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This paper presents the implementation of Health Cycle using Virtual Reality (VR) and Internet of Things (IoT). A prototype system is developed for interactive indoor cycling. The methodology will inspire the people to experience and... more
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      Doctor WhoNode.JSInternet of Things (IoT)MCU module
Usually reservation system involves financial transaction, hence any reservation application has to deal with lot of banking hazards also has to deal with cancellation process. Some of the reservation system may have to deal with bad... more
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      Distributed ComputingNode.JSBlockchainsDocker
We live surrounded by computing devices, but applications are mostly confined to run on a single device. It should be possible to make better use of the multiple devices around us by coming up with ways of integrating and combining them,... more
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      Human Computer InteractionUbiquitous ComputingWeb DevelopmentIndoor Positioning
In today's scenario, many news related to counterfeit land titles, fraud land registry, delay in ownership transfer, the involvement of government officers in fraudulent activities is frequently being heard. However, this depicts that the... more
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      Node.JSLand registrationBlockchainBlockchain Technologies
En este curso se repasan los aspectos clave del análisis de datos aplicado a la eficiencia energética. Se detallan las capacidades de la plataforma Energy Minus+
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      Data AnalysisArduinoNode.JSENERGIA
Node.JS is a JavaScript run-time environment, which is made on Chrome’s V8 in the JavaScript engine. It is fast, efficient and is a highly flexible web server for web applications. It has become the most preferred JS framework for all web... more
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      Web 2.0Web DevelopmentCSSAjax
Teznja da Nauceno prenesem drugima, me je navelo da u ovoj knizi na srbskom govoru prikazem osnovu upotrebe novih veb tehnologija i njihovu mogucnost povezivanja sa starim veb tehnologijama. Jer, ako pogledamo sam kod klase i funkcije i... more
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    • Node.JS
How to bootstrap a project with NodeJS and MongoDB
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      Node.JSWeb ProgrammingMongodb
The problems of reaching communication today are gone. Thanks to the abundance of social media, one can search, chat or meet other people directly. However, this steep shift in interpersonal communication has penetrated too much into... more
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      Software DevelopmentCrowdsourcingMobile application developmentNode.JS
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The Node Beginner Book - A Comprehensive Node.js Tutorial
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    • Node.JS
Creating a Repository
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In this paper, the authors present an experimental study covering the evaluation of the average encryption and decryption times using different programming languages for the Web. This study covers the use of the most commonly used AES... more
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      Computer ScienceProgramming LanguagesComputer SecurityEncryption
It often happens that new technologies are emerging in the world of computers. Sometimes they disappear as quickly as they appeared. Each of them has something inherent in itself. React provides easy and simpler web development because... more
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      PHP ProgrammingNode.JSReactjs
You can view the online version here: Node.JS is an RTE (application run time environment). In web application architecture server-side... more
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      Information SystemsComputer ScienceSoftware EngineeringHuman Computer Interaction
Angular 6
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Top 10 Best Professional JavaScript Frameworks Bundle for Frontend Framework to learn in 2020. Become a JavaScript Professional: Complete JS Framework Bundle. Master complete JavaScript frameworks like Angular JS, KnockoutJS, Vue JS,... more
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      Programming LanguagesWeb DevelopmentJava ProgrammingC++ Programming
Resumen: En esta investigación se realizó el diseño y construcción de un prototipo de casa inteligente, específicamente los módulos de iluminación y ventilación automática, haciendo uso de sensores y actuadores, los cuales serán... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceArduinoNode.JSWeb Programming
Along with the spreading of online education, the importance of active support of students involved in online learning processes has grown. The application of artificial intelligence in education allows instructors to analyze data... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceArchitectureE-learningResearch Methodology
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      Programming LanguagesDatabase SystemsJava ProgrammingPHP Programming
Building node applications with mongodb and backbone
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Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO) para obtenção do título de Bacharel em Sistemas de Informação Afonso Almendra Praça de Carvalho Orientadora: Dra. Leila Cristina Vasconcelos de Andrade "Escreva programas que façam uma tarefa... more
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    • Node.JS
Many might consider the topic of this article superfluous and not worthy of lengthy examination if one is looking to become a skilled web developer/designer. I would argue that these rudimentary concepts not only warrant review, but are... more
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      Computer SciencePHP ProgrammingNode.JSJavascript Programming
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      Programming LanguagesNode.JSJavascript
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      Programming LanguagesNode.JSJavascript
The idea behind Quiz Challenger was to create knowledgeable environment in which user can share and enhance knowledge by giving and accepting challenge. The Quiz challenger is developed on JavaScript used for front-end and node JS used... more
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Node.js is a software platform for scalable server-side and networking applications. Node.js applications are written in JavaScript, and can be run within the Node.js run-time on Mac OS X, Windows and Linux with no changes. Node.js... more
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      Web ServicesNode.JSEvent driven ProgrammingJava Script Programming
The paper demonstrates remote control of test experiment in the virtual laboratory. This is a common problem, but another way can always be used to solve it. The paper compares several existing virtual laboratories and their possible... more
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      Node.JSVirtual Laboratory
Our prime focus is to attain aftermath affection irrespective of the  Performance & Speed.
