Recent papers in Novels
Review of Gladys Schmitt’s David the King (Dial Press, 1946)
A brief analysis of the work "We" written by Yevgeny Ivanovich Zamyatin in 1921 is presented. Corresponding to the science fiction genre, the work is recognized as one of the fundamental texts in the descriptive approach of social... more
ANIMALISTIC LAYER IN THE NOVELS OF MAJA GLUŠČEVIĆ (IN 1990S) SUMMARY: Animal characters have always been present in many human activities, including literature. The interest in animal studies is increasing in contemporary times,... more
The paper discusses how the setting (place and time) in the chosen novels: A raisin in the sun, Cry the beloved country and Things fall apart influences the decisions and actions of characters. At times, the setting pushes characters to... more
Online here: Review of "The Republic of False Truths," a retrospective on the Arab Spring ten... more
Martin Wickramasinghe's Virāgaya (1956), a novel considered a modern classic is often understood be a text that exclusively focuses on the inner psyche of the central character. Thus, it was criticized for the lack of socio-political... more
It is the story of an old woman who lived her whole life lonely because of incomplete love. She had lost every reason to live. She used to talk and wait for her death all the time. Then, a pretty young girl knocks at the door of her... more
The application of new media to 21st-century novels is the trigger of emerging narrative genres, which revolutionize the narrative panorama and leave space for innovative conceptual approaches. The influence of popular new media creates... more
Lezione di introduzione al sottogenere delle It-Narratives nell'ambito del laboratorio "Children’s Literature: Testi minori per una letteratura maggiore" dell'Università degli Studi di Milano
English language learning is considered as a language that must be learned as it is needed in everyday life in local and global context. In response to students need to learn English, it is obvious that modern technology, i.e. modern... more
Athens 1953. Financier Kostas Floràs is accused of the murder of painter Nassos Karnezis, found dead in his apartment in the exclusive area of Kolonaki. Floràs’s son from his first marriage, Dimitris, convinced of his father’s innocence,... more
O Último Europeu 2284 de Miguel Real ou a interrogação utópica sobre a nossa liberdade individual e colectiva O romance não cessa, enfim, de revestir novas formas e de exprimir novos conteúdos, numa singular manifestação da perene... more
بعد نجاح كتاب "من مكة إلى لاس فيجاس: أطروحات نقدية في العمارة والقداسة" الذي صدرت طبعته الثالثة، وفي أطار فعاليات معرض القاهرة للكتاب نُشر الكتاب الجديد للأستاذ الدكتور علي عبد الرءوف استاذ العمارة والتخطيط بجامعة حمد بن خليفة ورئيس وحدة... more
A review essay on John McGahern's novel.
Anton Cechov, La voglia di dormire Notte. La bambinaia Var'ka, una ragazzina di tredici anni, dondola la culla nella quale giace un bambino, e con voce appena percettibile miagola: Fa' la nanna, piccolina, Canterò una canzoncina...... more
The Sunday Times Bestseller and New York Times Bestseller. A book of hope for uncertain times. 'Feeling a little blue? Meet the new Winnie the Pooh.' The Daily Mail 'A wonderful work of art and a wonderful window into the human heart'... more
Suddenly Don Quijote doubts his squire’s embassy. It would be miraculous for Sancho to have returned in just over three days because El Toboso is more than thirty leagues away, seventy-five miles or one hundred and twenty-five kilometers... more
De allí que Balder oscilara entre los excesos más opuestos con brevísimos intervalos de tiempo.
SENSE PUBLISHER BEST-SELLER: Low-Fat Love unfolds over three seasons as Prilly Greene and Janice Goldwyn, adversarial editors at a New York press, experience personal change relating to the men, and absence of women, in their lives.... more
Novela de estructura circular que presenta una particular visión del carrusel de la vida y de la muerte a través de peculiares personajes (viejos, gatos muertos, niños) que, entre soles y sombras, van desgranando temas vitales y/o... more
We can almost hear the gears turning in Sancho Panza’s head. His immediate reaction is to devise a get-rich scheme: “I renounce henceforth the government of the promised isle.” All he wants now is for Don Quijote to give him the recipe... more
This paper examines how contemporary literary fiction responds to the climate crisis and the attendant call for a seemingly universalist "species view" of human beings. What does it mean to think of the human as a species, how can we find... more
Though defended as a great novelist rather than merely a journalistic writer, Greene's greatness is not diminished by his journalistic skills.
Muito boa tarde a todos. Gostaria de agradecer a vossa presença aqui neste final de tarde, por terem dispendido um pouco do vosso tempo para homenagearem o Jorge e o trabalho que ele tem desenvolvido nos últimos tempos. De facto não foi... more
Assia Djebar's novel, Children of the New World, is about the experiences of young men and women during the Algerian Revolution and is compelling not only because of the themes of revolution, alienation and brutalities of colonialism, but... more
There is a word game being played throughout Helen Phillips’ debut novel, The Beautiful Bureaucrat. The first instance occurs when Joseph Jones, the protagonist’s husband, notices how the sign for a “Diagnostic Laboratory” reads as... more
Una desternillante novela sobre el secreto de la felicidad que ya ha hecho reír a un millón de lectores en Alemania. La presentadora de televisión Kim Lange está en el mejor momento de su carrera cuando sufre un accidente y muere... more
This novel is fragmentary. The rings are like tulle curtains thrown over the characters. Because these characters exist only in the mirage coordinates of the desert. Yes, yes, they do not live, they exist, they exist in illusions. And... more
Ahmed Saadawi's Frankenstein in Baghdad, originally published in Arabic in 2013 and translated into English by Jonathan Wright in 2018, is set in the chaotic socio-political condition of post-invasion Iraq. The Nobel exacerbates the... more
Un romanzo che sa toccare temi molto coinvolgenti, la storia di un uomo ricco di contraddizioni, spinto a raccontare la sua versione dei fatti, lottando con la sua memoria che lo sta abbandonando.
Review of TC Boyle's Outside Looking In that recently appeared in the Los Angeles Review of Books
Haack includes Sinclair Lews's ARROWSMITH among the "epistemological novels" in this class because it teaches us so much about the demands of a life in science--and because it's so enjoyable. These slides introduce its author, the... more
Dengan panjang lebar ibu menjelaskan, sebenarnya sejak ada dalan kandungan aku telah dijodohkan dengan Raihana yang tak pernah kukenal." Ibunya Raihana adalah teman karib ibu waktu nyantri di pesantren Mangkuyudan Solo dulu" kata ibu.
A review of the novel Freedom by Jonathan Franzen.
JENDELA DUNIA-Link baca Novel Charlie Wade lengkap untuk kalian yang mau maraton membacanya. Novel ini mengisahkan tentang seorang pria bernama Charlie. Diceritakan ia adalah sosok yang dibenci banyak orang. Novel Charlie Wade lengkap... more
Reseña de "Mujer rota"
Peer e Kamil by Umera Ahmed Read and Download Online in PDF Format.