannot possibly deceive every one! His interpretation of the pictorial presentation of the evil worshipped by Hyksos as god cannot be left so incomplete. Certainly, the Hyksos worshipped Seth (Zety) and... more
Recent survey has shown that the hinterland at Gharb Aswan, by the fi rst Nile cataract opposite modern Aswan, has a signifi cant corpus of geometric rock art. It is comparable to corpora at Abka near the second cataract and El-Hosh close... more
A brief overview and revision of the process of Egyptianisation in relation to the Pan-Grave Culture in Egypt and its "disappearance" from the archaeological record. The paper demonstrates that Egyptianisation played a less significant... more
Sorghum bicolor, one of the world's five most important crops, originated in Africa. While this has long been clear, accumulating data from both archaeobotany and genetics, provides the basis for a new overview on the domestication... more
A detailed report on excavations at Hosh el-Geruf, al Widay, and on the island of Umm Gebir in the Fourth Cataract of the Nile made during seasons 2007 and 2008. A major gold-processing site at Hosh el-Geruf is described, as well as the... more
The following text is a response sent to an email dispatched to me by the Chairman of the exiled Oromo Parliamentarians who struggle for the Independence and Self-determination of the 5 millennia long Kushitic Ethiopian Nation of the... more
The first royal burials in the Southern Cemetery at Meroe document a local family's rise to power culminating in Arkamani I's ascension to the Napatan throne. Late Napatan pyramids built on the cemetery's eastern hilltop belong to... more
I wrote a short section on the initial geophysical survey in this brilliant British Museum book that details the results of the excavations in the town and cemeteries of Amara West, Sudan.
The game related objects found in Kush illustrate both Egyptian and Greco-Roman influences. A group of graffiti boards and rows of holes that point at mancala games both present a later influence that may have an Arab or African origin,... more
The nephew and successor of Shabaka was even less prudent than his uncle. Following a period of several years of co-regency, Shabataka (as known to the Assyrians) rose to the throne of Thebes and Napata in 706 BCE and ruled until 690 BCE.... more
italiano L'esplorazione archeologica del territorio dell'antica Nubia, compreso fra gli attuali Egitto e Sudan, ha permesso di evidenziarne la complessità della speculazione teologica e dell'approccio cultuale sotto il regno... more
The thesis concerns war on the southern frontier of the emerging state of ancient Egypt, and I have studied the native A-Group people in Lower Nubia during the 4 th millennium BCE through a warfare perspective. The aim was to uncover... more
Son of Piye and Abale, younger brother of Shebitqu, Taharqa (690 – 664) reigned in Kemet (Egypt) and Kush (Ethiopia) at the times of the Assyrian zenith. There could not be worse time for a polytheist pharaoh to merge Kush / Ethiopia and... more
This book illustrates the state-of-the-art in settlement archaeology in Northeast Africa. As reflected in the title “From Microcosm to Macrocosm: Individual households and cities in Ancient Egypt and Nubia”, both a micro- approach... more
The thesis discusses the concept of "Egyptianisation" and its application to the Pan Grave culture in Egypt. It is argued that the so-calle process of Egyptianisation had little impact on the Pan Grave culture and that they maintained a... more
Through the concept of entanglement, archaeological indications of cultural identity and skeletal evidence of biological and geographic interaction are used to explore the development of the Nubian polity who ruled as the 25th Dynasty of... more
Nubian Levallois cores, now known from sites in eastern Africa, the Nile Valley and Arabia, have been used as a material culture marker for Upper Pleistocene dispersals of hominins out of Africa. The Levantine corridor, being the only... more
Nubia and Abyssinia: Comprehending their Civil History, Antiquities, Arts, Religion, Literature, and Natural History. Reverend Michael Russell, LL.D. [1833] with a New Introduction by Ambakisye Dukuzumurenyi, Ph.D.. Accra, Ghana:... more
Following the death of Ramesses XI, Egypt entered into a chaotic situation of multi-division that lasted more than 300 years. The high priests of Amun of Thebes had risen to power during the century-long period of the successors of... more