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      Programming LanguagesWeb DevelopmentFront-End DevelopmentC++ Programming
Recent advancements in MEMS technologies and development in the area of low power microcontrollers have resulted as implementation of wireless sensor networks in real life problem solving in areas like traffic monitoring, patient... more
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      Information SecuritySecuritySensorComputer Security
Client side testing/execution of server side scripts/languages; first, enables Developers to test their server side scripts on the browser directly with the help of this module/extension avoiding efforts needed for running scripts on... more
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      PHPAjaxNode.JSJavascript Programming
Repository menjadi sarana yang baik untuk mempublikasikan hasil penelitian pada lingkup yang lebih luas. Hal ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan reputasi yang baik untuk referensi dari para penulis dalam pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan.... more
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      Open Source SoftwareInstitutional RepositoryNode.JSCodeIgniter
Jedan primer upotrebe React.cloneElement prilikom izrade galerije slika, gde se klikom na slike u donjem redu slika, klikinta slika dobija u prikazu iznad ovog reda slika. Odnosno onamo gde to odredite upotrebom css-a
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JavaScript is a dynamic, weakly-typed programming language that is used in numerous applications including IoT devices and web applications. One of the most common uses of JavaScript is in Node.js which unfortunately introduces a whole... more
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      Programming LanguagesComputer SecurityNode.JSJavascript
Program code are distributed through internet and suffering from the program theft. Means a program is sold to user and user make own copyright of program called program theft. This is happen because program are easily decomposed into... more
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      Computer ScienceProgramming LanguagesInformation TechnologyInformation Security
В данной работе исследованы криптографические возможности программных платформ Node.js, Python, Go по следующим критериям: 1) основные особенности программных платформ, причины их популярности, тенденции в развитии; 2) криптографические... more
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      Information SecurityInternational SecurityCryptographyNode.JS
Tvoj primer je bio zanimljiv gde sam video strukturu, link profila za (fb ) kako to radi i u ovom delu napravio sam da mogu da procitam podatke iz json faila. Za sada sam... more
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How to make a popping room on a web site and add them to what you need in the business. Tablet, Form or any other part of Web site as its personal content by data exchange value of istate and props U mnogim slučajevima potrebno je da... more
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Abstrak-Banyak pemilik hewan peliharaan tidak terlalu peduli terhadap proses pencarian pasangan bagi hewan peliharaan sehingga setelah hewan dikawinkan terjadi masalah dalam proses kelahiran maupun terhadap keturunan yang dihasilkan. Oleh... more
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      Information TechnologyWeb ServicesMulti Criteria Decision MakingNode.JS
Programiranje uporebom paketa Node i react u cilju ucenja izrade veb aplikacije. U ovom primeru su upotrebljeni : Node, React, React-DOM i Babel. Primer objasnjava upravljanje vrednostima props putem promene stanja (state) u komponentama... more
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      Bootstrap (Statistics)Node.JSReactjs
Automation is the rudimentary process for the sustainability of growth of an industry in the present world. Wireless technology has been the standard application of the growing trend in the automation industry. They are used in order to... more
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      Node.JSMobile RobotIOT
Mighty Web Development 2.0: Ultimate Online Guide Included 22 Best Courses with 195 Hours. Enroll for this Mighty Web Development Bundle consisting of 22 online courses to learn JavaScript, HTML, Angular JS, Python and more. Get started... more
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      Web 2.0Web TechnologiesWeb DevelopmentLinux
Zbog potreba univerzalnosti zahteva apliakcija kada je potrebno obraćanje serveru da uradi neke uslovne poslove pogodno je upotrebiti u php failu switch case u kombinaciji sa foreach petljom. Ako pogledamo react fail šalje zahtev php... more
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      PHP ProgrammingNode.JSReactjs
U izradjenom direktorijumu iz CMD (kod vindovsa ili drugacije kod drugih operativnih sistema), pokrenutni npm ili yarn npm i-g create-react-app Ovim se generalno vrsi instalcija potrebnog paketa kojim se pravi react aplikacija. To se... more
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How to prevent slowing down a NodeJS application
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      Web ApplicationsNode.JSWeb ProgrammingSpeed
In this paper an integration technique is resented. In 1985, G.R. Lui and coworkers used this technique to integrate weak form formulation over line support in 1D case or over support-Domain in 2D case in Finite Element and Meshless... more
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      Numerical AnalysisNode.JS
Abstrak Proyek perubahan optimalisasi mutu layanan pendidikan ini berisikan sejumlah tahapan yang bertujuan untuk menata dan menempatkan guru dalam memberikan layanan pendidikan kepada para siswa pada jenjang pendidikan menengah. Hal ini... more
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      Web ApplicationsWeb GISNode.JSGeographic Information Systems (GIS)
Our Node Js developers have the expertise in their field and they can deliver the best for your business.
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    • Node.JS
javascript puro
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      Node.JSJavascript Programming