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    • Noninvasive diagnosis
The Madrid Codex, one of only a few existing pre-Hispanic Maya codices that survived the Spanish destruction, has been analysed in situ at the Museo de América in Madrid by means of an array of noninvasive techniques. This investigation... more
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      Science for Conservation and Restoration of Cultural HeritageNoninvasive diagnosisPrecolombian Art
Systemic embolization is a rare but serious complication of variceal injection with cyanoacrylate. We report a case of cerebral embolism a few hours after an injection of Histoacryl into a bleeding esophageal post-banding ulcer.... more
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      EchocardiographyNoninvasive diagnosisTRANSESOPHAGEAL ECHO
Introduction: Transient Elastography is a promising form of non-invasive assessment of fibrosis in chronic hepatitis B. The diagnostic accuracy and usefulness of TE is evaluated and compared with FIB 4 index, Aspartate Platelet Ratio... more
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      Cystic FibrosisNoninvasive diagnosisLiver FibrosisFibroscan
 Sumber-sumber Keuangan Perusahaan Berbisnis apapun pasti butuh modal, berapa pun jumlahnya itu. Permodalan sering menjadi kendala utama yang menghambat dalam membangun bisnis, baik itu kurang modal atau bahkan tidak punya modal sama... more
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    • Noninvasive diagnosis
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      Diabetes mellitusNoninvasive diagnosisPeripheral Arterial Disease
Objective The aim of this study is to report the clinical application of noninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT) to detect chromosomal aneuploidies, especially trisomies 21, 18, and 13 in Chinese singleton pregnancies. Methods Pilot... more
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      Next generation sequencingNoninvasive diagnosisNon Invasive Prenatal DiagnosisPrenatal screening
BENTUK _ BENTUK PRODUK BANK UMUM Giro (Demand Deposit), Merupakan simpanan pada bank yang penarikannya dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan cek atau bilyet giro. Gambar giro Kliring (Clearing) Merupakan penagihan warkat (surat-surat... more
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    • Noninvasive diagnosis
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      Skin CancerNoninvasive diagnosisNon-Melanoma Skin Cancer
The accurate measurement of skin tumors and the precise delimitation of its borders areimportant tools for tumor diagnosis and treatment. In this paper we summarized our practical experience in`the examination of different skin tumors... more
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      DermatologyNoninvasive diagnosisHigh Frequency Ultrasound and Cell Death
Since the early 1970s, the ethical norm governing counselors involved in testing and screening for genetic conditions related to reproduction has been strict neutrality. Counseling about reproductive genetics was to be patient centered... more
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      GeneticsHuman GeneticsBioethicsCounseling
We report a probe-based portable and clinically compatible instrument for the spectral diagnosis of melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancers. The instrument combines two modalities – diffuse reflectance and intrinsic fluorescence... more
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      Bioengineering- BioimagingSkin CancerNoninvasive diagnosis
The Madrid Codex, one of only a few existing pre-Hispanic Maya codices that survived the Spanish destruction, has been analysed in situ at the Museo de América in Madrid by means of an array of noninvasive techniques. This investigation... more
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      ArchaeologyGeochemistryArchaeological ScienceScience for Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage
Background: In human anatomy, a nail is a hornlike envelope covering the dorsal aspect of the terminal phalanges of fingers and toes. Nail disorders are most common among the geriatric population. Diabetes mellitus is also supposed to... more
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      Diabetes mellitusNoninvasive diagnosisProtein Secondary Structure Prediction
Multiple Sclerosis is a disease characterized by brain damage. Diagnosis and confirmation of MS involves investigation and discovery of the brain damage. An approach to this discovery is to take advantage of known facts about how the... more
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      StatisticsMultiple sclerosisNoninvasive diagnosisSemantic categories
We report a probe-based portable and clinically compatible instrument for the spectral diagnosis of melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancers. The instrument combines two modalities – diffuse reflectance and intrinsic fluorescence... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringComputer Aided DesignBioengineering- BioimagingSkin Cancer