Nitrogen isotopic studies have the potential to shed light on the structure of ancient ecosystems, agropastoral regimes, and human-environment interactions. Until relatively recently, however, little attention was paid to the complexities... more
Eutrophication is a major driver of species loss in plant communities worldwide. However, the underlying mechanisms of this phenomenon are controversial. Previous studies have raised three main explanations: 1) High levels of soil... more
Chlorophyll meters are widely used to guide nitrogen (N) management by monitoring leaf N status in agricultural systems, but the effects of environmental factors and leaf characteristics on leaf N estimations are still unclear. In the... more
1. Nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) often limit biological processes in terrestrial ecosystems. Based on previous studies mainly focusing on plants, the concept of resource limitation has evolved towards a theory of (co)limitations by... more
Porous soils are characterized by high infiltration, low moisture retention and poor fertility due to limitation of organic matter and nitrogen (N). However, wherever irrigated and properly managed, these are among the most productive... more
Understanding how intra-specific differences in plant traits mediate vulnerability to herbivores of relevant habitat-forming plants is vital to attain a better knowledge on the drivers of the structure and functioning of ecosystems. Such... more
In soils, nitrogen (N) addition typically enhances ammonia oxidation (AO) rates and increases the population density of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB), but not that of ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA). We asked if long-term inorganic N... more
This research was carried out to study the effect of nitrogen rate application (0, 120, 240 and 360 kg Nitrogen ha-1) and nitrogen timing on grain yield, yield components, grain quality and protein banding pattern in different growth... more
Photosynthesis in C3 plants is significantly limited by mesophyll conductance (gm), which can vary with leaf anatomical traits and nitrogen (N) supplements. Several studies have investigated the response of gm to N supplements; however,... more
Plant nitrogen isotopic compositions are highly variable and are influenced by a diversity of environmental and anthropogenic factors, including the application of animal-derived fertilizers. Legumes that acquire most of their nitrogen... more
Nitrogen deficiency influences importantly the plant photosynthetic capacity and crop productivity. Here, we employed the rapid, non-invasive measurements of chlorophyll a fluorescence kinetics for calculation of the integrative... more
In precision farming, accurate estimation of canopy nitrogen concentration (CNC) is valuable for effective crop growth monitoring and nitrogen (N) fertiliser management. To date, many canopy multispectral indices have been proposed as... more
The nitrogen (N) cycle is an important part of earth's biogeochemical cycles and N is a critical element for all life. Whereas the response to N-and more rarely phosphorus, P-fertilization of some microbial groups involved in soil N... more
In a time of resource reduction and climate variability, water conservation is critical to improve agroecosystem sustainability. Non-ionic surfactants were recently hypothesized as irrigation adjuvants, but so far researchers obtained... more
A 15 N labeling and lysimeter experiment was conducted with mesocosms of a semi-arid Leymus chinensis grassland. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effects of N fertilization timing (fertilization in fall or spring) and rate (0, 56,... more
Efficient nitrogen (N) fertilizer management is critical for wheat production and the long-term protection of the environment. Given the importance of durum wheat for the Italian economy, its environmental implications need to be... more
We studied the relative importance of several environmental factors for tundra plant communities in five locations across Svalbard (High Arctic) that differed in geographical location, oceanographic and climatic influence, and soil... more
With that diet, you will go far: trait-based analysis reveals a Supplementary data tml (1255 articles) ecology Articles on similar topics can be found in the following collections Email alerting service here right-hand corner of the... more
It has been suggested that grazing could stimulate the aboveground dry mass and/or nitrogen yields available to grazers (i.e., the grazing optimization hypothesis, GOH), but the actual importance of this effect is still controversial. The... more
Drought is a multidimensional stress that results in economic mislays. Allometric features of drought stressed cotton plants were investigated during two separate experiments. In the first experiment, susceptibility of the cotton seed... more
This study investigated the effects of a commercial biofertilizer containing the mycorrhizal fungus Rhizophagus irregularis and the diazotrophic N-fixing bacterium Azotobacter vinelandii on root and shoot growth, yield, and nutrient... more
Our understanding of the response of vascular, terrestrial plants to nitrogen (N) addition is advanced and provides the foundation for modern agriculture. In comparison, information on responses of marine macroalgae to increased nitrogen... more
BACKGROUND: In a field experiment conducted in a Mediterranean area of inner Sicily, durum wheat was inoculated with plant growth–promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR), with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), or with both to evaluate their... more
