It is asserted herein that "qAy" is an unusual word for a tomb.
The model of animal husbandry is an enduring cultural element. It undergoes transformations only as a result of the pressure of serious factors: ecological, demographic or, less frequently, religious ones. By conducting comparative... more
Discoveries at Letti provide important data on the functioning and reach of one of the oldest African civilisations: the kingdom of Kerma (2500-1500 BC). Extensive surveys and preliminary excavations have recorded numerous settlement and... more
Der vorliegende Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit der materiellen Kultur zweier verlassener nubischer Dörfer in Oberägypten, deren Errichtung und Aufgabe eng mit dem Bau des britischen Dammes südlich von Aswan und den nachfolgenden... more
The presented project aimed to carry out a historic-anthropological case study focusing on two abandoned Nubian villages in Upper Egypt dated from around 1909 to the 1930ies emphasizing on the question of their significance as unique... more
The following paper focuses on two abandoned Nubian Villages south of Aswan in Upper Egypt dated to the turn of the last century emphasizing on their significance as unique witnesses and ephemeral memorials to the first historical Nubian... more
The paper presented here focuses on the sophisticated building technique of the socalled Nubian mudbrick vault through an investigation of two abandoned Nubian villages in Upper Egypt dated to the turn of the last century. The vaults,... more
The presented volume aims to carry out a socio-cultural case study focusing on two abandoned Nubian villages in Upper Egypt, which are regarding their formation and abandonment closely connected with the construction of the British Dam... more
Diplomová práce se zabývá zásadami etruského členění prostoru a orientací kultovních staveb. Popisuje architekturu etruských chrámů, konstrukci sloupů, stavební materiály a odlišnosti od chrámů řeckých. Věnuje se i oltářům. Shrnuje různé... more
Images of archangels and angels, which were painted on the walls, in the upper parts of the buildings and, on their structural elements, were very popular in Christian Nubian painting as attested by the discoveries from Church SWN.BV on... more
The paper presents a hypothetical reconstruction of the tomb of a provincial dignitary, Nomarch (district governor) Ini I, who lived during the First Intermediate Period (late 3rd millennium BCE) and was buried in the Northern Necropolis... more
This paper offers a new identification of two paintings executed on the first layer of plaster in the northern transversal aisle of the Faras Cathedral, which, due to their poor state of preservation at the time of discovery, were... more
A rock art panel from the site of el-Hosh featuring two boats along with human depictions, including one with royal regalia, alongside a presumed captor with a Nubian captive, adds a further important example of early royal iconography in... more
Nubian Studies 2022 Warsaw
Research on the Middle Kingdom fortresses in Lower Nubia is closely connected to the Egypt Exploration Society: the fortress of Buhen was explored by an EES team under the direction of Walter Bryan Emery between 1957 and 1964, before the... more
This paper reconsiders three royal inscriptions of King Merenra (Sixth Dynasty) in the region of the First Nile Cataract. They have long been known to scholars but have not received extensive treatment beyond translations. The... more
is the largest-known pastoral cemetery in sub-Saharan Africa. Located 240km south-south-east of Khartoum, Sudan, it was excavated from 1911-1914 by Henry Wellcome, the founder of the Wellcome Trust. It is a multi-phase site with deposits... more
Persistent places are the locations where people aggregate, utilise and reuse natural or built features and develop their social identities and interactions. A network of persistent places forms interconnected persistent settlement... more
This case study explores the physical and cultural connections between the Hebrews and African populations in ancient Egypt, focusing particularly on the Hebrews' ability to blend into Egyptian society during their time in Egypt. By... more
“In this notebook I am recalling what I have been told and what I remember from my childhood. I am recalling political and religious events, from the time that I started remembering events until now. My name is Anthony Boinodiris and... more
D ziewiątego grudnia 2020 r. miała miejsce konferencja "Metamorfozy koloru w sztuce", zorganizowana przez Katedrę Kultury Artystycznej Instytutu Historii Sztuki WNHS UKSW. W założeniu organizatorów temat koloru, prowokujący do namysłu... more
This monograph series ("hes") was established in 2015 to present scholarly publications in the field of Egyptology. It highlights, but is by no means limited to, sites and selected aspects of the Harvard University-Boston Museum of Fine... more
