This study was carried out to analyze the spectral reflectance response of different nitrogen levels for corn crops. Four different nitrogen treatments of 0%, 80%, 100% and 120% BMP (best management practice) were studied. Principal... more
Two field experiments (experiment-1 in 2006 and experiment-2 in 2007) with carrot c.v. 'Kazan F 1 ' were conducted at Trzciana (50 o 06' N, 21 o 85'E) in south-eastern part of Poland. Both of the experiments comprised two sub-blocks with... more
An experiment was conducted at two locations during spring 2008 at the New Developmental Farm (NDF) and the Cereals Crop Research Institute (CCRI). Two landraces of sweet corn Mansehra (MNS) and Swabi (SWB) were planted with Cv. Azam.... more
A field experiment was conducted on sandy clay loam soil at agricultural farm, Bapatla during rabi 2002. The study revealed that the availability of nutrients N, P, K and S in soil after harvest were significantly influenced by increased... more
Ok, Children of the Corn was true classic from the days when Stephen King was the King of horror. However its true glory lies in marking an era where the Green Revolution has shown its true face as the unlikely Terminator. High-yield... more
Clay minerals are natural materials well known for their role in retention and persistence of organic and inorganic compounds in soil. Clay minerals are being modified through different processes to alter their charge and surface... more
En el Ecuador desde el siglo XX la intensiva aplicación de fertilizantes químicos, es una de las características de la agricultura en la región Sierra. Esta investigación detectó la lixiviación y volatilización de dos tipos de... more
This paper presents an exergy and environmental assessment of a 1000 metric t/day ammonia production plant based on the steam methane reforming (SMR) process, including the syngas production, purification (CO 2 capture) and compression... more
With the advent of Green Revolution era in the mid-1960s, high-yielding wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties and chemical fertilizers were introduced in South Asia. Fertilizer consumption is continuously increasing since then, but the... more
SUMMARY Multilocation experiments were established to determine the best strategy for using inorganic fertilizer in conservation agriculture (CA) systems that use green manure cover crops, namely sunhemp, velvet bean and cowpea grown in... more
Use of inorganic fertilizers constitutes 20% of the rice production cost in Mwea. Azolla fern, which grows in Mwea Irrigation paddies, has the potential to supplement the nitrogen requirement, thus reducing the fertilizer costs. A field... more
Hydroponic growing systems currently employed in agricultural settings are plagued with a problem that traditional (soil) systems are not; which is the inability to effectively utilize ammonia. The reason hydroponic systems are unable to... more
Tef is a highly valued crop in the national diet of Ethiopians and the major crops grown in central highlands of Ethiopia. However, its productivity is constrained by low plant-available soil nutrients due to depleting soil organic matter... more
El concepto de alcance es un término relativamente ambiguo que origina interpretaciones dispares y a veces encontradas entre cliente y suministrador, pero que resulta esencial en proyectos. Nosotros lo definiremos como:
Drought is a multidimensional stress that results in economic mislays. Allometric features of drought stressed cotton plants were investigated during two separate experiments. In the first experiment, susceptibility of the cotton seed... more
The objective of the present study was to investigate the comparative roles of nitrogen (50 kg ha-1) and inoculums Bradyrhizobium (1.5 kg ha-1) in improving the yield of two mungbean varieties (BARI mung-5 and BARI mung-6). The... more
Efficient nitrogen (N) fertilizer management is critical for wheat production and the long-term protection of the environment. Given the importance of durum wheat for the Italian economy, its environmental implications need to be... more
Aflatoxin accumulation in maize is strongly influenced by the environment in which the crop is grown. To gain insights into the ways in which soil fertility influences aflatoxin, we investigated the relationships between agronomic traits... more
Nitrogen fertilizer practices affect nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from agricultural soils. The “4R” nutrient stewardship framework of using N fertilizer at the right rate, right source, right placement and right time can reduce N2O... more
Porous soils are characterized by high infiltration, low moisture retention and poor fertility due to limitation of organic matter and nitrogen (N). However, wherever irrigated and properly managed, these are among the most productive... more
Proper management practices such as plant spacing and nutrient management are the most effective means for increasing yield of rice. To date no single spacing or nutrient management has been recommended as ideal for all field conditions... more
Ammonia synthesis is the most important step for nitrogen-fertilizer production and consumes approximately 1% of the world’s energy production and energy-related greenhouse gas emissions. In addition to the concomitant emissions caused by... more
Photosynthesis in C3 plants is significantly limited by mesophyll conductance (gm), which can vary with leaf anatomical traits and nitrogen (N) supplements. Several studies have investigated the response of gm to N supplements; however,... more
BACKGROUND: With the increasing demand for high-quality foodstuffs and concern for environmental sustainability, late-season nitrogen (N) foliar fertilization of common wheat is now an important and widespread practice. This study... more
