Nitrogen Fertilization

586 papers
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Nitrogen fertilization refers to the application of nitrogen-containing compounds to soil or plants to enhance growth and yield. It is a critical agricultural practice aimed at improving crop productivity by supplying essential nutrients that promote plant development and optimize photosynthesis.
Many studies have shown effects of plants species on fungal communities, but these are often confounded with soil effects. Thus, the specific role of plant species in structuring rhizospheric and soil fungal communities is poorly... more
and in what time will occur on the field. In such a manner, it is possible to make more efficient end economical plan of measures for their control. During vegetation period 2008-2009, in the locality Ratkovo (Vojvodina), studies of the... more
Mapping and monitoring of weed seeds on agricultural and non-agricultural areas is long lasting praxis in many countries. A study of weed seed bank under various cultures provides opportunities of prediction, which weed species, in what... more
by Jie Xu
The physicochemical properties of plasma-activated water (PAW) and the mechanism of PAW on the inactivation of Pseudomonas fluorescens were investigated. The results demonstrated that as activation time and output voltage increased, the... more
Among many causes of weed growth and rice's low yield, improper nitrogen management are thought to be an important issue. To find out the efficient nitrogen management for reducing weed population and improving productivity of boro rice... more
Phytotechnical and zootechnical effects of a nitrogen fertilizer reduction or suppression on pasture grazed by dairy cows. Three levels of intensification were compared for a permanent pasture grazed over 6 consecutive years in a... more
The study reports our evaluation of high resolution, hyperspectral leaf reflectance and pigment measurement as a potential tool to aid in identifying and delineating the effect of crop residue management and macronutrients on chlorophyll... more
Bu calisma farkli cinko ve demir dozlarinin NC-7 yer fistigi (Arachis hypogaea L.) cesidinin verim ve bazi verim kriterlerine etkilerini belirlemek icin Cukurova sartlarinda 2017 yilinda yurutulmustur. Deneme iki faktorlu faktoriyel... more
Este estudo objetiva avaliar, em sistema integrado de produção agropecuária, o desempenho e a produção animal em pastagem de aveia preta e azevém. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos ao acaso em esquema fatorial (2x2),... more
This five-year study (2016)(2017)(2018)(2019)(2020)(2021) in Morocco's Mediterranean climate investigated the effect of nitrogen fertilization and genotypic selection on wheat yield and associated components. Utilizing a split-plot... more
This study presents sulfur isotope compositions (δ 34 S) for plants grown in a series of growth chamber and field experiments under controlled conditions. Maize, beans, and squash fertilized with a marine fertilizer (seabird guano) were... more
Bu deneme; Muğla Dalaman Tarım İşletmesi Müdürlüğü (TİGEM) deneme sahasında yürütülmüştür. Deneme tamamıyla şansa bağlı deneme deseni prensibiyle üç tekrarlamalı olarak kurulmuştur. Gübre uygulamaları; 1-Topraktan 400 kg da -1 ayçiçeği... more
Nitrogen fertilization and planting density are two key factors that can interactively affect the grain yield of rice. Three different types of rice cultivars—inbred Shendao 47, inbred Shendao 505, and hybrid Jingyou 586—were applied to... more
The aim of this study was to investigate some physiological traits and yield of different maize hybrids in growth conditions of Kosovo. The field experiment was conducted in 2006 and 2007 in Kosovo, near Prishtina. The experiment was... more
Nitrogen (N) plays an important role in agriculture crop production but the increasing application of nitrogen increases the possibilities of groundwater contamination through nitrate leaching. Nitrate leaching is the inevitable part of... more
Resumo: Objetivou-se com esse trabalho avaliar o efeito da irrigação com água de diferentes salinidades e a adubação com diferentes doses de nitrogênio no cultivo do feijão caupi cv. BRS Pajeú. O experimento foi conduzido em lisímetros de... more
Based on Ethiopian Agricultural Transformation Agency (ATA) and Ministry of Agriculture soil fertility status and fertilizer recommendation atlas, one of a new blended fertilizer NPSB containing 18.7% nitrogen (N), 37.4% P2O5 phosphorous... more
domates çeşidinin meyve ve salça verimi ile bazı kalite özelliklerindeki değişimin belirlenmesi amacıyla yürütülmüştür. 2001-2003 yılları arasında 3 yıl geçiş, 2004-2009 yılları arasında da organik sertifikalı süreçteki parseller ile... more
Healthy and safe organic food plays a crucial role in environmental protection and biodiversity conservation. Organic agriculture is an approach to cultivating healthy and safe food and other agricultural products that rely on natural... more
Metals in soils occur in different forms, which are more or less mobile, which means bioavailable. The aim of this study was to assess the content of zinc in cultivated plants, depending on soil properties but also its content in soil and... more
The objective of the present study was to investigate the comparative roles of nitrogen (50 kg ha-1) and inoculums Bradyrhizobium (1.5 kg ha-1) in improving the yield of two mungbean varieties (BARI mung-5 and BARI mung-6). The experiment... more