Archeological sites in Nubia are a continuous source of new material connected either generally or specifically with Nubian archery. Objects of this kind discussed here and in other publications of excavated assemblages (including... more
This paper reconsiders three royal inscriptions of King Merenra (Sixth Dynasty) in the region of the First Nile Cataract. They have long been known to scholars but have not received extensive treatment beyond translations. The... more
The long history of activity in the Aniba region is full of cultural change and contact, things that are distinctively visible within the finds on the so called northern cemetery of the C-group people. During the nearly 500 years of... more
The kingdom of Kerma has traditionally been viewed as a political, militaristic, and cultural antagonist to the polities of Egypt during the later Middle Bronze (2000-1550 BC). However, little consideration has been made on how royal... more
The present paper focuses on the pottery corpus recovered from strata attributed to pre-Natakamani horizon in the area of kom H and kom A (Typhonium, WBN 200) at Wad Ben Naga. The first part of the paper describes the stratigraphic... more
Cooking ceramics represent a key example of post-harvest intensification, making foodstuffs more edible and their nutrients more bioaccessible. These can be considered an example of materialesque intensification, in that the labor is... more
Università Ca' Foscari, Venezia - Laurea Magistrale in Scienze dell'Antichità ( 2022 / 2023 ). Relatore: Prof. Emanuele M. Ciampini; Correlatori: Dott.ssa Francesca Iannarilli, Prof. Massimo Maiocchi. Votazione: 110 e lode. Il... more
Drawing on methods and theories from the history of emotions, this paper examines the Twin Stelae that flank the entrance into Ramses II’s Great Temple at Abu Simbel in order to investigate the feelings associated with ancient Egyptian... more
The article is outlining the preliminary results of the study of Building 3, located in the central part of the settlement of the archaeological site Deraheib (the Sudan, Nubian Desert, upper reaches of Wadi al-Allaqi). The excavations... more
This paper proposes that the enigmatic double bull on the Hunters' Palette, now at the British Museum and the Louvre, represents a rare type of mutant bovine, a conjoined twin of type ischiopagus. Although the incidence of this biological... more
Journal of the American Oriental Society 144/4, October-December 2024
Post-excavation analysis of individual Ghz-1-002, an adult probable male interred in a medieval cemetery at Ghazali, Sudan, identified tattoos on the right foot. Visualisation under different spectrums of light allowed a reconstruction of... more
Excavations in Israel of Byzantine and early Islamic sites have yielded some interesting gaming boards that are not always understood by the archaeologists who found them. Because they are organised in parallel rows of 'holes', most are... more
This paper investigates different body techniques for carrying heavy loads by individuals buried at Abu Fatima, a Nubian Bronze Age cemetery in Sudan. Drawing on iconographic evidence from ancient Egypt and Nubia, as well as African and... more
Der Vortrag beleuchtet die schriftlichen und archäologischen Spuren eines nubischen Söldners kurz vor Beginn der Epoche des Mittleren Reiches (um 2000 v. Chr.), dessen ungewöhnliche und nicht nur militärische Karriere wohl in keiner... more
While there is a considerable body of data regarding the sources of minerals employed in Bronze Age Egypt, the supply chains to Sudanese Lower Nubia are virtually unknown. This paper presents results of lead isotope analysis of 11 samples... more
The utilitarian stones of ancient Egypt were those rocks employed for implements and other mundane articles. Most of these fall into three categories: 1) tools for harvesting, food preparation, and stone working; 2) weapons for hunting,... more
Fort Luba-Thruston was the center of the Sudanese mercenary rebellion in 1897-98. An outpost of the Uganda Protectorate, the fort was seized by "Nubian" rebels in late 1897, six years after its construction. The murders of three British... more
Cet article explore le Temple de Dendour, un exemple fascinant de l'architecture romano-égyptienne érigé sous l'empereur Auguste vers 15 av. J.-C. Situé initialement en Nubie et intégrant des influences romaines, égyptiennes et nubiennes,... more
The Temple of Dendur, a Roman-Egyptian temple originally situated in Lower Nubia, exemplifies the fusion of Roman, Egyptian, and Nubian cultural elements. Constructed under Emperor Augustus around 15 BCE, the temple was dedicated to the... more
This paper summarizes the results of the Polish excavations in Area F at Saruq al-Hadid in Dubai (UAE), a well-known Iron Age site in the Rub al-Khali. The site was seasonally occupied by groups engaging in large-scale copper production.... more