The aim of presented research is to assess the efficiency of selected social advertising campaigns endorsed by popular Slovak celebrities. In order to determine likeability of particular campaigns, one endorsed by Lukáš Latinák (campaign... more
The paper reports on both methodological and substantive findings. It presents a method for generating simplified representations for regional urban populations, their geographical sub-populations and communities. the method generates... more
The goal of this paper is to contribute to understanding of relationship marketing applied in the nonprofit organizations. Being crucial for the survival and development of the non-profit organizations, the relationships with donors are... more
Critical assessment of how theory can contribute to building brands in the non-profit sector. Then using an appropriate theoretical approach, assess Amnesty International's efforts to build its brand. Develop and present a recommended... more
Résumé : Les ONG sont-elles devenues des « multinationales de l’action collective » ? Que ce soit dans le domaine humanitaire ou environnemental, ces organisations ont recours depuis une trentaine d’années à des pratiques issues du monde... more
Shockvertising is a matter of choice for many of the nonprofit and for profit organizations despite its debatable efficacy as well as the ethical elements used. This paper analyzes whether it is really necessary to use shock appeals in... more
English Summary: By engaging in cause-related marketing companies can not only generate favorable attitudes toward the sponsoring company, but they can also build corporate reputation and increase product sales. However, research... more
Celebrity endorsement is today a frequently used approach across marketing channels. Paper covers the topic of celebrity marketing, celebrities as brands and perception of celebrity that can be influenced by a variety of factors with the... more
In recent decades there are major changes undergoing in non-profit public arts and cultural sector. Arts organizations demonstrate a growing interest in applying business methods in solving funding issues, as well as the purpose of... more
This study attempts to examine the scope of non-profit marketing practice at local government of Bangladesh. A survey on one hundred elected political leaders and government officers at Upaxilla Parishad level of Bangladesh has been... more
Dopo aver osservato ed aver contribuito per circa un anno all'evoluzione e all'analisi dell'Associazione di accoglienza turistica e promozione locale “Il Borgo Ostuni”, ho scritto in questa tesi tutto il percorso che con grande impegno,... more
The export-oriented Garment Industry of Bangladesh is one of the most important industries in terms of foreign exchange earnings and employment. But this industry is facing a global competition from the expiry of post MFA, January 1 st ;... more
The present study taps into the complexity of today’s branding paradigm centered on the dynamic stakeholder-focused brand era. Literature from this new paradigm argues that brand value and meaning is dynamically co-created with the brand,... more
È stato pubblicato sulla Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 186 del 9 agosto 2019, il Decreto del Ministro del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali del 4 luglio 2019, recante le indicazioni per l'adozione delle Linee Guida per la redazione del bilancio... more
The attempt of this research is to encourage the scholars and practitioners of the social, economic or commercial and scientific organizations as the marketers for becoming market-oriented new knowledge creation. The another objective is... more
In the face of extended global recession, non-profit organisations face not only declining revenues but also increasingly distracted consumers. The communication challenges of nonprofits angling not just for financial support but also for... more
In this paper, authors discuss a range of possible donor relationship models – from the B2B-like paradigm of contemporary fund-raising to the strategic alliance option. It is argued that, the nonprofit organizations could enhance the... more
Purpose ‐ The purpose of this paper is to discuss the importance of relationship fundraising and cultivating committed donors for nonprofit news outlets seeking financial sustainability, particularly during a time of major changes in the... more
One of the main challenges of the Third Sector is its economic sustainability. This dissertation explores the status quo of the Third sector organisations with different dimensions in order to recognise common constraints, dependencies... more
Despite the importance of social media as an inexpensive and efficient means of communication, it is not clear to what degree space advocacy groups are making a strong organized effort to use the resources available to them. Moreover,... more
Charities and not-for-profit organisations have traditionally eschewed commercial operations in favour of direct fund-raising from supporters. Competitive pressures, however, are driving charities to take on ‘dual citizenship’ through... more
The intent of this paper, entitled, “What Makes a High Impact Nonprofit Organization?”, is to explore the key elements, strategies techniques, proven methods and theories to establish a high impact nonprofit. With the present paper I have... more
This mixed methods study investigates engagement of donors to nonprofit online news organizations. Four forms of engagement - financial, digital media, organizational and local community - are considered. Respondents said that even before... more
All marketing definitions focus on the same point: customer orientation and the satisfaction of customer needs. Within this framework, although marketing approach in most of studies primarily deal with institutions and enterprises in... more
A strategic plan to increase positive community relations by a Salvation Army corps in various sectors of society.
From the beginning of trade, marketing was an essential business tool used by organisations to promote their services and help their business grow bigger than their competitors. As CIM states, ‘Marketing has its origins in the exchange... more
The attempt of this paper is to define the problems between the local government and central government in delivering a political product or election manifesto of a winning political organization for achieving a target level of... more
Child labour is a crucial issue in Bangladesh especially within Dhaka City. Despite significantly the child labour have been reduced from 3.1 million to 1.6 million and the working children have also been decreased from 7.4 million to 3.4... more
Child labour is a crucial issue in Bangladesh especially within Dhaka City. Despite significantly the child labour have been reduced from 3.1 million to 1.6 million and the working children have also been decreased from 7.4 million to 3.4... more
The Learning Farm is a non-profit organisation that aims to educate vulnerable youth using the medium of organic farming.
Spanish society of this already started twentyfirst century, is immersed in a constant change in which there is evidence of a profuse social diversity. This, together with the increase in inequality in the distribution of wealth and... more
The need for nonprofit organizations to reach out and attempt to engage new audiences is not only very vital but also much more complicated than ever, in this day and age of massively increased noise on the marketplace. There seems to be... more
The extension of marketing research scope to non profit organizations resulted in modification of some key marketing concepts including market orientation. However, it is not uniquely defined because of the differences characterizing... more
Fashion renting is a new product-service business model that is increasingly gaining adoption among fashion retailers in the wake of the environmental degradation fueled by fast fashion retailing. Brand extension is a notable competitive... more
A U.S.-based Christian missionary nonprofit is envisioned that has a decentralized leadership model of training pastors in local communities in developing countries to enact positive social change.
Charities and not-for-profit organisations have traditionally eschewed commercial operations in favour of direct fund-raising from supporters. Competitive pressures, however, are driving charities to take on ‘dual citizenship’ (Goodall... more
Companies are increasingly relying on alternative promotional activities, such as word-of-mouth communication (WOM), to reach their target markets. From a consumer protection perspective this may be troubling, as consumers may not always... more
The article focuses on four major assumptions that underlie the alternative conceptualization of public recreation marketing. It explains (1) the redistribution system within recreation resources are allocated; (2) the organizational... more