The value of volunteers to society is unquestionable. Understanding volunteer's motivations has been regularly recognised by researchers and administrators as a valuable component of volunteer's management. However, why people volunteer... more
Introduction Nonprofit organizations are challenged to balance between keeping their current donors and getting new supporters. While each approach is essential for growth, research shows that donor retention strategies are significantly... more
The serialized novel, later reprinted in a hard cover edition with variances in 1970, narrates the tale of two frenemy geisha, Masako and Tsutayo, with Masako as the main protagonist. Several themes, or motifs, appear in the novel many of... more
Leidinio bibliografinė informacija pateikiama Lietuvos nacionalinės Martyno Mažvydo bibliotekos Nacionalinės bibliografijos duomenų banke (NBDB)
A survey of charity donors sought to establish the main causes and effects of charity donors' feelings of engagement with the charities they had supported during the previous 12 months. Engagement was characterised in terms of a donor's... more
Disertacijoje nagrinėjami heterogeninių korinio ryšio tinklų talpos ir paslaugų kokybės užtikrinimo klausimai, taikant vartotojų srauto balansavimą. Pagrindiniai tyrimo objektai yra vartotojų sukuriamo balso ir duomenų srauto balansavimas... more
Monografija finansuojama Europos socialinio fondo lėsomis pagal projektą „Kultūros institucijų komunikacinių kompetencijų plėtra žinių ir kūrybos visuomenės kontekste“ (VP1-3.1-MM-08-K-01-017) finansuotas is Europos socialinio fondo lėsų.
The corporate social responsibility (CSR) performance of a company enhances a company's credibility, thereby influencing the perception of its stakeholders in improving the corporate reputation of a company. This study examines this claim... more
The corporate social responsibility (CSR) performance of a company enhances a company’s credibility, thereby influencing the perception of its stakeholders in improving the corporate reputation of a company. This study examines this claim... more
Brand extension strategy which means using the current brand name when offering new products for the market, has become a frequently used branding strategy for firms since 1980s. Brand extension strategy is an appealing strategy for many... more
other charities that might affect donations. 11 Similar considerations apply to perceptions that a charity has been 'mismanaged' in some way by its administrators or trustees. 12-18 It follows, therefore, that the accuracy of donors'... more
PurposeChild sponsorship programs have been accused of representing children in the developing world in a manner described as “development porn”. The purpose of this paper is to take an historical approach to investigating the use of... more
In this article we analyse the cooperation of business organisations of Klaipėda region with Latvian organizations.One of the main problems of this region, located in the cross-border with Latvia, is low competivenessof its organisations... more
Šiame straipsnyje trumpai apžvelgiamos edukacinės, daugiausia meno pažinimo ir šiuolaikinę dailę pristatančios programos Lietuvos muziejuose. Sukaupta patirtis analizuojama formuluojant pagrindines problemas, su kuriomis susiduria... more
Santrauka. Straipsnyje analizuojamas edukacinių renginių aktualumas, vaidmuo, specifika ir plėtojimo galimybės šiuolaikinėje visuomenėje. Apibendrinus tarptautinę patirtį parengiama edukacinių renginių klasifikacija ir atliekamas rėmimo... more
A sample of 308 attendees at an APBA sanctioned powerboat race in July of 2015 provided insight regarding a number of key considerations germane to the decision to attend the race. Race organizers were seeking ways to reinvigorate... more
Many service providers now use social media, both as a way to interact efficiently with their customers, and as a means of gathering customer data needed to better manage customer relationships. Thus, social media can both provide service... more
Brzi razvoj novih tehnologija doveo je do novih oblika društvene komunikacije koji uključuju interaktivnost i multimedijalnost, što je otvorilo put slabljenju autoriteta i oblikovanju novih načina društvenog ophođenja unutar »digitalnog... more
Monografija finansuojama Europos socialinio fondo lėsomis pagal projektą „Kultūros institucijų komunikacinių kompetencijų plėtra žinių ir kūrybos visuomenės kontekste“ (VP1-3.1-MM-08-K-01-017) finansuotas is Europos socialinio fondo lėsų.