Although intermittent irrigation is widely regarded as a saving irrigation water technology in paddy fields, it can cause water and air pollution by changing the nitrogen cycle. A two-year lysimeter experiment was conducted to investigate... more
Wheat is a vital crop for global food security, but its productivity is increasingly threatened by water and salinity stress, exacerbated by climate change. These environmental challenges affect wheat growth at multiple stages, leading to... more
In a 28-day incubation study, ball milling technologies were applied to enhance the sorptive and functional properties of pristine biochar. The effect of ball-milled (BM) biochar, neem seed cake, and their co-amendment was evaluated on... more
Improving nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) without compromising yield remains a crucial agroecological challenge in theory and practice. Some meta-analyses conducted in recent years investigated the impact of nitrogen (N) fertilizer on crop... more
Bu arastirma Ankara Universitesi, Ziraat Fakultesi, Tarla Bitkileri Bolumu deneme tarlasinda 1996 yilinda yurutulmustur. Denemede materyal olarak kullanilan tohumlar, 30 farkli anason uretim bolgesinden toplanmistir. Deneme tesaduf... more
VIS-NIR spectroscopy for estimation of Nitrogen (N) content in olive leaves was studied as a tool for efficient fertilisation in olive (Olea europaea) orchards. Olive leaf samples (cv. Barnea) were taken from orchards which had been... more
Resumo: Objetivou-se com esse trabalho avaliar o efeito da irrigação com água de diferentes salinidades e a adubação com diferentes doses de nitrogênio no cultivo do feijão caupi cv. BRS Pajeú. O experimento foi conduzido em lisímetros de... more
In the present study, three red-colored (Dark Opal, Basilico Rosso, and Red Basil) and one green-colored landrace (Mitikas) of basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) were grown under four nitrogen regimes, namely Control (no fertilizer added), 200... more
In this study, we evaluated the effect of various fertilization regimes on processing tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L. cv. Heinz 3402) yield and quality by applying the following treatments: (i) control (C), (ii) conventional fertilizer... more
Chronic N additions to forest ecosystems can enhance soil N availability, potentially leading to reduced C allocation to root systems. This in turn could decrease soil CO2 efflux. We measured soil respiration during the first, fifth,... more
projeto de pesquisa avaliando a economicidade da irrigação do Tifton-85 em sistema de produção de leite em pastagens. Lecionou as disciplinas de Solos e Fertilizantes e Educação Ambiental na Escola Técnica de Sete Lagoas-MG. É autor de... more
Crop productivity in developing countries is hindered by micronutrient deficiency, particularly in the third world, leading to challenges in achieving higher yields. The unbalanced use of fertilizers for higher agricultural production... more
A field trial was conducted of Abu-Ghraib Research Station, Agriculture Research Office Research during the spring and fall times of 2016, to study the effect of new herbicides (60gm.h-1 Arrow, 600 cm3.h-1 Crew, 2000 cm3.h-1 Guradian and... more
Many nitrogen (N) fertilizer recommendations for grazing livestock enterprises are based on cutting experiments, excluding the influence of recycled N in excreta. Grazing experiments are expensive to conduct, and so compromise on... more
Özet Araştırma, Van ekolojik koşullarında farklı dozlarda humik asit (kontrol, 30, 60 ve 90 kg/da) uygulaması ve Rhizobium bakteri aşılamasının (aşılı ve aşısız), mercimekte verim ve verim ile ilgili karakterlere etkilerini belirlemek... more
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
the Rabi season of 2022-23 to study the performance of different varieties under various nitrogen levels in terms of yield and quality of fodder maize. The experiment was laid out in a split plot design with fifteen treatments in three... more
Sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) is a commercially important food and energy crop in tropical and subtropical climates. Sugarcane productivity is largely dependent on nutrient management. Sugarcane responds well to split nitrogen and potassium... more
A field experiment was conducted during spring season of 2015-16 at Pusa, Bihar to study the effect of genotypes and nitrogen levels on growth and yield of sugarcane (Saccharum spp. hybrid complex) and nitrogen balance in soil. The... more
Development of appropriate management strategy for enhancing nutrient use efficiency, and ensuring environmental sustainability of rice production system is a priority area of research. Considerable progress has been made so far from... more
The apple (Malus × domestica Borkh.) cultivar 'Golden Reinders' was used to study the effects of mixture of 6-BA and GA (4+7) (Promalin) and nitrogen fertigation to improve branching of nine-month-old nursery trees grafted on 'M9'... more
Camelina [Camelina sativa (L.) Crantz] is an annual versatile oilseed crop of the Brassicaceae family, with an increasingly cultivated area. Predicting camelina seed yield response to fertilization and planting density is of great... more
Background and Aims. The effects of tillage and N fertilization on CO 2 and CH 4 emissions are a cause for concern worldwide. This paper quantifies these effects in a Mediterranean dryland area. Methods. CO 2 and CH 4 fluxes were measured... more
There is a strong need to identify the combination of tillage and N fertilization practices that reduce the amount of nitrous oxide (N 2 O) emissions while maintaining crop productivity in dryland Mediterranean areas. We measured the... more