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The movement of strategic reorientation for the sea in Portugal has been given fruits since it was launched almost one generation ago. The proposal for the extension of continental shelf before the United Nations is surely its most... more
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      Marine BiologyOceanographyEconomicsInternational Relations
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      Climate ChangeMultidisciplinaryNorth Atlantic OceanNature
The impact of future emissions from aviation and shipping on the atmospheric chemical composition has been estimated using an ensemble of six different atmospheric chemistry models. This study considers an optimistic emission scenario... more
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      Environmental ScienceAtmospheric ChemistryAtmospheric ScienceNorth Atlantic Ocean
This article discusses the rôle of the THC in climate, based upon the results of several numerical experiments which use a coupled ocean-atmosphere model developed at the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory of NOAA, USA. The first part... more
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      OceanographyNorth Atlantic OceanAbrupt Climate ChangeAtmospheric sciences
and sharing with colleagues.
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      Earth SciencesGeochemistryNorth Atlantic OceanHistory and archaeology
Historical and modern migrations and dispersal of most marine organisms (intertidal, benthic, meiofaunal, planktonic, nektonic, or neustonic) are classically interpreted in terms of their natural dispersal potential. Exceptions are... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyEarth SciencesConservation BiologyInvasive Species
We present a new digital crustal model for Moho depth and crustal structure in Europe, Greenland, Iceland, Svalbard, European Arctic shelf, and the North Atlantic Ocean (72W-62E, 30N-84N). Our compilation is based on digitization of... more
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      GeologyGeochemistryGeophysicsTectonics & Sedimentation
Ten piston cores and a 25 m long giant piston core from the ice-proximal region off Hudson Strait contain Heinrich layers 1 and 2, identified by their sedimentary structure and high detrital carbonate content. Both layers are unusually... more
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      OceanographyNorth Atlantic OceanLabrador SeaClimate Chnage
Infrared satellite images and two ensembles of satellite-tracked buoys have been used to analyze eddy scales in the central and eastern North Atlantic between 35øN and 60øN. Both data sets yield eddy scales which decrease northward from... more
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      MultidisciplinaryNorth Atlantic OceanNorth AtlanticSatellite Tracking
The broadcast spawner, Centropages typicus, is a very successful copepod species in many coastal areas of the Mediterranean Sea and North Atlantic Ocean. This review assembles the large amount of information on the reproduction and early... more
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      GeologyOceanographyReproductionReproductive Biology
An abrupt cold event ca. 8200 cal. yr BP, is believed to have been caused by the catastrophic release of ice-dammed melt-water from Lake Agassiz and associated disruption of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC).... more
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      PalaeoclimatologyStable Isotope AnalysisNorth Atlantic Ocean8.2 cal kyr BP climatic event
Depois de um ano em que todos os dias tentamos levar aos nossos seguidores o que de mais relevante ocorre no mundo, chegamos agora, com esta edição da PACTA, ao fim do terceiro ano deste projeto, que não pára de crescer e nos faz... more
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      European HistoryEuropean StudiesStrategy (Military Science)European integration
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      Earth SciencesNorth Atlantic OceanBiological SciencesEnvironmental Sciences
Coastal boulder accumulations are often mentioned in the literature, even though their interpretation remains difficult, especially along rock coasts affected both by storms and tsunamis. Studies on the geomorphic impact of such... more
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      GeologyGeomorphologyEnergyCoastal Geomorphology
In the mid-latitudes of the North Atlantic Ocean, six large iceberg surges, called Heinrich events, have been recognised between 60 and 10 kyr BP. They are characterised by meltwater events associated with iceberg discharges from both the... more
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      Earth SciencesClimate variabilityNorth Atlantic OceanSea surface temperature
At the turn of the sixteenth century, John Cabot and his successors discovered abundant fish stocks in the northwest Atlantic waters near Newfoundland. This article accounts for how sixteenth- and seventeenth-century mapping provide... more