SUMMARY Multilocation experiments were established to determine the best strategy for using inorganic fertilizer in conservation agriculture (CA) systems that use green manure cover crops, namely sunhemp, velvet bean and cowpea grown in... more
Aflatoxin accumulation in maize is strongly influenced by the environment in which the crop is grown. To gain insights into the ways in which soil fertility influences aflatoxin, we investigated the relationships between agronomic traits... more
Woody plant encroachment is a common consequence of disturbance in savannas. Grazers and browsers interfere with sapling establishment dynamics by direct consumption of plant tissue, changing soil nutrient status (through fertilization... more
Biogas digestate (BD) is increasingly used as organic fertilizer, but has a high potential for NH3 losses. Its proposed injection into soils as a countermeasure has been suggested to promote the generation of N2O, leading to a potential... more
BACKGROUND: With the increasing demand for high-quality foodstuffs and concern for environmental sustainability, late-season nitrogen (N) foliar fertilization of common wheat is now an important and widespread practice. This study... more
Nitrogen fertilizer practices affect nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from agricultural soils. The “4R” nutrient stewardship framework of using N fertilizer at the right rate, right source, right placement and right time can reduce N2O... more
Vigorous interspecific rootstocks increase nitrogen (N) uptake in tomato plants but limited information is available on xylem transport rate. Non-grafted and self-grafted tomato plants cv. Attiya and plants grafted onto an interspecific... more
Ammonia synthesis is the most important step for nitrogen-fertilizer production and consumes approximately 1% of the world’s energy production and energy-related greenhouse gas emissions. In addition to the concomitant emissions caused by... more
Film mulching is a very common technique in agriculture worldwide, but few studies have focused on the dry matter (DM) and N accumulation of mulched crops. Understanding the grain yield (GY) associated with DM and N accumulation is... more
Conservative agriculture includes a range of management strategies with low energy inputs such as no-tillage, minimum tillage, and low application of fertilizers. Weed flora in arable fields is strictly affected by agronomic practices... more
Nitrogen deficiency strongly influences crop photosynthetic performance and biomass production. In this study, we applied rapid, non-invasive records of chlorophyll a fluorescence kinetics for evaluation of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)... more
Plasma-assisted nitrogen fixation is a promising sustainable and clean alternative to the classical Haber-Bosch process. However, the high energy consumption and low production rate of plasma-assisted nitrogen fixation limit its... more
Nitrogen fertilization can affect the uptake and accumulation of nutrients, heavy metals and trace elements in plants. The aim of the study was to evaluate the influence of nitrogen application on mineral composition of carrot storage... more
Abstract Improvement of nitrogen (N) use efficiency is urgently needed since excessive application of N fertilizer has been widespread in small-scale fields in China, causing great losses of N fertilizer and environmental pollution. In... more
Water and nitrogen (N) are two key limiting factors for citrus production. Reported effects of water and N inputs on citrus yield, water use efficiency (WUE) and N use efficiency (NUE) vary greatly, mainly due to differences in cultivars,... more
Elephant grass is a tropical forage plant widely spread in Brazil, used mainly in the livestock sector and in cattle feeding. Because of its high productivity and photosynthetic capacity, this culture has also been considered an... more
VIS-NIR spectroscopy for estimation of Nitrogen (N) content in olive leaves was studied as a tool for efficient fertilisation in olive (Olea europaea) orchards. Olive leaf samples (cv. Barnea) were taken from orchards which had been... more
The objective of this work was to evaluate the potential of a terrestrial active optical sensor to support nitrogen fertilization recommendation, in variable rates, for sugarcane crops. Experiments in a randomized complete block design... more
Currently, the cultivation of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.) is gaining more and more popularity. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of different nitrogen (N) fertilization levels on the parameters... more
The objective of this work was to assess the performance of corn (Zea maysL.) genotypes as affected by inputs of black oat (Avena strigosa Schreb.) residues applied on the soil surface and nitrogen fertilization under no-tillage system in... more
ue rates to be applied, supplying plants with mineral N to at the appropriate time, without leaching losses. Most studies on residue-treated soils use the technique without leaching of mineral forms and the volumetric determination... more
Efforts have increased to measure nitrate losses from farmland under different management practices due to environmental and public concerns over levels of nitrate-nitrogen (NO 3-N) in surface and ground waters. This study evaluated the... more
Biofortification of vegetables with iodine can become an alternative method to salt iodization of introducing this element to human diet. Iodine is not an essential nutrient for plants and its effect on plant growth and development has... more
Two sub-blocks were distinguished in a pot experiment with carrot 'Kazan F 1 ' cultivation: with and without plant foliar application. The plants were treated thrice with foliarly applied 2% urea solution, 1% solution of 'Supervit R'... more