Non State Armed Actors
Recent papers in Non State Armed Actors
ارتبط الاهتمام بدراسة الفاعلين العنيفين من غير الدول Violent Non State Actors (VNSAs بالتحولات التي شهدتها الدولة منذ نهاية الحرب الباردة، سواء من حيث طبيعة دورها، أو من حيث بنيتها، وعجزها عن ممارسة وظائفها التقليدية، علي النحو الذي صورها... more
The massacre of almost 50 Maidan protesters on February 20, 2014 was a turning point in Ukrainian politics and a tipping point in the conflict between the West and Russia over Ukraine. This mass killing of the protesters and the mass... more
CAN ACUN, BÜNYAMIN KESKIN, BILAL SALAYMEH EL-KAIDE’DEN HTŞ’YE: NUSRA CEPHESI Suriye’de devlet otoritesinin aşınmasından dolayı ortaya çıkan boşluk devlet dışı silahlı aktörler tarafından doldurulmaya başlanmıştır. Bu gelişmeler... more
On 20th January 2018, the Turkish military started to attack the Kurdish-populated region of Afrin in Syria (“Operation Olive Branch“). With its letter to the Security Council of 22nd January 2018, Turkey justified this action as... more
(max 150 words) Purpose of this article is to analyse the role of civilians within the "Boko Haram" terrorism and counter-terrorism dynamics, with special focus on the strategies individually and collectively pursued to navigate between... more
Why insurgent organizations stay together over time and why they maintain the fight under stress are questions of major concern for our understanding of war duration, conduct, and outcome. Structural integrity is the property of an... more
Although the nature, organization and structure of non-State armed groups (NSAGs) are issues of increasing concern, in particular due to the participation of these entities in the majority of armed conflicts, their place and regulation... more
We invite paper proposals for our upcoming Workshop “Perspectives on Governance by Non-State Armed Actors”, which will be held online on May 24, 2021. It is the first event of the Workshop Series "Debating Transnational Governance",... more
In 2004, an unlikely combination of rural insurgent groups and urban gangs fought over the fate of President Aristide and brought Haiti to the brink of civil war. Ten years on, the country is still plagued by instances of armed violence.... more
After nearly a hundred years of debate and analysis, the gang concept remains hotly contested within the social sciences. Once thought to be an exclusively American phenomenon, the study of gangs has become increasingly global over the... more
This report examines the Aquino administration’s efforts to end hostilities and negotiate a long-term peace agreement between the Government of the Republic of the Philippine (GRP), on the one hand, and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front... more
The Ruzizi Plain in South Kivu Province has been the theatre of ongoing conflicts and violence for over two decades. Patterns and dynamics of conflicts and violence have significantly evolved over time. Historically, conflict dynamics... more
This curated collection "Criminal Drone Evolution: Cartel Weaponization of Aerial IEDs" documents the evolution of drone usage by criminal cartels, gangs, and criminal armed groups (CAGs) in Mexico and beyond. Cartel Drone Evolution... more
Disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) programmes form part of standard post-conflict peacebuilding tools regularly applied in the context of UN peacekeeping operations. Yet, the limitations of such templates become evident... more
De term “Mai Mai” wordt gebruikt als etiket voor een bonte verzameling van kleinschalige, vaak langs etnische lijnen gevormde gewapende groepen in oost Congo. Doorgaans roept de naam associaties op met hekserij, barbarij en... more
This study examines how terrorist organizations use UAV technology by learning from each other and analyzes their adaptation processes. Technological developments in both civilian and military fields have had a significant impact on the... more
El año 2013 marca la visibilidad de los grupos de defensa comunitaria en México, mediante una variedad de formas organizativas, como las rondas comunitarias, los grupos de autodefensa y las policías comunitarias, así como grupos... more
This dissertation is part of a larger effort to understand rebel political orders and provides both a conceptual framework for analysing local jihadist governance and an in-depth analysis of the governance functions performed by the... more
As violence has continued to rise in Mexico year after year, criminal groups have adopted an increasingly militarized approach to their tactics, weaponry and training. InSight Crime sat down with Robert J. Bunker and John P. Sullivan,... more
