Nineteenth-century National Exhibitions
Recent papers in Nineteenth-century National Exhibitions
In 1897 Russia had its debut at the Venice International Art Exhibition, with a group show commissioned by the State Academy of Fine Arts in Saint Petersburg and curated by Ilya Repin. Based on Russian and Italian unpublished archival... more
Alexander C.T. Geppert: Città brevi: storia, storiografia e teoria delle pratiche espositive europee, 1851-2000 Andrea Giuntini: La mobilità in mostra: i trasporti e le comunicazioni nelle esposizioni della seconda rivoluzione... more
In Nancy E. Green and Christopher Reed, eds., JapanAmerica: Points of Contact, 1876-1976 (Ithaca, NY: Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art, Cornell University, 2016), 66-87.
Proust has shown little interest in the decorative arts of his time, but his work bears the mark of the "submarine style" distinctive of Art nouveau. The low bookshelves with glass panes in the Grand Hôtel room at Balbec ― the symbol of À... more
Nell'Ottocento, il "secolo della modernità", fondamentali strumenti per la diffusione dell'innovazione e la promozione dello sviluppo economico sono le esposizioni industriali e universali. In Italia, dalla fine del XIX secolo, si... more
The paper examines Art section at All-Russia Exhibition in Moscow in 1882 as a context for the development of the idea of national art museum in St. Pe- tersburg and promotion of this idea to Alexander III. The analysis of design,... more
Il contributo della Scuola Normale Superiore al progetto Archivio informatizzato delle testimonianze di cultura artistica e letteraria in fondi manoscritti tra Ottocento e Novecento: da Cavalcaselle a Brandi 1 , si incentra su una figura... more
Minor thesis for MA degree in Art Curatorship, University of Melbourne, 2014
In this paper the first sacred art exhibitions organized on the Italian soil are illustrated, from the 1870 Roman Exposition to the 1900 Bologna Exhibition of ancient diocesan art. During the last three decades of the 19th century,... more
ÖZ: Fuar veya sergi olarak isimlendirilen ticari, sanayi, zirai, askeri ve kültürel metaların tanıtımı amacıyla düzenlenen organizasyonları kadim zamanlara kadar götürmek mümkündür. Sanayileşmenin ve ticari faaliyetlerin gelişerek... more
The aim of this article is to study the living ethnological exhibitions. The main feature of these multiform varieties of public show, which became widespread in late-nineteenth and early-twentieth century Europe and the United States,... more
Imperial expositions held in fin-de-siècle London, Paris and Berlin were knots in a world-wide web. Conceptualizing exhibitions as meta-media, Fleeting Cities undertakes a transdisciplinary investigation into how modernity was created and... more
El objetivo del artículo es ofrecer unas propuestas de análisis e interpretación sobre un fenómeno complejo y multiforme, que alcanzó una dimensión realmente notable en la Europa de las últimas décadas del siglo XIX y los comienzos del XX... more
The musical contributions at the two international exhibitions in Scotland, at Edinburgh and Glasgow in 1886 and 1888 were detailed in two books written by Robert Marr. Both exhibitions featured many musical events and groups which were... more
As part of the celebrations of the IV Centenary of the discovery of America, Colombia participated in the Exposición Histórico-Americana de Madrid in 1892, as well as the Chicago World’s Columbian Exposition in 1893. On both occasions,... more
Durante los últimos años parece haber crecido entre los antro pólogos españoles el interés por conocer sus raíces, por historiar su propia disciplina. Mayor tradición tienen los estudios sobre los cronistas de Indias, pero esa parte de la... more
Siecle Europe, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010, 398 S. Rezensiert von Klaus Dittrich, S°' eoul Alexander C.T. Gepperts Monographie über imperiale Ausstellungen um die Jahr hundertwende basiert auf einer am Euro-päischen... more
In the Exposición Iberoamericana –the Ibero-American Exposition– of Seville, in 1929-1930, an interesting colonial exhibition was organized that has been hitherto unstudied. It was arranged in two sections: the Spanish protectorate of... more
Öz Sanayi devrimi sonrası Avrupa Devletleri'nde üretimin artması, yeni pazar ve hammadde ihtiyacını da beraberinde getirmiştir. Bu ihtiyacın giderilebil-mesi için sanayi ürünlerinin ve üretim araçlarının tanıtılması amacı ile... more
Ludwig Ross: Archival Documents on his Museum Policy and the Protection of Antiquities in the Cyclades Fourteen official letters written by Ross and his associates when he was in charge of antiquities in the Cyclades from 1834 to 1836,... more
""In 1867 it was organized in Barcelona the first of major retrospective exhibitions conducted in the city during the nineteenth century. The exhibition was an initiative of the Academy of Fine Arts, and supposed the involvement, both at... more
The theme of the paper is the tension in the inter-relations between national culture and life as led in the municipalities. This issue is examined, taking the presentation of the city Cracow at the General Provincial Exhibition of 1894... more
"This article reflects on the inclusion of human beings in the colonial representations of the great exhibitions that Portugal organised or took part in during the first half of the twentieth century. It analyses the role played by the... more
The essay analyzes the geopolitical significance of the First International Exhibition of Modern Decorative Art in Turin in 1902. He pays special attention to the Italian role in relation to European nations, commenting on the Italian... more
Parce qu’elle occupe une place centrale et matricielle dans la culture d'une époque, l’exposition universelle est un sujet prisé par les journalistes et les romanciers. En 1867, 1878, 1889 et 1900, Albert Robida est le témoin actif de... more
В статье показано, что концепция русского художественного отдела парижской Всемирной выставки 1867 года была подчинена задачам национальной репрезентации, и это стало первым в своем роде и очень важным опытом для российской практики... more
The author focuses on the link that can be documented between some museums and some international exhibitions in the second half of the 19th century and the first one of the 20th. We study specifically museums that were created from... more
GLA VNOME GRADU TROJEDNE KRALJEVINE. U ZAGREBU t864. BRZOTl.SKOY A. JAKIĆA. PAPIR llRVATSKE TVOR.'HCE t; CHMlDT I .MEl"NJEJlA NA lUECJ. PRI~DGOVOR. U sjednici trgovačko-obrtničke komore, držanoj u Zagrebu dne 12. kolovoza 1862. izviestio... more
Barcelona, ciudad de grandes músicos y dilatada tradición creativa e interpretativa, se encontraba, a finales del siglo XIX, con un panorama de calidad muy irregular. No obstante, el periodo comprendido entre las dos Exposiciones... more
Έργα Τέχνης από το Λούβρο στη Θεσσαλονίκη
The rather negative consequences that the Great War of 1914 had for the Catholic Church’s missionary zeal, together with the pressure against the bases of the Catholic dogma exerted from a number of natural and social sciences (such as... more
The 1911 Scottish Exhibition of National History, Art and Industry in Glasgow was one of the most successful events of its kind, attracting over nine million visits and resulting in pro¢ts which were used to endow a chair in Scottish... more