Participation in the Publication of a Notarial Codex from Kefalonia as Part of a Research Project.
Συμμετοχή στην έκδοση νοταριακού κώδικα από την Κεφαλονιά, στο πλαίσιο ερευνητικού προγράμματος.
Συμμετοχή στην έκδοση νοταριακού κώδικα από την Κεφαλονιά, στο πλαίσιο ερευνητικού προγράμματος.
Participation in the Publication of a Notarial Codex from Kefalonia as Part of a Research Project.
Συμμετοχή στην έκδοση νοταριακού κώδικα από την Κεφαλονιά, στο πλαίσιο ερευνητικού προγράμματος.
Συμμετοχή στην έκδοση νοταριακού κώδικα από την Κεφαλονιά, στο πλαίσιο ερευνητικού προγράμματος.
The Government of Indonesia uses the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget to finance infrastructure development and regional development. To avoid high development costs, the government opens up opportunities for the private sector to... more
Una reciente sentencia de la Corte Suprema ofrece valiosas directrices en relación con el modo en que los notarios deben cumplir con las instrucciones que les imparten las partes de la compraventa para efectos de pagar el precio. El fallo... more
PUBLIC NOTARIES IN TRNAVA IN THE 15TH-16TH CENTURY In late medieval and early modern time hungarian environment, the institution of the public notary has usually understood like as a marginal matter which was replaced by trustworthy... more
The aim of this paper is to analyse who could become a notary in the Basque territory of Biscay between the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries. I will therefore begin by analysing the requirements for becoming a notary, followed by the... more
A method for generating multiple biometric profiles for a user is disclosed. According to one embodiment, the method may include (1) receiving data from a user, the data comprising biometric data for a user and device specifications for... more
Systems and methods for biometric authentication-based electronic notary public are disclosed. A method for biometric authentication-based electronic notary public using an electronic device may include (1) a server comprising at least... more
ABSTRAK Bahwa praktik pengangkatan anak telah dikenal luas oleh kalangan masyarakat Indonesia, baik penduduk asli melalui hukum adatnya, penduduk keturunan Tionghoa melalui Staatsblad Nomor 129 Tahun 1917, dan orang-orang yang beragama... more
Dalam hukum, Notaris memegang peranan yang krusial dalam memastikan keabsahan dan kepastian berbagai peristiwa hukum. Dengan pena sebagai senjatanya, Notaris menyaksikan dan mendokumentasikan peristiwa-peristiwa penting dalam kehidupan... more
El estudio de la institución notarial en Medina Sidonia desde su incorporación a la Corona de Castilla en el siglo XIII hasta la conclusión del siglo XV es el objeto del presente trabajo. Se atiende especialmente al oficio de la... more
Notaris diberi wewenang untuk membuat akte otentik dalam lapangan hukum perdata akan tetapi Notaris tidak dapat mengambil inisiatif sendiri untuk membuat akta otentik tanpa ada permintaan dari pihak-pihak yang menghendaki perbuatan hukum... more
The notary public service is a special public profession that has a specific role not only to establish legal security but also to strengthen the existing one. The Law on Notary Public opted for the so-called Latin type of notary because... more
Las escribanías públicas fueron testigo de todas las gestiones privadas que realizaban las personas físicas en un lugar, tanto de la población local como la foránea. Al ser Canarias un punto de confluencia de familias insulares y... more
Muovendosi nel solco della fiorente storiografia relativa ai canali di mobilità sociale nelle aree urbane e rurali dell'Italia comunale, il volume analizza un caso di studio concernente i notai in rapporto di fidelizzazione personale e... more
Notary is a public official who has the authority to make authentic deeds and has other authorities as referred to in Law Number 2 of 2014 concerning Amendments to Law Number 30 of 2004 concerning the Position of Notary. Notary as a... more
Il Consiglio federale ha deciso l’entrata in vigore della Convenzione multilaterale per l’attuazione di misure relative alle convenzioni fiscali finalizzate a prevenire l’erosione della base imponibile e il trasferimento degli utili (RS... more
L’allora consigliere nazionale, on. Fulvio Pelli, ha depositato il 18 settembre 2013 una mozione dal titolo “Assoggettamento fiscale delle provvigioni da mediazione immobiliare nei rapporti intercantonali. Una regola per tutti”. Tanto la... more
Nei rapporti intercantonali vi è incertezza se le provvi gioni da mediazione immobiliare debbano essere tassate nel luogo di domicilio o in quello di situazione dell’im mobile. Le opinioni della dottrina divergono da quelle del Tribunale... more
Dove sono imponibili nei rapporti intercantonali i redditi immobiliari derivanti dalla sublocazione?
