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Because of its extensive Mediterranean history, France had a particular responsibility when the Arab revolutions broke out in 2011. The strategies defined by Paris in Libya and Syria, implemented through foreign policy, have proved to be... more
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      Strategy (Military Science)International RelationsTerrorismGeopolitics
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      TerrorismIslamBoko HaramState Terrorism
This is a year-long research project aiming to understand to what extent armed groups can participate (sustain or undermine) in endogenous state-building projects. Case studies : Somaliland (successful integration and state-making) and... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesState BuildingSomalilandPolitical integration of armed groups
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesCivil WarUnited NationsArmed Conflict
This chapter offers a critical perspective on contemporary security in the Middle East, by exploring the ways in which state and non-state armed groups have sought to reorder the regional balance of power, especially after the 2003... more
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      International RelationsMiddle East StudiesCritical Security StudiesSyria
Uluslararası ilişkilerin temel aktörü olan devletler günümüze kadar silahlı çatışmaların da temel aktörü olmuştur. Devlet dışında pek çok aktörün ortaya çıkması ve etkinlik kazanmasıyla bu durum değişmeye başlamıştır. Devlet dışı... more
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      International RelationsInternational LawConflictWar Studies
В этом очерке не раскрывается весь многогранный и динамичный феномен новых добровольческих частей 2014 года. Вместо этого, я сфокусируюсь лишь на предыстории и некоторых аспектах возникновения одного особого и несколько девиантного... more
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      FascismNeo-FascismUkrainian StudiesPolitical Extremism/Radicalism/Populism
Depuis 2012, le Mali a vu de nombreux groupes armés opérer sur son territoire. Les interventions internationales, ainsi que les efforts nationaux de réconciliation et de stabilisation ont mené à une catégorisation de ces groupes selon des... more
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The final report of the Usalama Project presents the conclusions of 18-month field research on the national army and armed groups in the eastern DRC in three parts: an analysis of armed mobilization, focusing on the region of North and... more
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      Democratic Republic of CongoNon State Armed Groups
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      Non-international armed conflictsDirect Targeting of CiviliansNon State Armed Groups
Since 2012, Mali has seen many armed groups operate on its territory. International interventions, as well as national reconciliation and stabilization efforts, have led to a categorization of these groups along lines of conflict relevant... more
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      InsurgencyMaliSahelArmed Groups
El artículo discute la aparición de respuestas comunitarias frente a la violencia, caracterizadas por la apropiación de la seguridad y la justicia; propone entender estas respuestas, como parte de un continuum en la gestión de riesgos,... more
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      ViolenceVigilantismCrime and punishmentEstudios sobre Violencia y Conflicto
Most of the present rules of international law regulate the behavior of States. Within States, however, there are other entities such as corporations, non–governmental organizations, individuals, international governmental organizations... more
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      LawInternational RelationsInternational Relations TheoryInternational Studies
This thesis examines the paucity of international legal and theoretical frameworks that are applicable to the governance and overall status of the territorial enclaves of non-state armed groups (NSAGs), and the territorial fragmentation... more
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      International RelationsInternational Relations TheoryPostcolonial StudiesSelf-Determination Theory
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      Critical TheoryFinanceHistorySociology
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      Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)Public International LawMultinational CorporationsNon-state actors
InSight Crime, 13 de abril de 2016.
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      Violent Non-State ActorsNon-state actorsMichoacánMichoacan
More non-state armed groups have emerged in the last eight years than in the previous eight decades. During this period the Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL, has a racted inordinate global concern, diverting a ention from a trend... more
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      Civil WarEthnic Conflict and Civil WarNon State Armed GroupsNon-State Armed Groups
In today’s international law context, the majority of armed conflicts include at least one non-state armed group (NSAG). For a long time, however, these actors and their acts were considered to be regulated only by the internal laws of... more
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      International RelationsHumanitiesHuman Rights LawInternational Law
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      Social MovementsCriminal organizationsNon State Armed Groups
The dynamics of conflict (de)escalation by social movements or political opposition groups have attracted crossdisciplinary interest among social scientists, but there remain several knowledge gaps to be filled. On the one hand, there is... more
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      Nonviolent Civil ResistanceNon State Armed Groups
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      International LawPublic International LawCustomary LawViolent Non-State Actors
Despite a proliferation of scholarship on armed conflict and violence, Colombia and Mexico have been underexplored in studies of mass atrocities. However, systemic and grave violence in both contexts suggests a need to correct this... more
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      Political Violence and TerrorismMoral PhilosophyHuman Rights and Non-State ActorsViolent Non-State Actors
Economic and armed non-state actors increasingly operate through their transnational activities. International public law excludes them from any international regulation or accountability process. International humanitarian law (IHL, the... more
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      International Criminal CourtArmed ConflictMultinational CorporationsBusiness and human rights
The reconstruction of stable political order after violent conflict is a central concern of peacebuilding theory and practice. While much of the literature on this subject is based on cases where there has been state collapse or... more
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      Political ScienceArmed ConflictNortheast IndiaIndia
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      SociologyLawInternational LawHuman Rights
The short-lived Ukrainian armed volunteer movement and its interaction with electoral politics, in some regards did, and in other regards, did not fit patterns observed in research into irregular armed groups (IAGs). The brief life span... more
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      Political SciencePoliticsUkrainian StudiesUkrainian Politics
Les groupes armés non étatiques se sont développés de façon très importante lors des années 2010, particulièrement en Syrie et en Iraq, allant de milices locales d’autodéfense à des groupes atteignant les fonctions régaliennes. Ce... more
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      Middle East StudiesGeopoliticsInternational SecurityWar Studies