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      Frederic II.Norman SicilyNorman Italy
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      Art HistoryItalian StudiesItalian artRomanesque Art
Whilst historians often regard the Norman Kingdom of Sicily as centralised and administratively advanced, County and Nobility in Norman Italy counters this traditional interpretation; far from centralised and streamlined, this book... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval NobilityMedieval Italy
After more than thirty years fighting as mercenaries in southern Italy, the Normans found their previous employers united against them. Even the Pope took the field to lead the anti-Norman coalition.
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    • Norman Italy
This article analyzes how the neighbors of the Byzantines, the Lombards (who occupied a portion of southern Italy), and the Normans (who put an end to Byzantine rule in southern Italy in 1071), described their common adversary. The... more
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      Late Antique and Byzantine HistoryEthnographyCrusadesMedieval Historiography
The Norman Kingdom of Sicily is reputed to be a haven of peaceful coexistence of cultures and a paragon of Christian religious tolerance in Medieval Europe. Many scholarly works discussing tolerance in the Norman Kingdom of Sicily focus... more
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      Sociology of ReligionMulticulturalismReligious PluralismCross-Cultural Studies
Nell'area NE della città di Venosa 1 si colloca il sito in cui furono costruiti i due edifi ci ecclesiastici, presenta fasi di occupazione risalenti ai primi anni di vita della colonia Latina, e che proseguono senza soluzione di... more
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      PilgrimageEarly Medieval ArchaeologyRoman RepublicLate Antiquity
The ceilings of the Cappella Palatina were decorated by Muslim artists who probably trained in Fāṭimid Egypt before coming to Norman Palermo in circa 1140. Most of the figural scenes belong to the traditional Islamic palatial cycle. Less... more
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      Romanesque ArtMedieval SicilyNorman SicilyNorman Italy
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      Art HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine HistoryMedieval StudiesByzantine Studies
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      Late Antique and Byzantine HistoryMedieval HistoryByzantine StudiesLate Antiquity
L’edizione del brebion della Metropoli di Reggio, curata da A. Guillou, nel quale tutte le cifre sono conteggiate in tarì aurei, ha portato storici e numismatici a considerare come dato acquisito la circolazione di moneta araba aurea... more
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      NumismaticsByzantine StudiesLate AntiquityByzantine History
Per il settantesimo compleanno di Horst Enzensberger colleghi, amici e allievi hanno unito in questo volume una serie di contributi che testimoniano l'affetto e la stima nei confronti dello storico bavarese. Gli argomenti affrontati si... more
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      Military HistoryMedieval HistoryItalian StudiesMedieval Studies
Il tema delle cripte di età normanna - presente in Calabria con esempi di strutture a colonne (Gerace, Scalea Umbriatico) e strutture a pilastri (San Marco Argentano) - fa sì che la produzione architettonica calabrese si possa rapportare... more
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      Medieval HistoryEarly Medieval ArchaeologyByzantine StudiesMedieval Architecture
Il tema aleramico tra erudizione e storiografia di interesse siciliano (secoli XVI-XX) 1. Gli Aleramici nell'erudizione siciliana tra Cinquecento e Settecento: da Tommaso Fazello a Giovanni Evangelista Di Blasi Questo contributo mira a... more
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      Medieval SicilyNorman SicilyNorman ItalyStoria Della Sicilia
Nel corso dell’indagine condotta presso numerosi archivi italiani sono stati rinvenuti nuovi documenti riguardanti la storia dell’abbazia beneventana di S. Sofia, una delle fondazioni monastiche più importanti dell’Italia meridionale. È... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesLatin PaleographyDiplomatics (Medieval)
This new contribution aims to provide an overview of the scientific and popular activities carried out, during 2016, by Sezione Archeologica of Soprintendenza BB.CC.AA. of Palermo. In relation to the previous contribution about the... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyMedieval HistoryPottery (Archaeology)
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval EuropeMedieval FranceMedieval Sicily
BarBara visentin, Identità signorili e sistemi di gestione tra IX e XII secolo. Le terre del Castrum Iufuni e la Trinità di Cava lamia HaDDa, Il bassorilievo di Mahdiya. Vicende storico-artistiche tra Ziridi e Normanni nel Mediterraneo... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval Church HistoryNorman SicilyNorman Italy
The introduction describes the context around Desiderius' reform, reaching from the conflict between Byzantium and Rome during Ottonic times (late 10th century) to the establishment of Greek monastic centres in Southern Italy during the... more
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      MusicEarly MusicMusic HistoryMusicology
Drawing attention to the challenges of cultivating a fledgling maritime state in a world that prized precedent and tradition, this study examines various strategies used by early Norman rulers - but above all Roger II (r. 1112-1154) - to... more
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      Medieval HistoryHagiographyMedieval StudiesCrusades
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      Late Antique and Byzantine HistoryMedieval HistoryHistory of ReligionHistory of Christianity
9 Bougard, Noyé, Hesse 1988, 520-528. 10 Le indagini condotte nei pressi del muro di cinta della città sono state dirette da F. Piponnier nel corso delle campagne di scavo 1994-1997. 2. -Indagine geoelettrica dellʼabitato di... more
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      HistoryArchaeologyMedieval HistoryPottery (Archaeology)
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      Medieval StudiesMedieval ArchaeologyRegnum SiciliaeDiplomatics (Medieval)
Latin traditions in southern Italy, especially Beneventan and Norman chant traditions, followed in chant as well as in architecture Byzantine prototypes. Although the historical imagination of the Orthodox Archdiocese Italy and Malta... more
