North Sea Ecology

12 papers
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North Sea Ecology is the study of the interactions between living organisms and their environment in the North Sea, focusing on marine biodiversity, ecosystem dynamics, and the impact of human activities on marine habitats and species within this semi-enclosed body of water.
European plaice Pleuronectes platessa often appears in ichthyological check lists for the Mediterranean Sea, as well as in regional field guides and even in some official national landings statistics. However we have not found a single... more
Spatial and temporal variations in the diet of Crangon uritai were examined using stable isotope and stomach content analyses. The sand shrimp and its potential prey were collected from Yura Estuary (3-5 m), shallow coast (5-10 m), and... more
Estuaries are inherently open systems, linking together terrestrial, aquatic, and marine ecosystems. With fluid, permeable transitions (ecotones) marking the boundaries between these ecosystems, estuaries subsidize coastal food web... more
Natural mortality, due to predation, of juvenile plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) was estimated in a Scottish nursery ground (Tralee Beach) in the spring of 2009 by means of using a DNA based method (TaqMan real-time PCR based assay),... more
Introduction 1.1 Overview 1.2 Estuaries 6.3.1 All shorebird species 6.3.2 Redshank 6.3.3 Feather, claw and soil 6.4 Discussion 6.4.1 Feathers 6.5 Conclusion Chapter 7: General Discussion 7.1 Introduction 7.2 The weighted area models 7.2.1... more
The long-tailed duck (Clangula hyemalis) is a vulnerable and declining species wintering in the Baltic Sea. The introduction of the invasive fish, the round goby (Neogobius melanostomus), dramatically impacted the benthic macrofauna in... more
Available research is inconclusive on how circatidal habitat use and cross-shore distribution of aquatic epibenthic predators may affect the vertical zonation of infauna in muddy, soft-bottom substrates in estuaries. We placed fyke traps... more
by A3 Bio
Long-term trends in brown shrimp Crangon crangon abundance were studied near the entrance of the Dutch Wadden Sea using a 34 yr time series of fyke net catches. A general trend of increasing abundance was observed. In autumn, brown shrimp... more
1,2Mamun Abdullah Al*, 2Md. Didarul Alam, 2Aysha Akhtar, 3Abu Hena Mustafa Kamal, 2Md. Shafiqul Islam, Md. Wahidul Alam, Rahman Muhammed Forruq, M Muslem Uddin & Henglong Xu 1Laboratory of Microbial Ecology, Ocean University of China,... more
On six 400 m 2 plots over 3 years, we excluded the sessile subduction and conveyer-belt feeding polychaete Arenicola marina which generates a pit-and-mound topography at the sediment surface from intertidal sands near the island of Sylt,... more
The lack of a common statistical approach describing the distribution and dispersion pattern of marine benthic animals has often hampered the comparability among studies. The purpose of this study is therefore to apply an alternative... more
The present paper examined the possible impact of macroalgal blooms, among other influential factors, on prey abundance and availability to waders, assessing the consequences for feeding behaviour and for the specific patterns of use of... more
Predators are thought to play prominent roles in determining population abundance and dynamics of many species, but it is often difficult to document effects of predators in the held. For lack of any other effective means of manipulating... more
A field experiment was performed between February and May 2002 to evaluate the predation effects of migratory shorebirds on the macrofauna structure at an intertidal mudflat of the estuarine region of the Patos Lagoon. Predators were... more
Coastal habitats provide many important ecosystem services. The substantial role of shellfish in delivering ecosystem services is increasingly recognised, usually with a focus on cultured species, but wild-harvested bivalve species have... more
Evaluations of the functioning of benthic marine food webs could be improved by quantifying organic matter fluxes from the meiofauna to higher trophic levels. In this study, we measured the simultaneous ingestion of meiofauna and... more
The present work aims to assess the importance of settlement ponds (SP) in semi-intensive fish farms by studying benthic dynamics in an aquaculture fish farm, more specifically in the water reservoir (WR) and SP and also in production (P)... more
The relationship between foraging shorebirds, macrobenthos and sedimentary parameters has been widely studied across Western Europe. Megatidal areas have large zones uncovered when the water retreats. Consequently, in such cases, the tide... more
The aim of this study was to determine the influence of temperature increase combined to conditions of light incidence on functional response of Heleobia australis. Experiments were conducted using nine to ten food concentrations for each... more
Ü a p i iaiiieiiio ue iiioiogia (rLkyni). Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, CC
Community structure of the macroinfauna in the sediments below an intertidal mussel bed (Mytilus chilensis (Hupe)) of southern Chile Estructura comunitaria de la macroinfauna en los sedimentos bajo un banco intermareal de bivalvos... more