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      CartographyMaritime HistoryFisheries hISTORYNorth Atlantic Ocean
Scholarship discussing european expansion into the north atlantic and territorial claims over newfoundland rarely examines the impact of Danonorwegian claims in greenland. This article integrates the history of the greenland norse into... more
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      North Atlantic OceanNorse settlement in Greenland and the wider North AtlanticEarly European North American exploration and settlement
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      PaleoclimatologyHistory of ScienceNorth Atlantic OceanHamburg, Germany
En la Antigüedad, las representaciones de amazonas fueron numerosas y relativamente variadas, gracias a los diversos mitos que de ellas existían A lo largo de este trabajo intentaré elaborar una relación de los motivos y los paralelismos,... more
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      Ocean EngineeringNaval EngineeringNaval ArchitectureReligion
"In the northern North Atlantic, the 4.2 ka BP event is evident in lake, bog, marine, glacial, speleothem and tree ring cores with extensive, coherent, and high resolution proxy data for abrupt century-scale alterations of temperature and... more
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      ArchaeologyNear Eastern ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyClimate Change
Laminaria is a kelp that finds its place in the brown algae family. It has been an area of study for past many years, and its wonderful biological properties have always attracted medical professionals and researchers to explore more and... more
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      Materials EngineeringRadiationReproductionCarbon Cycle
Two piston cores, DS97-2P from the Reykjanes Ridge in the central North Atlantic Ocean (1685 m water depth) and ENAM33 from southwest of the Faeroe Islands in the NE Atlantic (1217 m water depth), have been investigated for their planktic... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeologyEcologyNorth Atlantic Ocean
1] Close to 1800 surface drifters are used to investigate the 15 m circulation of the North Atlantic Ocean. The data are used to describe structures of the average Eulerian circulation and of the associated eddy variability. The data... more
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      MultidisciplinaryNorth Atlantic OceanCanary IslandsGeophysical
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      Western EuropeNorth Atlantic OceanAtmospheric sciencesWeather
This study reports the first inventory of physical properties of individual plastic debris in the North Atlantic. We analyzed 748 samples for size, mass, and material composition collected from surface net tows on 11 expeditions from Cape... more
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      Time SeriesMARINE POLLUTIONEnvironmental MonitoringWater Pollution
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      MultidisciplinaryNorth Atlantic OceanNorth AtlanticGravity Model
The spatial and temporal variability of North Atlantic hurricane tracks and its possible association with the annual hurricane landfall frequency along the U.S. East Coast are studied using principal component analysis (PCA) of hurricane... more
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      OceanographyPrincipal Component AnalysisClimateDensity-functional theory
We have used the modern analogue technique to derive sea surface temperature (SST) records of the last 18,000 years from two well-dated deep-sea cores recovered in the Tyrrhenian Sea. Results show two major cooling events synchronous with... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeologyClimate ChangeEcology
The planktonic foraminiferal record of core MD99-2346 (Gulf of Lion) shows a decrease of sea surface temperature (SST) at the time of Heinrich event H2 (24-23.5 cal kyr BP), Younger Dryas and during the early to middle Holocene. These... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyPalaeogeographyGeologyEcology
The Continuous Plankton Recorder (
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      GeologyOceanographyNorth Atlantic OceanSeasonality
This study compares lipid biomarker and bulk constituents (organic carbon and δ13C, nitrogen and carbonate) in particles (30-4400 m depth) collected at the Oceanic Flux Program site in the northern Sargasso Sea off Bermuda during three... more
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      HurricanesCarbon CycleNorth Atlantic OceanLipids
The North Atlantic Ocean receives the largest allochthonous supplies of nitrogen of any ocean basin because of the close proximity of industrialized nations. In this paper, we describe the major standing stocks, fluxes and transformations... more
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      GeochemistryBiogeochemistryNitrogen CycleNorth Atlantic Ocean