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      MusicMusic HistoryMusicologyMedieval History
After having examined the historiography of the Norman administration and the framework for analysis of earlier scholars which greatly affected the studies of later scholars, I show my understanding of the Norman administration summarized... more
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      MulticulturalismMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesState Formation
The cultural heritage of medieval Sicily faces enormous challenges. Rich and diverse as it is, it is beset by numerous problems that have rendered it fragile and often inaccessible. The situation is such that many sites are unsigned.... more
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      Humanities Computing (Digital Humanities)Digital HumanitiesCultural SustainabilityDigital preservation (Cultural Heritage)
This paper examines comparatively the naming patterns of the Normans of southern Italy and the Latins of the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem—two regions that were targets of Western Latin conquest and migration. Based on the premise that... more
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      CrusadesProsopographyNorman SicilyNorman Italy
Norwegian Norwegian historiography historiography on the meeting on the meeting between between Sigurðr Sigurðr J J ó ó rsalafari rsalafari and Roger II and Roger II
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesHistoriographyOld Norse Literature
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      HistoryMedieval HistoryArabic Language and LinguisticsArabic
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      Medieval ArchitectureNorman ItalyIslamic and Norman Sicily
In our bachelor work „The Normans in southern Italy in the eleventh century” we have set as an objective the analysis of the arrival of the Normans to the south of the Apennine Peninsula and the siege of the last Byzantine possession of... more
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      HistoryByzantine StudiesNorman ItalySlovak language
accademico dei Lincei, professore emerito di storia medievale presentazione del volume Trentennale (1991-2021) a cura di Giuseppe Muollo, con la partecipazione degli autori:
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      Norman ItalyNormansIslamic and Norman SicilyArcheologia medievale
The monograph (text in Greek language) examines in depth the life, military career and especially the uprising ("stasis") of the Norman (some claim Frank) mercenary commander of the Byzantine imperial army Ursel (or Roussel) de Bailleul,... more
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine Studies
A Review of the recent work on Amalfi and the impact of its disapora throughout the Mediterranean world by Patricia Skinner
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      Cultural HistoryMedieval StudiesMediterranean StudiesEarly Medieval And Medieval Settlement (Archaeology)
Gastalds 998, Lucera, Nord de la Pouille, depuis un siècle territoire frontalier entre le catépanat byzantin (chef-lieu Bari) et les principautés lombardes 2 . Les gastalds Polcari, Jean, Ilduini et Octavien vendent une maison à Grégoire,... more
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      Medieval HistoryEarly Medieval HistoryByzantine StudiesMedieval Italy
Catania 2011 © Tutti i diritti riservati. È vietata la riproduzione di testi ed illustrazioni senza il permesso scritto dell'Editore, dei Curatori, del Responsabile scientifico del Progetto e degli Autori. Ricerche di archeologia classica... more
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      Islamic ArchaeologyEnvironmental ArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologyMedieval Church History
BarBara visentin, Identità signorili e sistemi di gestione tra IX e XII secolo. Le terre del Castrum Iufuni e la Trinità di Cava lamia HaDDa, Il bassorilievo di Mahdiya. Vicende storico-artistiche tra Ziridi e Normanni nel Mediterraneo... more
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      Medieval ItalyNorman SicilyNorman Italy
In this article I have elucidated that familiares regis were not simple royal household members as has been understood before, but members of the royal inner council which decided the state policy in the latter half of the twelfth... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesState FormationState Formation and Sovereignty in Middle East
Edizione critica, traduzione e commento a cura di Fulvio Delle Donne. Il «Breve chronicon de rebus Siculis» (di cui qui si fornisce l’edizione e la prima traduzione italiana) è una fonte particolarmente importante, ricca di preziosissime... more
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      PhilologyMedieval LiteratureMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesRegnum SiciliaeMedieval Italy
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      Medieval ArchaeologyByzantine StudiesByzantine ArchaeologyEarly Medieval And Medieval Settlement (Archaeology)
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      Norman SicilyNorman ItalyMedieval Political ThoughtNormans
This article investigates the development of land registry traditions in the medieval Mediterranean by examining a distinctive aspect of Latin, Greek and Arabic formularies used in boundary clauses. The paper makes particular reference to... more
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      HistoryMedieval HistoryArabic Language and LinguisticsLand tenure
The dynamics of medieval interconnectedness can be observed particularly well by studying the Normans, who were characterised by high mobility and adaptability. The historical and cultural diversity of Norman history, which relates to... more
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      Norman ItalyIslamic and Norman SicilyAnglo-Norman historyNorman Kings
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      Late Antique and Byzantine HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesNumismaticsByzantine Studies
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      Greek EpigraphyByzantine StudiesNorman ItalyByzantine Epigraphy
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      Pottery (Archaeology)Early Medieval ArchaeologyMedieval ArchaeologyMedieval Pottery
The paper discusses the research possibilities created both by document digitalisation and relational sociology for the study and usage of Italo-Norman charters. Following the footsteps of scholars who have already edited, organised, and... more
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      Relational DatabaseDigital HumanitiesDiplomatics (Medieval)Norman Italy