After conquering large swaths of Syria and Iraq, the IS undertook an aggressive sectarian campaign in which they not only enacted horrific violence against the Shia people, but also damaged or destroyed several key Shia mosques and... more
This article aims to analyze the evolution of Brazilian criminal organization Primeiro Comando da Capital (PCC—First Command of the Capital), especially its transformation from a group advocating human rights to a transnational violent... more
This is a preliminary scoping report aimed at mapping resources and finding gaps in the current policy and practice devoted to non-state armed groups, with a particular emphasis on the role and practice of UN entities
Transnational gangs challenge states in a variety of way. First, they transcend geographical and jurisdictional boundaries. Second, when left unchecked, they can erode the legitimacy of state institutions, co-opt state officials, and... more
This chapter offers a critical perspective on contemporary security in the Middle East, by exploring the ways in which state and non-state armed groups have sought to reorder the regional balance of power, especially after the 2003... more
Uluslararası ilişkilerin temel aktörü olan devletler günümüze kadar silahlı çatışmaların da temel aktörü olmuştur. Devlet dışında pek çok aktörün ortaya çıkması ve etkinlik kazanmasıyla bu durum değişmeye başlamıştır. Devlet dışı... more
The War Report 2017 identifies, describes and discusses the situations of armed violence that amounted in 2017 to armed conflicts, in accordance with the definitions under IHL and ICL. In 2017, 55 armed conflicts occurred in 29 states and... more
As an annual publication, The War Report provides an overview of contemporary trends in current armed conflicts, including key international humanitarian law (IHL) and policy issues that have arisen and require attention. Aimed at... more
Resumen: Desde 1955 hasta la última dictadura militar, Argentina atravesó un período de creciente conflictividad social y política. Las organizaciones armadas fueron actores destacados en ese proceso. Entre ellas, las Fuerzas Armadas... more
Explora los distintos componentes y dinámicas de la economía política de la extracción de riquezas naturales, específicamente en los territorios periféricos de los Llanos Orientales que durante la segunda mitad del siglo xx se... more
The most active and vocal non-State actors in the cultural heritage domain are non-governmental organizations (NGOs), private companies, and non-State armed groups. It is beyond doubt that these actors have an ambivalent role. On the one... more
Önsöz Eldeki çalışmada konu olarak Devletin Uluslararası Terörizme Karşı Uluslararası Hukuk Dâiresinde Meşrû Müdâfaa Hakkı incelenmektedir. Konu, çalışmanın başlığında öz olarak Uluslararası Terörizme Karşı Meşrû Müdâfaa şeklinde ifâde... more
Resumen: El trabajo analiza los posicionamientos de las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias en el marco de las OAP (Organizaciones Armadas Peronistas), una instancia de coordinación entre FAR, Fuerzas Armadas Peronistas (FAP), Montoneros y... more
In recent years, some of the most lethal episodes of violence have taken place in countries vastly a ected by organized crime, such as Mexico and Honduras. Criminal groups2 are primarily economical actors: they do not aim at constituting... more
Armed violence in Nigeria keep occurring sporadically and studies have revealed that in most crimes and conflicts in Nigeria, small arms and light weapons (hereafter called small arms) are the predominant weapons of choice and aggression.... more
Recent experience around the world has demonstrated that resistance and liberation movements have become a defining feature of contemporary political conflicts, and that in the end, reaching political settlements needs their active... more
Hem sivil hem de askeri alandaki teknolojik gelişmelerin terör örgütlerinin ope-rasyon kabiliyetlerinde ve terör saldırılarının artışında önemli etkisi olmuştur. Hayat kalitesini artıran ve kolaylaştıran birçok teknolojinin bir de... more
Resumen: El artículo reconstruye las prácticas y discursos políticos de las Fueras Armadas Revolucionarias durante la coyuntura electoral de 1972-1973 en Argentina. Se analizan los sentidos que le atribuyeron a su participación en la... more
As the violence in northeast Nigeria continues into its tenth year, communities have been mobilizing to augment Nigerian state responses. These groups, known as the yan gora (Civilian Joint Task Force – CJTF), yan banga (vigilantes) and... more
El artículo discute la aparición de respuestas comunitarias frente a la violencia, caracterizadas por la apropiación de la seguridad y la justicia; propone entender estas respuestas, como parte de un continuum en la gestión de riesgos,... more