Chlorophyll meters are widely used to guide nitrogen (N) management by monitoring leaf N status in agricultural systems, but the effects of environmental factors and leaf characteristics on leaf N estimations are still unclear. In the... more
Water and nitrogen (N) are two key limiting factors for citrus production. Reported effects of water and N inputs on citrus yield, water use efficiency (WUE) and N use efficiency (NUE) vary greatly, mainly due to differences in cultivars,... more
El maíz (Zea mays L.) es un cultivo tradicional ecuatoriano, constituye un componente importante en la dieta tanto de la población rural como urbana. El maíz, Zea mays L., es uno de los granos alimenticios más antiguos que se conocen.... more
Smoleń S., Sady W. 2005. Wpływ zróżnicowanego nawożenia azotem i dokarmiania dolistnego na akumulację Cd, Cu i Zn w marchwi. [W:] Obieg pierwiastków w przyrodzie. Monografia. Tom III. red. Gworek B. Instytut Ochrony Środowiska, Warszawa:... more
In a time of resource reduction and climate variability, water conservation is critical to improve agroecosystem sustainability. Non-ionic surfactants were recently hypothesized as irrigation adjuvants, but so far researchers obtained... more
A field experiment was carried out during the autumn season of 2015 in Abu Gharaq area (10 km west of Hilla city) to study the effect of five supplemental nitrogen fertilizer treatments (as whole or split in two parts) and four genotypes... more
The nitrogen (N) cycle is an important part of earth's biogeochemical cycles and N is a critical element for all life. Whereas the response to N-and more rarely phosphorus, P-fertilization of some microbial groups involved in soil N... more
Our understanding of the response of vascular, terrestrial plants to nitrogen (N) addition is advanced and provides the foundation for modern agriculture. In comparison, information on responses of marine macroalgae to increased nitrogen... more
Biofortification of vegetables with iodine can become an alternative method to salt iodization of introducing this element to human diet. Iodine is not an essential nutrient for plants and its effect on plant growth and development has... more
Use of inorganic fertilizers constitutes 20% of the rice production cost in Mwea. Azolla fern, which grows in Mwea Irrigation paddies, has the potential to supplement the nitrogen requirement, thus reducing the fertilizer costs. A field... more
The influence of different ground cover management systems on the development of the vine mealybug, Planococcus ficus Signoret (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae), was evaluated in a commercial vineyard (cv. Carignano) in north-western Sardinia... more
Investigation about effect of high amounts of nitrogen and source of nutrition on winter triticale productivity was carried out in a stationary field trial in the Sumadija region, in Central Serbia. This study was conducted over a period... more
The widespread use of nitrogen (N) fertilizers during the second half of the 20 th century radically transformed agricultural production and ecosystems on a global scale. Although the "N challenge" or the "N problem" has had limited... more
Resumo -O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a resposta de genótipos de milho (Zea mays L.), cultivado em sistema de plantio direto, a diferentes quantidades de palha de aveia-preta (Avena strigosa Schreb.) e doses de nitrogênio. O... more
Nitrogen isotopic studies have the potential to shed light on the structure of ancient ecosystems, agropastoral regimes, and human-environment interactions. Until relatively recently, however, little attention was paid to the complexities... more
1. Nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) often limit biological processes in terrestrial ecosystems. Based on previous studies mainly focusing on plants, the concept of resource limitation has evolved towards a theory of (co)limitations by... more
Nitrogen deficiency influences importantly the plant photosynthetic capacity and crop productivity. Here, we employed the rapid, non-invasive measurements of chlorophyll a fluorescence kinetics for calculation of the integrative... more
Plant nitrogen isotopic compositions are highly variable and are influenced by a diversity of environmental and anthropogenic factors, including the application of animal-derived fertilizers. Legumes that acquire most of their nitrogen... more
Two field experiments were carried out at the Agriculture Research Station, Qassim University, during the period 2003-2004, to study the effects of irrigation frequencies and N fertilization rates on date palm offshoots growth. A drip... more
This study investigated the effects of a commercial biofertilizer containing the mycorrhizal fungus Rhizophagus irregularis and the diazotrophic N-fixing bacterium Azotobacter vinelandii on root and shoot growth, yield, and nutrient... more
Nitrogen is one of the most limiting elements in almost all soils. Thus, proper application of nitrogen fertilizers is vital to improve crop growth and grain yields. Insufficient and/or inappropriate nitrogen fertilizer management is... more
Film mulching is a very common technique in agriculture worldwide, but few studies have focused on the dry matter (DM) and N accumulation of mulched crops. Understanding the grain yield (GY) associated with DM and N accumulation is... more
Improvement in use efficiency of N fertilizers can potentially better sustain agriculture by reducing N 2 O emissions from soils, but little is known about its impact on soil CO 2 emissions. A study, involving both a field experiment and... more
In soils, nitrogen (N) addition typically enhances ammonia oxidation (AO) rates and increases the population density of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB), but not that of ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA). We asked if long-term inorganic N... more