Noh theatre
Recent papers in Noh theatre
I compare two of the most classical aesthetic expressions: Russian icons and Japanese Noh-plays. Though the former are pictorial and the latter theatrically enacted, both turn out to be highly compatible on several levels: both require a... more
Il faut sauver la tragédie grecque de toute la gnose philosophique et tragique qui l'accable depuis près de trois siècles. Il faut la sauver de notre conception moderne de la littérature et du théâtre. Il faut la sauver de nous-mêmes pour... more
Note that these are page proofs, and my middle name (Blakeley) is misspelled! In Michael K. Bourdaghs, Hoyt Long, and Reginald Jackson, ed., Performance and Japanese Literature (Vol. 15, Proceedings of the Association for Japanese... more
The Japanese medieval Nō 能 theatre – a poetic, song and dance performance, where demons, gods and ghosts dialog with humans on the border between the illusory and the real world – became an important source of inspiration for one of the... more
Tesis doctoral. Phd. disertation
In my paper I pursue a comparative study of the Ancient Greek term mimesis (or mīmēsis) and the Japanese idea of monomane 物真似 in their theatrical context and use by Aristotle and Zeami. By comparing the Western idea of mimesis to the... more
Within the nō theatre repertoire, there exists a significant number of dramas concerning the nature and deeds of animals. Most of the nonhuman heroes are supernatural beings, the representative example might be the mythological lion... more
Six centuries after its emergence, Japanese Noh theater is still being performed. Mixtures of Japanese ideologies and arts can be found in this complicated and enigmatic play, and the influence of Zenism on the creation and enhancement of... more
This paper deals with the issue of aging as reflected in the Noh theatre repertory. It analyses plays about elderly women based on the aesthetic concept of the beauty of old age (rojaku) as one of the forms of the ephemeral. The paper... more
Summary: The presented text focuses on Georgieva, Bejanska, Slavov and their contribution to the reception of traditional Japanese theatre in Bulgaria. Georgieva was a professor in Puppet Theatre and Shadow Theatre at the NATFA, Sofia.... more
[WESTERN HEGEMONIC ‘PARADIGM’ AND INTERCULTURAL THEATRE. The reception of ancient Greek drama on the Greek and non Western stage ]
Traditional Theatre Training began in 1984, co-organized by Jonah Salz and Rebecca Teele (Ogamo) as an intensive summer program for foreign artists and researchers to study in Kyoto with masters of noh, kyogen, and nihonbuyo. This... more
In Aristotle’s Poetics the Ancient Greek philosopher analyzes concepts like mimesis, plot and catharsis. The more than two thousand year old work was written in a critical and philosophical mode, and is also one of the few extant texts... more
Yeats: prove di sistemazione e rilettura Perché tornare a Yeats? 1 Innanzitutto per tentare di sciogliere alcuni nodi più controversi e incandescenti della sua esperienza nel teatro e nella poesia. Una volta aperta la strada a un... more
Traditional Japanese Nō theatre is known for its beautiful masks, ornate costumes, archaic and somber chanting, and slow, measured dances. Far fewer Western viewers have heard about the rhythmic concept of jo-ha-kyū 序破急, which defines... more
Cet article analyse un nô souvent chanté lors des cérémonies de mariage au Japon, et tente d'y découvrir l'idéal amoureux que celui-ci propose aux jeunes mariés contemporains. Takasago est l'une des pièces de Nô les plus célèbres du... more
After the publication of Zeami’s critical writings in the late Meiji period, scholars of Noh adopted terms from previous debates about “authors” and “artists” to populate a nationally defined canon of literature. Concepts that often... more
Zeami Motokiyo 世阿弥元清 (1363-1443) was not alone in seeing the potential of Heike monogatari 平家物語 to be translated into the media nō. Of the total canon of 250 currently performed plays, more than ten percent of them draw directly upon... more
Il y aurait deux façons de se demander ce que le comparatisme fait à l'Antiquité : l'une pleine de modestie, l'autre résolue et conquérante. La première consisterait à évaluer ce qu'une approche comparatiste peut éventuellement apporter à... more