The principal objective of the present study was to determine the positive effects of artificial illumination on the juvenile black rockfish Sebastes inermis by comparing stomach contents and growth between juveniles exposed to light and... more
The impact of predators is often relative to the spatial scale at which the study is conducted. In this paper we investigated how spatial scale might influence the importance of predation. In doing this we addressed the hypothesis of... more
Expansion of the shellfish aquaculture industry has the potential to affect the structure and dynamics of coastal estuarine foodwebs. To better understand foodweb trade-offs, we incorporated both trophic and non-trophic interactions (e.g.... more
Highlights ►We have demonstrated the adaptation of foraging Red Knots in a megatidal environment. ►The use of prey items differs significantly during the tidal cycle depending on benthic assemblages. ►We identified a new, significant prey... more
Infaunal predation regulates benthic recruitment: an experimental study of the influence of the predator Nephtys hombergii (Savigny) on recruits of Nereis diversicolor (O.F. Muller) a , a b
Each copy of any part of a JSTOR transmission must contain the same copyright notice that appears on the screen or printed page of such transmission. JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students... more
In ecological studies, especially in those dealing with energy circulation in nature, determinations of the energy content of organisms are inevitable. Energy determinations are, however, laborious and time-consuming. Average conversion... more
The effects of biological disturbance caused by the lugworm Arenicola marina (L.) on the abundance of the macrobenthic fauna were investigated at three subtidal stations (0.5 m, 12 m and 19 m water depth) in Kiel Bay (western Balticj and... more
No published information is available on the foraging ecology and choice of feeding habitat of New Zealand's rarest breeding bird: the New Zealand Fairy Tern (NZFT) Sternula nereis davisae. To address this gap, we conducted an assessment... more
Background. Organism biomass is one of the most important variables in ecological studies, making estimations of organism weight one of the most common laboratory tasks. Biomass of small macroinvertebrates is usually estimated as dry (DW)... more
Background Organism biomass is one of the most important variables in ecological studies, making biomass estimations one of the most common laboratory tasks. Biomass of small macroinvertebrates is usually estimated as dry mass or ash-free... more
Observations were made of the location and duration of foraging by five species of shorebirds in relation to the tubes of Diopatra cuprea (Polychaeta). Infaunal abundances in sites with D. cuprea tubes exceeded those in surrounding... more
Epibenthic communities and their diets, at Culbin Sands (a cold-temperate coastal lagoon in the Moray Firth, northeastern Scotland), were sampled every 2-4 wks for 3 yrs (1994-1996). These communities were more abundant and diverse in... more
The aim of this study was to determine the influence of temperature increase combined to conditions of light incidence on functional response of Heleobia australis. Experiments were conducted using nine to ten food concentrations for each... more
Recent somatic growth of juvenile fringed flounder (Etropus crossotus) collected in North Inlet (South Carolina, USA) was determined based on the width of the 24 most recently deposited daily increments in sagittal otoliths. Growth rates... more
Estuaries are among the most productive habitats in the world, providing important functions and goods. Among these supplies, shellfish is an important economic resource. In Portugal (southern Europe), the edible cockle (Cerastoderma... more
The aim of this study was to determine the influence of temperature increase combined to conditions of light incidence on functional response of Heleobia australis. Experiments were conducted using nine to ten food concentrations for each... more
Predation is an interaction between species that influences community organisation by the direct consumption of prey, influencing prey numbers, behaviours and traits. The intensity of predation is greatly influenced by the environment,... more
The overwintering strategy is widespread among planktivorous fish from temperate to sub-polar regions, and is particularly pronounced in sandeel ecotypes. This adaptation is presumably a behavioural adaptation to strong seasonal... more
Understanding how animals select their habitat is a fundamental issue concerning species and habitat conservation (Jonzén 2008). Shorebirds are highly dependent on a limited number of key stopover and wintering sites, and hence are... more
Spatial and temporal variations in the diet of Crangon uritai were examined using stable isotope and stomach content analyses. The sand shrimp and its potential prey were collected from Yura Estuary (3-5 m), shallow coast (5-10 m), and... more
Pleuronectes platessa often appears in ichthyological check lists for the Mediterranean Sea, as well as in regional field guides and even in some official national landings statistics. However we have not found a single ichthyologist or... more
The relationship between relative body condition (deviation from expected mean body weight) and burying depth was investigated in five macro-zoobenthic species living in a marine intertidal habitat. Body weight increased with depth when... more