Changing conditions in the business environment forcing the organizations apply the concept of corporate social responsibility, which represents the potential of enhancing the partnership between the business community and other sectors.... more
Straipsnyje aptariamos įvairios šiuolaikinio meno pristatymo tele vizijoje strategijos, tiesiogiai susijusios pirmiausia su meną pristatančiųjų vaidmenimis, televizinės medijos ir meninės praktikos pokyčiais. Teigiama, kad... more
Straipsnyje teoriniais aspektais nagrinėjami mažmeninės prekybos įmonių konkurencinės situacijos pokyčiai Lietuvos integracijos į Europos Sąjungą (toliau ES) iššūkių kontekstu. Aptariama mažmeninės prekybos įmonių marketingo komplekso... more
Danas se na internetu u znatnoj mjeri razni proizvodi prezentiraju u obliku slikovnih i simboličkih sadržaja koji predstavljaju određene informacije, a time digitalni izvori informacija o proizvodima sve više dobivaju na značenju.... more
The attempt of this research is to introduce a world new concept of political services marketing for introducing two models for designing and delivering a political product to win power for a peaceful democracy. The research contains four... more
The number of charities in the UK has increased steadily over time, with over 168,000 charities currently registered in the UK (Charity Commission for England and Wales, 2019). This growth has gone hand in hand with the growth of the web.... more
Considering the ever-increasing trend of utilizing nudity content in marketing, this study investigates whether consumers' nudity attitudes modify their attitudes toward advertising in general (AAG) and also tests the mediation of... more
Polazeci od cvrstih pozicija koje su uspostavljene postojecim endogenim teorijama o postanku i podrijetlu glagoljice, ne dovodeci pritom u pitanje
Recently, companies developed strategies which may influence their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) image. This paper discusses the image of four different supermarkets with stores in Portugal. The research compares CSR image and... more
Recently, companies developed strategies which may influence their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) image. This paper discusses the image of four different supermarkets with stores in Portugal. The research compares CSR image and... more
Tarp audito informacijos vartotojų nepasitenkinimas kyla ypac tuomet, kai apie įmonių finansines ataskaitas paskelbus teigiamas audito isvadas, t.y. auditoriui patvirtinus, kad jos parodo tikrą ir teisingą įmonės finansine būkle,... more
Vartotojų komunikacijos procesas socialiniame feisbuko tinkle gali būti apibūdinamas kaip socialinė percepcija (socialinis suvokimas, pažinimas), esant abipusiam ryšiui, kai tiek siuntėjas, tiek ir gavėjas atlieka vienas kito... more
ΕΦΗΜΕΡΙΔΑ Χριστέ Πάει ένας χρόνος τώρα που δεν Σας έχω σκεφτεί Από τότε που έγραψα το προτελευταίο ποίημά μου για το Πάσχα Η ζωή μου άλλαξε από τότε πολύ Αλλά είμαι πάντοτε ο ίδιος Προσπάθησα μάλιστα να γίνω και ζωγράφος Ιδού οι πίνακες... more
Das 2019 gegründete Museumsnetzwerk »Antike in Bayern« ging aus dem Projekt »Museum & Tourismus« hervor, das in Kooperation zwischen der Landesstelle für die nichtstaatlichen Museen in Bayern und der Bayern Tourismus Marketing GmbH ins... more
The facility location plays an important role in an industry's supply chain management to facilitate logistics management requirements, making the sourcing and distribution process smooth and fast. The purpose of this study is to... more
Many service providers now use social media, both as a way to interact efficiently with their customers, and as a means of gathering customer data needed to better manage customer relationships. Thus, social media can both provide service... more
Celebrity endorsement has been used for decades to promote products to consumers. As employees are one of the primary stakeholders and are known as second consumers, their concerns about celebrity endorsement effectiveness and pride need... more
Our paper reports on an extensive survey carried out amongst marketing managers or people with similar positions and tasks employed by Romanian public institutions, both central and local. We attempted to get a broad picture of how... more
Γιατί η έρευνα γίνεται βιβλίο Η παρούσα έρευνα στοχεύει στο να δώσει απάντηση όχι μόνο στο βασικό ερώτημα «ποια είναι η Φιλαρμονική Κορωπίου», αλλά και να απαντήσει επίσης σε επιμέρους ερωτήματα αναγκαία για την εξασφάλιση μιας ολιστικής... more
3.5.3 As a result, this project has improved the Company's operations through the development of information and research that will create the platform from which they can expand into new market sectors, build their customer base, and... more
Ekonomik, siyasal, teknolojik, konjonktürel, sosyal, uluslararası vb. birçok alandaki gelişimler zaman zaman devlet mekanizmasında da kısmi veya kapsamlı değişimleri zorunlu hale getirebilmekte ve kendini yeni şartlara uyarlama ve dönüşüm... more
This conceptual article examines brand orientation as an alternative to market orientation in the public sector. The problem with market orientation is that the focus on customers is too great; it is myopic, and lacks true interaction; it... more