Come l’architettura e la scultura, anche la letteratura ha le sue rovine. Rovine da interrogare, ma anche da preservare dalle invenzioni del regime dell’arte del linguaggio. A partire dall’Edipo a Colono, l’ultima delle tragedie attiche... more
Paavo Heininen is the leading Finnish modernist of the generation that educated composers like Kaija Saariaho and Magnus Lindberg. He carried on the tradition of Aarre Merikanto who was a Max Reger student himself. In the opera... more
日本側に記録がなく、イエズス会日本報告にはあるものに、大坂城本丸の能舞台がある。天野文雄氏は以前、日本報告に基づくと思われる末代のイエズス会正史の明治時代の和訳を引き、この能舞台について論じている... more
Noh Theater is considered the heart of Japanese culture because it combines a collection of Japanese rituals, ideas and arts; on the other hand, Noh is one of the highest peaks in the history of world theater and has been repeatedly... more
Erraid Sound - Floating Worlds combines an artist book, play script and short film by Scottish theatre director Graham Eatough and Dutch visual artist Andre Dekker. 92 pages, 55 illustrations, 14.8 x 21 cm, hardcover, english, design:... more
communication (texte), 2018 Résumé: En partant du livre "la tragédie chorale" de Claude Calame, nous comparons le nō à la tragédie... more
In this paper I wade tangentially into the on-going debate as to whether, in global productions of Shakespeare, Shakespeare acts as a vehicle of reciprocal cultural exchange or of continuing Western cultural hegemony. I emphasize what Li... more
Winner of the John N. Serio Award for best 2022 essay in The Wallace Stevens Journal. Wallace Stevens wrote three plays for the theatrical stage between 1916 and 1917: "Three Travelers Watch a Sunrise", "Carlos Among the Candles", and... more
We can learn much about the nature of time on the theatrical stage if we study classical Japanese Nō theatre, an extremely slow, measured genre which radically manipulates the audience's perception of time. Why do so many members of the... more
Noh has been considered an essential preparation for political and other leadership since its full development in the thirteenth century. I introduce some important events from the political history of noh while providing an introduction... more
The book tells about the history and poetics of traditional forms of eastern theater
La collezione Proserpio di maschere giapponesi del teatro Noh.
ISBN 88-7547-547-4
ISBN 88-7547-547-4
The present text focuses on the performances of Shinsaku Noh (新作能) plays in Bulgaria. Performances such as The Circle of Water and Orpheus by Akihiro Yamamoto and performed by Yamamoto Nogaku-do Theatre with the special participation of... more
The introduction discusses the noh play Hakurakuten in relation to the earlier introduction to and translation of the play by Arthur Waley, the reading of the play by Leo Shingchi Yip, and the concepts of allusion and allusive space... more
This intervention will comment upon a duo performance combining gestures and movements of Nō theatre and of sigillography (seal carving) by Monique Arnaud and Lia Wei on April 17th, 2018, in the occasion of the « Ink Riders » exhibit... more
Drawing on religious, ritual, and literary origins, the Noh theatre developed as a unique performance art and literary genre, incorporating Shintō-related mythology and Buddhist spirituality. In this paper two Noh plays, Yamamba and... more
El oscuro y expresionista largometraje Onibaba (1964) de Kaneto Shindo, se presenta como un modelo cinematográfico de una generación de artistas japoneses que compartieron todos el sufrimiento, miseria, miedo y desolación de la Segunda... more
In this paper the author compares the concept of a Noh play, Matsukaze, with a Slovak altar painting from Košice Cathedral. The article uses Japanese Noh, where stage continuity has been preserved up until the present day, to reconstruct... more
Several studies in Nigerian and in Japanese theatrical traditions have centred on various elements of either of the two dramatic and theatrical traditions. None so far has comparatively examined the two traditions with the intent of... more
In the past decades research done into the aesthetics of classical Japanese nō theatre has mainly focused on Flower or hana 花, a concept coined by Zeami pertaining to the work done by the nō actor, and yūgen 幽玄, the aesthetic principle of... more