Recent papers in Non/Monogamy
The focus of this chapter will be to outline intimate privilege and why it might be important to consider this form of privileging in discussions about non-monogamy. (This is a pre-typesetting and final copyedit draft of this paper,... more
Simone de Beauvoir and Jean-Paul Sartre are well known for their openly non-monogamous relationship: something which is reflected upon in the many biographies which have been written about their lives. Clearly de Beauvoir and Sartre's... more
Most social scientific work on intimate relationships has assumed a monogamous structure, or has considered anything other than monogamy only in the context of 'infidelity'. Yet, in recent years there has been a growing interest among... more
This study contributes to the development of nascent bisexual theology by examining bisexual women’s lives in relation to the stereotype that bisexuals desire concurrent male and female partners. Building on qualitative email interviews... more
The sexual adventures of television characters. Dating websites for married women. News reports on raids of polygamous communities. Reality shows about polyamorists. It seems that non- monogamy is everywhere: in popular culture, in the... more
Full text available (open access) via link above (or copy paste: ) This article develops case studies from qualitative interviews with people in negotiated... more
Cardoso, D. (2015). Del amor a la amistad: la política de las relaciones. In S. Cendal (Ed.), M. Pérez (Trans.), (h)amor2 (pp. 53–66). Madrid: Continta Me Tienes. From love to friendship: The politics of relating Daniel Cardoso It was... more
This chapter discusses the recent literature on “open non-monogamies,” or non-monogamous arrangements that are known-about by at the very least all the involved intimate partners. (This specifically excludes a consideration of the... more
Aula teórica sobre investigação nas Ciências da Comunicação a partir do trabalho de Eve Sedgwick, Susanna Paasonen e Michel Foucault.
Áudio da Sessão disponível:
Áudio da Sessão disponível:
Keynote at the 1st International Queering Partnering Conference, dealing with an affective analysis of the rise of poly-activism in Portugal, and with the importance of constituting archives of the situated rise of poly-activism... more
Mesa redonda: temas clave en Bisexualidad.
"Relaciones diversas: Tipos y tópicos del poliamor".
Mesa redonda: temas clave en Bisexualidad.
"Relaciones diversas: Tipos y tópicos del poliamor".
In this paper I make an analysis of the dominant ideas on love in Belgian society, based on the narratives of men and women in (predominantly heterosexual) non-monogamous relationships. The narratives of these men and women show that... more
This dissertation uses genealogical discourse analysis to unpack recent Western conceptions of monogamy and non-monogamy in the public sphere. Beginning from the premise that discourses surrounding monogamy and non-monogamy (taken... more