La società X SA di seguito Società, con sede nel Canton Appenzello Interno, ha quale scopo principale la locazione, la vendita e l’acquisto di beni immobili. Dopo aver preso in affitto alcuni immobili nel Canton Neuchâtel, la Società ha... more
Between the lawyer and the party and the notary public and the party there is a confidential relationship (intuitu personae), with only them authorized to personally perform a certain legal act, which they can refuse only under certain... more
Notaris adalah pejabat umum yang berwenang untuk membuat akta otentik sebagaimana notaris Fatmawaty Noor di Kota Makassar, Notaris memberikan legalisasi tanda tangan dan penetapan kepastian tanggal surat di bawah tangan, serta membukukan... more
Mixed marriage causes a legal impact on Indonesian citizens marrying foreign citizens. They cannot have land rights since it is a part of joint property in marriage based on laws and regulations on land in Indonesia following the... more
Resumen: Conforme a la actual regulación del artículo 242 bis Ley Concursal, se examinan los principales problemas prácticos (tales que posibles beneficiarios, competencia territorial, supuestos de exoneración, etc.) a que puede dar lugar... more
Resumen: Conforme a la actual regulación del artículo 242 bis Ley Concursal, se examinan los principales problemas prácticos (tales que posibles beneficiarios, competencia territorial, supuestos de exoneración, etc.) a que puede dar lugar... more
Pengangkatan anak angkat merupakan bagian dari substansi hukum perlindungan anak yang telah menjadi bagian dari hukum yang hidup dan berkembang di masyarakat. Hal penting yang perlu digarisbawahi adalah bahwa pengangkatan anak harus... more
Dalam rangka pembangunan nasional pasar modal mempunyai peranan yang penting karena pasar modal merupakan salah satu alternatif atau sarana untuk menghimpun dana dari masyarakat. Dalam mekanisme pasar modal di Indonesia terdapat profesi... more
El presente artículo pretende ser una contribución a la heurística sobre los orígenes de la institución notarial en el reino de Aragón, ubicando temporalmente el estudio en el periodo anterior a la Compilación Foral de 1247; primer... more
Partindo da análise às cartas de perdão insertas na Chancelaria de D. João II, procuramos estudar a criminalidade sexual ao longo do reinado do Príncipe Perfeito. Os aspetos abordados são múltiplos: o adultério, a bigamia, as violações e... more
Jurnal ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji apakah Akta Notaris memiliki urgensi yang utama dalam perikatan kerja antara Kantor Jasa Penilai Publik dengan Perusahaan Emiten, terutama yang dapat berimplikasi terhadap bursa saham. Jenis penelitian... more
The sale and purchase agreement is a consesual agreement, which means that the agreement has been born as a legal agreement after an agreement has been reached between the seller and the buyer regarding the essential elements (essential),... more
ABSTRAK Bahwa praktik pengangkatan anak telah dikenal luas oleh kalangan masyarakat Indonesia, baik penduduk asli melalui hukum adatnya, penduduk keturunan Tionghoa melalui Staatsblad Nomor 129 Tahun 1917, dan orang-orang yang beragama... more
A Notary Deed is a State archive that must be protected to prevent it in accordance with the provisions of the applicable legislation. The research method used in this research is doctrinal research on law. Normative-empirical law... more
In the fast-paced world of legal matters, ensuring the authenticity and validity of documents is paramount. One way to achieve this is through notarization. Notarization involves a notary public, a qualified legal professional, certifying... more
PPAT's authority in making a land sale and purchase deeds must take into account the provisions of Article 22 PP No. 37 of 1998 that: the PPAT deed must be read/enforced to the party in the presence of at least two witnesses before... more
As Ukraine has chosen the European vector of development, the legal status of the notary as the subject providing protection of the rights and lawful interests of citizens deserves special attention. Due to the insufficient level of legal... more
Tanggung Jawab Notaris Dalam Penyimpanan Sertifikat Hak Atas Tanah Pada Perikatan Jual Beli Bertahap
The making of gradually selling-purchasing alliance is inclination of the parties as a prior agreement to resumed a keel agreement. Author analyzes the regulation of Notary's authority and responsibility in depositing the land rights... more
PPAT's authority in making a land sale and purchase deeds must take into account the provisions of Article 22 PP No. 37 of 1998 that: the PPAT deed must be read/enforced to the party in the presence of at least two witnesses before... more
Resumen. El objetivo de este artículo es abordar los documentos notariales falsos desde dos perspectivas: tanto en lo que se refiere a los notarios que los redactan como a las partes implicadas en la escritura. Comenzaremos con un marco... more
Хармонизација домаћег законодавства са тековинама Европске уније један је од кључних услова за наставак европских интеграција. Међутим, хармонизација домаћег законодавства не треба само да обухвати усклађивање правних аката већ и њихову... more
Scheda bibliografica del volume a cura di Laura Neri, Il formulario notarile di Pietro di Giacomo da Siena e Donato di Becco da Asciano, Firenze, Accademia della Crusca, 2022 («Scrittori italiani e testi antichi pubblicati dall’Accademia... more
Land ownership for Indonesian citizens the result of mixed marriages without marriage agreement Indonesian citizen can only use the use rights and lease rights to buildings in the ownership of land. This study uses a normative juridical... more
Notaris sebagai pejabat umum yang berwenang membuat akta otentik harus dapatmempertanggungjawabkan akta yang dibuatnya tersebut apabila ternyata dikemudian hari timbul masalah.Masalah yang timbul apakah akibat kesalahan dari para pihak... more
Notaris dalam pelaksanaan tugas jabatannya tidak lepas dari kesalahan. Salah satu bentuk kesalahan yang dilakukan oleh Notaris adalah berupa kesalahan ketik pada minuta akta. Kesalahan ketik pada minuta akta dapat menjadi masalah pada... more
Communication, Translation, and Community in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Period: New Socio-Economic Perspectives [A. Classen, ed.], Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture 6, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin y Boston, 2022, pp.... more
This paper aims to analyze the meaning of “certain reasons” in Article 3 Paragraph 15 of the Notary Ethics Code about the obligation to carry out his position in the office and the consequences of violating these provisions against the... more
Me këtë ligj rregullohet procedura për emërimin dhe shkarkimin e noterëve, fushëveprimi i punës dhe i autorizimeve të tyre, përpilimi i dokumenteve noteriale dhe veprimi me ato pas lirimit të vendit të noterit, organizimi i noterisë dhe i... more