Recent papers in Notes
, 1951-. View online French Organ Music from the Revolution to Franck and Widor by. organ music of the French baroque period; a revised edition was issued in. the Revolution to Franck and Widor (University of Rochester Press, 1995).... more
The purposes of this study were to determine the relationships between level of environmental sensitivity and outdoor recreation experiences, specifically activity preferences as a youth and adult, as well as claimed influences on... more
Description: In 2008, Forest Service Research and Development celebrated the Centennial Anniversary of these Experimental Forests and Ranges. This publication celebrates the many scientists who over the course of decades conducted the... more
1414 Bull. Korean Chem. Soc. 2004, Vol. 25, No. 9 ... Nitration of Aromatic Compounds on Silica Sulfuric Acid ... Mohammad Ali Zolfigol,,* BiBi Fatemeh Mirjalili, Abdolhamid Bamoniri, Mohammad Ali Karimi Zarchi, Amin Zarei, Leila... more
Fahey, Thomas D.; Cahill, James M.; Snellgrove, Thomas A.; Heath, Linda S. 1991. Lumber and veneer recovery from intensively managed young-growth Douglas-fir. Res. Pap. PNW-RP-437. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest... more
Previous studies at the county level have found an increase in forest cover, urbanization, and water structures in the Black Belt counties of Alabama and have documented the connection between such increase and socioeconomic development... more
Schenkerian theory and/or later work in related fields, after the students have had formal instruction in the principles of Schenker's theory and are ready to consider his work and the work of those who came after him critically; it... more
Web services have the potential to dramatically reduce the complexities and costs of software integration projects. The most obvious and perhaps most significant difference between Web services and traditional applications is that Web... more
Bastrop, known as the "Home of the Lost Pines," is a town of about 5,500 in Bastrop County, Texas. The "Lost Pines" is an isolated region of loblolly pine and hardwoods separated by more than 100 miles from the main pinewoods of east... more
Although place bonding has been a prominent aspect of human dimensions research for over 25 years, there remains a need to understand the construct's behavioral implications. One area that has received attention is the relationship... more
The primary purpose of this investigation was to explore if gender is related to note-taking in a large undergraduate sample (divided relatively evenly between males and females), and if it is, to examine the cognitive (handwriting speed,... more
Transcript by Pril Smiley is at the CPEMC archives. 9. The interview also makes reference to "master tapes," with numbers such as "M-34" (for example), which document some of these experiments, some of which were apparently transferred to... more
Songs in Their Heads is a vivid and engaging book that bridges the disciplines of music education, ethnomusicology, and folklore. This revised and expanded edition includes additional case studies, updated illustrative material, and a new... more
Maturidi, fakih, mütekellim ve müfessir kimliğiyle öne çıkan bir Türk düşünürdür.
Abstract.This analysis explores the differences in Affective and Cognitive Destination Image among three Hudson River Valley (New York) tourism communities. Multiple regressions were used with six dimensions of visitors' images to... more
Background: The North West Adelaide Health Study is a representative longitudinal cohort study of people originally aged 18 years and over. The aim of this study was to describe normative data for hand grip strength in a community-based... more
This paper reviews the emerging wild land policy in the United Kingdom-in England and Wales in particular-and the environmental, social, political and economic drivers that make extensive protected wild land areas a possibility in what is... more
Concise and summarised notes for Constitutional Law II
(Not included inside: Police Act)
(Not included inside: Police Act)
I hope this document can help the hopeless Changelog: 18/5/2016 Corrected some typographical errors 19/5/2016 Adjusted stock valuation as part of the explanation was missing 19/5/2016 Adjusted Provision for bad debts as the case when... more
Globally prescribed burning is widely used for agro-forestry, restoration, and conservation to modify species composition and stand structure. Commonly stated goals of prescribed burns include to reduce hazardous fuels, improve... more
The term forested wetland covers a variety of forest types including mangroves, cypress/tupelo swamps, bottomland hardwoods, pocosins and Carolina bays, flatwoods, and mountain fens. These forests are dominated by woody species that have... more
The main goal of the project was to initiate a pilot program in ergonomics for the secondary wood products industry. Case studies were conducted at three Midwest secondary wood product companies in 2000 and 2001. Purdue researchers helped... more
Each copy of any part of a JSTOR transmission must contain the same copyright notice that appears on the screen or printed page of such transmission. JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students... more
[Advanced Engineering Mathematics Notes]
This lecture notes wouldn't be completed without the proper guidance of the wonderful professor/s, Engineer Charity Hope Gayatin.
This lecture notes wouldn't be completed without the proper guidance of the wonderful professor/s, Engineer Charity Hope Gayatin.
Preparing the books to read every day is enjoyable for many people. However, there are still many people who also don't like reading. This is a problem. But, when you can support others to start reading, it will be better. One of the... more
to Reggae. Caribbean music genres are diverse. They are each syntheses of African, European, Indian Caribbean is also related to Central American and South American music. .. Reggae is a music genre first developed in Jamaica in the late... more
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