Non Formal Education
Recent papers in Non Formal Education
Aquest text recull part de la recerca desenvolupada per l’autor en el marc del projecte de R+D+I «Aprenentatge de la Ciutadania Activa. Discursos, experiencies i estrategies educatives»,1 financat pel Ministeri d’Educacio i Cultura, i... more
The Helsinki Committee in Poland published a report entitled Human Rights in Poland, 1989, in which, among other topics, the committee addressed the need for training in the field of human rights. The report said, "In the course of... more
The aim of this study is to analyse the knowledge acquisition and transfer system in rural Poland, in comparison with nonrural areas. In addition, to determine the importance of market qualifications and the effects that the Integrated... more
This paper is a conceptual commentary. The idea generated on reading the UNDP Report on Human Development Index (March 2013) which placed India on 136th position among 186 nations, HDI is a composite figure that indicates three elements:... more
Karakteristike, izazovi i mogućnosti u budućem razvoju neformalne edukacije (prvenstveno usmjerene mladima) kroz pogled sudionika i edukatora. Publikacija je zajednčki rad skupine od 20 koautora u sklopu Erasmus+ projekta.
This study is an analysis of the Brazilian Scout movement, more specificaly scout pedagogy. Rooted on the field of non-formal education, this paper aims to comprehend how Scouting is done, and if its practice in Brazil, and specialy... more
In the methodological tool, hobby clubs are treated as the first stage of an adolescent’s involvement in the world of work. The coherence of formal and informal education is reviewed, the psychological peculiarities of the consistent... more
This study assesses the role and importance of non-formal education to human and national development in three states (Bayelsa, Delta and Rivers) in the south-south geo-political zone of Nigeria. It measures six group dimensions to... more
La educación del carácter, con ese nombre y en ocasiones con otros nombres, tiene una larga historia en los Estados Unidos (Berkowitz et al., 2020), mucho menor en Europa. Se ha estudiado ampliamente los beneficios que conllevan sus... more
Due to Imam’s special attention to education sector and wise educational policies, literacy rate was dramatically improved and special opportunities were initiated at primary and higher educational levels. Iran accomplished great... more
The article frames intergenrational learning as an important area for research and practice in Europe and introduces two studies of intergenerational learning seen as a social practice. The two studies are briefly presented along a number... more
This paper explores opportunities for integrating formal and non-formal education in Uganda in ways that help learners acquire, build and maintain productive skills for sustainable livelihoods. Using an interpretive paradigm, the authors... more
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For several decades now, the problem of empowering the Nigerian youths for self-reliance to checkmate unemployment has been a great concern to the nation. The poverty level and the inability of most parents to sponsor their wards in... more
It is increasingly recognized that education need not aim at knowledge production for its own sake, but rather at an applied learning that seeks transformation and the promotion of overall societal well-being. Furthermore, within this... more
"Le récit est employé dans de nombreux dispositifs d’éducation non formelle. La manière dont il peut contribuer à la transmission des connaissances reste cependant mal connue. Cette recherche s’attache à comprendre la manière dont il sert... more
Adult education aims at improving the situation of people by increasing their skills, knowledge and awareness. It is the adult that could transform the nations not children. Adult education brings a great sense of dignity and self-esteem,... more
Der vorliegende Beitrag führt in das Buch ein. Zunächst werden die unterschiedlichen Argumentationsstränge beleuchtet, die zur Konzeption, zum Design und zur Durchführung des Projekts QuaSi BNE motiviert haben. Weiterhin werden die... more
Many youth leaders and workers acquire many of the competences necessary for their leadership roles ‘on the job’ in the course of their experience within the Church organisations, both as members and as leaders. This learning and growth... more
One of our principal motivations on this study is support the presence of a type of professional yet little researched into de academic community: the educator in the non-formal education area. The educational process cannot be reduced... more
This project is dedicated to the staff and children of the Bridge Project in the South Lincoln neighborhood of Denver, Colorado. The incredible people of the Bridge Project were the first to inspire me to work with children and youth in... more
Para famílias que vivem em contexto migratório, a educação bilíngue, nomeadamente o bilinguismo de herança, é uma questão relevante e que, dependendo das políticas linguísticas locais, traz consigo diferentes desafios, demandando... more
To develop and promote the evaluation model on desirable attributions of student morals according to the promoting act for non-formal education and informal education systems were the main purposes, to assess the morals of the desirable... more
This study assesses the role and importance of non-formal education to human and national development in three states (Bayelsa, Delta and Rivers) in the south-south geo-political zone of Nigeria. It measures six group dimensions to... more
Street art is an artistic and social movement of the last decades in most of the big cities worldwide. Its existence under extreme uncontrolled outdoor conditions leads to rapid deterioration that explains its ephemeral nature. The... more
The desire for any government that values the economic growth of its country is to provide education to its citizens. Kenya has made innumerable efforts towards this end since independence. However, several decades down the line, this is... more
Adult education aims at improving the situation of people by increasing their skills, knowledge and awareness. It is the adult that could transform the nations not children. Adult education brings a great sense of dignity and self-esteem,... more
The book shows the history of Swedish folk high schools. The main trends of the evolution of social functions of these institutions has also been presented in the book encompassing 140 years of their functioning: from the educational... more
espanolThe text presents a reflection on the notion of didactic transposition and the role of wise knowledge and the knowledge to learn in the framework of teaching-learning processes in large social mobilizations. I argue that the huge... more
The World Declaration on Education for All (March 5-9, 1990) (1) clearly stated that everyone should have the opportunity for education. Expressing a human right, this was a direct political response to pressure at the time from civil... more
The central aim of this paper is to understand the synergies between the phenomena ‘time’ and ‘leisure’, seeking an explanation for the contemporary need for an ‘education for leisure’. Therefore, a theoretical research is presented in... more
The lockdown of schools in Spain to confront the effects of COVID-19 caused an enormous impact at both societal and educational levels. Schools and families had to react rapidly to a new teaching and learning scenario without the benefit... more
W niniejszej publikacji celem głównym jest przedstawienie działań wychowawców pracujących w instytucjach lokalnych wsparcia dziennego (np. świetlice środowiskowe, centra środowiskowe) i znaczenia ich działań w kontekście rozwoju... more
Research from the field of non-formal education (NFE) in youth work emphasises the central role of experiential learning and learning in groups. The present paper aims to research teaching methods and teaching formsin NFE in youth work.... more
Abstract: This paper explores opportunities for integrating formal and non-formal education in Uganda in ways that help learners acquire, build and maintain productive skills for sustainable livelihoods. Using an interpretive paradigm,... more
This study assesses the role and importance of non-formal education to human and national development in three states (Bayelsa, Delta and Rivers) in the south-south geo-political zone of Nigeria. It measures six group dimensions to... more
To measure the achievements of the Non-formal Primary Education (NFPE) students in Myanmar, there are four standardized tests. Myanmar Literacy Resource Centre (MLRC) constructed these tests in 2013 by the financial support of UNICEF and... more
C'è una diffusa riluttanza negli atteggiamenti sociali ad assumere la responsabilità di ciò che lascia perplessi nell'educazione dei giovani. La questione è vista seguendo la falsariga delle argomentazioni che Quintiliano ha sviluppato... more