Marine localities on the west European shelf have been studied to reconstruct the nearshore palaeoceanography of the last two millennia. The sites form a transect from the Iberian margin northeastward via Scotland to western Norway and... more
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      GeologyWestern EuropeClimate variabilityNorth Atlantic Ocean
Previous optimum multiparameter analyses have investigated spatial distribution of water masses and reported successful results. This study tests the method further with application to a time series to examine temporal variability in... more
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      OceanographyTime SeriesPhysical OceanographyNorth Atlantic Ocean
The Aptian/Albian oceanic anoxic event 1b contains the record of several perturbations in the global carbon cycle and multiple black shale levels, particularly in the Western Tethys. The local lithological expression of an oceanic anoxic... more
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      Earth SciencesGeologySedimentologyNorth Atlantic Ocean
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      Earth SciencesGeologyRemote SensingNorth Atlantic Ocean
Well-preserved arthropods are reported from Miocene sedimentary rocks of the Skarðsströnd-Mókollsdalur (9-8 Ma) and Hreðavatn-Stafholt (7-6 Ma) Formations in Iceland. Fossil remains of terrestrial and/or freshwater animals have rarely... more
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      PaleontologyPaleoclimatologyIsland StudiesInvertebrate Biology
At the end of the last century, steam power came into use in British trawlers. Steam trawlers were extraordinarily effective and much admired abroad, also in Denmark, where they were seen as the fishing vessels of the future. At the... more
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      Economic HistoryNordic HistoryMaritime HistoryHistory of Technology
The vegetation on the northeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau is highly sensitive to climatic changes and thus represents a potentially interesting environmental archive. Pollen samples from the Fanjiaping Loess section in Lanzhou on... more
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      Earth SciencesClimate ChangeEast AsiaChina
During the 1920s and 1930s, there was a dramatic warming of the northern North Atlantic Ocean. Warmer-thannormal sea temperatures, reduced sea ice conditions and enhanced Atlantic inflow in northern regions continued through to the 1950s... more
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      GeologyOceanographyClimate ChangeSea Ice
Recent research suggests a link between drought occurrence in the conterminous United States (US) and sea surface temperature (SST) variability in both the tropical Pacific and North Atlantic Oceans on decadal to multidecadal (D2M) time... more
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      ArchaeologyGeologyLow FrequencyNorth Atlantic Ocean
1] We present results from an intercomparison of 11 different climate models of intermediate complexity, in which the North Atlantic Ocean was subjected to slowly varying changes in freshwater input. All models show a characteristic... more
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      MultidisciplinaryNorth Atlantic OceanThermohaline CirculationClimate Model
2006. Weichselian Late Pleniglacial surface winds over northwest and central Europe: a model-data comparison.
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      ArchaeologyGeologyNorth Atlantic OceanQuaternary
Quaternary organic-and calcitic-walled dinoflagellate cysts have received considerable attention within the last two decades due to their potential as tracers of sea surface parameters (temperature, salinity, sea ice cover, productivity).... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeologyClimate ChangeEcology
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      MultidisciplinaryNorth Atlantic OceanMississippi RiverContinental shelf
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      Medieval LiteratureHagiographyCritical Animal StudiesEcocriticism
The key objective of investigation of hemipelagic sediments from the Gresten Klippenbelt (Blassenstein Formation, Ultrahelvetic paleogeographic realm) was to shed light on environmental changes around the Jurassic-Cretaceous (J/K)... more
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      GeologyEnvironmental ChangeNorth Atlantic OceanEarly Cretaceous
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      ArchaeologyGeologyNorth Atlantic OceanQuaternary
Coccolithophore assemblages recovered from Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Site U1313 are investigated to reconstruct the palaeoceanographic evolution of a sector of the North Atlantic during Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 19... more
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      Stable Isotope AnalysisPaleoceanographyNorth Atlantic OceanWavelet