Nonprofit Management Leadership

675 papers
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Nonprofit Management Leadership is the study and practice of guiding nonprofit organizations through effective governance, strategic planning, and resource management. It focuses on developing leadership skills, fostering organizational culture, and enhancing operational efficiency to achieve the mission and goals of nonprofit entities.
This is an exploratory study of leadership, organizational culture, and organizational innovativeness in a sample of nonprofit human service organizations: Associations of Retarded Citizens. Although leadership has been held out as one of... more
How do key stakeholders of nonprofit organizations (NPOs) judge the effectiveness of their organization? Are the judgments of stakeholders similar, and how are board effectiveness and the use of practitioner-identified correct management... more
Nonprofit organizations rely on the mission to attract resources and guide decision making. Increasingly, mission statements are recognized as a strong management tool that can motivate employees and keep them focused on the organization'... more
This article reviews the notion of accountability as an intrinsic experience in daily organizational lije and contrasts it with the more traditional construct of accountability as an external control or monitoring device. The concept of... more
Results from a survey of a national sample of 1,190 working adults update findings collected in 1977 (Mirvis and Hackett, 1983) on the characteristics and attitudes of people working in nonprofits. As in the earlier survey, it shows that... more
The authors examined nineteen nonprofit performing arts organizations, investigating the distribution of influence among organizational members, the grouping of volunteers and staff in organizational structures, and the effectiveness of... more
This article reviews research on motivation of employees in the nonprofit sector, with a major emphasis on the motivation of teachers and hospital nursing staff. Although both areas are widely researched in the nonprofit sector, empirical... more
This article describes the development and validation of the Governance Self-Assessment Checklist (GSAC). The GSAC was designed to assist boards of directors of nonprofit and public sector organizations to identify strengths and... more
After giving an overview of the development of social accounting, this article presents two models of social accounting for nonprofits: the community social return on investment model and the expanded value-added statement. The discussion... more
The article describes how the social cooperative has become instrumental in the expansion of the social economy in Italy. It reports the contribution these associations have made to broadening the concept and parameters of volunteer... more
The degree to which strategic action is related to changes in the perceived uncertainty of income from major types ofjmders was examined for a panel of nonprofit organizations. Uncertainty was found to be a pervasive phenomenon.... more
This analysis examines rates of international volunteering among various demographic groups in the United States using data from the 2005 Current Population Survey. We use logistic regression analyses to address the importance of... more
This article describes mortality patterns for nonprofit organizations in a major U.S. metropolitan area between 1980 and 1988. Twenty percent of the nonprofits in a panel ceased operations during this period. Mortality rates were found to... more
This study examines stipended volunteers-those volunteers who engage freely in a helping activity within a formal organizational structure but receive some type of remuneration for their services. Based on a sample of AmeriCorps members... more
for their generous support. Acknowledgements: We extend our gratitude to the Boy Scouts Crossroads of America Council for their data access. We also thank Beth Gazley for comments on an earlier version of this paper, Megan Bowers for her... more
Results from a survey of nonprofit human service agencies in Arizona are presented. Most agencies reported steady or declining revenues, increased competition with other agencies, and rising demand for services from clients who cannot... more
Public and nonprofit organizations need to make strategic choices about where to invest their resources. They also need to expose hidden managerial assumptions and lack of adequate knowledge that prevent the attainment of consensus in... more
Facing a decline in the number of hours donated to nonprofit organizations, volunteer coordinators must strive to determine the most effective strategies for retaining volunteers. Relationship management theory provides a framework to... more
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The volunteer management literature suggests that the most effective means of recruitment is personal asking. However, agencies that apply this method do not report the expected success in volunteer recruitment. Often they face the... more
influence the information-gathering strategies that he or she turns to prior to donating to a nonprofit. The data for the study come from a telephone survey of residents in a large county in southern California (n = 1,002). The sample was... more
Volunteers frequently serve public and nonprofit organizations, among them libraries, parks and recreation departments, social service groups, and religious organizations. Research on volunteers and volunteerism traditionally focuses on... more
This article uses a social return on investment (SROI) methodology to analyze the social impact of a social enterprise offering a job and skills training program to an unemployed, largely female population. The social enterprise is based... more
This article examines women entrepreneurs in the nonprofit sector. Entrepreneurial activity attracts certain kinds of individuals. Such self-selection is not a random event but is influenced by personal characteristics as well as... more
Many useful survey instruments have been developed in the forprofit management arena, but they often require varying levels of adaptation for relevant application in the nonprofit context. This research note first explains key steps in... more
This study analyzes the implications of government-contract funding on the staffing pattern of a nonprofit agency, the Canadian Red Cross, Toronto Region. Furthermore, the study explains the implications of the staffing pattern on... more
Investigations of the structures of multinational organizations have been primarily limited to the multinational for-profitfom, while examinations of alternative structural arrangements of nonprofit organizations have been focused on... more
We examine how nonprofit, public, and for-profit establishments vary in the provision of health benefits and insurance and performance-based incentives using the 2002 National Organization Survey of establishments in the United States. We... more
Recent changes in Australia, such as the new public management and national competition policy, have affected the way that human services are provided and have complicated the role of volunteer coordinators. However, because volunteers... more
Professional associations are operating in a context of uncertainty and change, with which their traditional governance structures struggle to manage. After describing this context and presenting a brief overview of relevant governance... more
This article presents a cuse study of merging among nonprofit organizations that provide social and community services. The study sheds light on the dynamics and problems of merging nonprofit organizations, whose espoused ideology focuses... more
This study explores the attitudes of leaders of religious congregations toward computers. We uncover attitudes toward information (and thus toward computers) that are different from those reported for leaders in other organizational... more
Despite portrayals of gambling as a social vice, charitable gaming is big business in the United States and globally. While many nonprofit organizations sponsor charitable gaming events, such as bingo nights for their members and... more
This article examines the relationship between donations to the American Red Cross and the profits, sales, costs, and prices of health and safety classes offered by local chapters. Two important questions are examined: Do profits from... more
Detecting agency problems is an important task when assessing the effectiveness of a nonprofit organization's governance. A first step is to examine the objectives of principals and agents and determine whether there is a systematic... more
In this study, nine roles and responsibilities of boards of directors in nonprofit organizations in Israel are examined and perceptions of these roles and responsibilities by chairpersons of the boards and the executive directors are... more
This research discusses the findings of a qualitative study that assesses the in-depth interviews of the Executive Directors and Board Members from 13 merger cases of nonprofit organizations and the post-merger influences on the... more
Nonprofit organizations operate in tumultuous times characterized by constrained funding, increased competition, and greater demand for social services. Existing bases of intangible and tangible assets often are insufficient to fulfill... more
American nonprofit organizations first developed in the nineteenth century as the organizational instruments through which Americans put their First Amendment freedoms of religion and political beZief into practice. For one hundred years... more
Nonprofit centers are organized to house individual nonprofits "under one roof " to enhance their efficiency and effectiveness and to offer shared services to diminish administrative load. This post-occupancy tenant satisfaction survey of... more
URFING the net, looking for nonprofit management resources, I confirmed my suspicions about the frequently asked questions S (FAQs) regarding boards of trustees, such as "What are the duties of the board?" and "Who should I have on my... more
This study builds on an earlier one that examined the degree of interchangeability between volunteers and paid employees in nonprofit organizations. In the current study, we surveyed 836 nonprofits in Canada to understand what factors... more
The historical record makes abundantly clear the extent to which the survival of philanthropy depends on the vitality and independence of scholarship.-Peter Dobkin Hall (1992, p. 3) ESPITE the crucial contributions of nonprofits to... more