Les nuits urbaines actuelles sont le fruit d'une évolution sous influence de plusieurs facteurs. C'est à la compréhension de cette tendance évolutive que s'attèle ce présent travail. En ce sens, cette étude propose d'interroger les... more
The relation between the urban diurnal and the urban nocturnal has been famously conceptualized with the metaphor of the night as frontier. Originally proposed by Murray Melbin in 1978, the phrase suggests that the nocturnal has been... more
This chapter explores the social inequalities experienced by migrants working as food couriers in London and Cork. Migrant women in particular are often dependent on such jobs in the lower end of the labour market, which includes... more
Este texto representa una primera aproximación a un futuro y más profundo estudio sobre las juventudes y la nocturnidad. Agradezco a Cristina González Navarijo por su trabajo como asistente en la búsqueda y compilación de información.
Tourism is, in its nature and its forms, an activity which inscribes its consequences in a wide range of changes. In that it requires infrastructure, space and attracts significant demographic flows, its imprints on the environment... more
Plasmare un'indagine geografica della notte urbana contemporanea con una guida storica Assumendo una prospettiva interdisciplinare, l'analisi decostruisce la guida storica «Venezia notturna» (Sugana, 1891) tramite le lenti dei night... more
A CITY IS THE PLACE OF DIVERSITY. A space of sociability and encounters. Urban experience is marked by the existence of different points of view, of different social actors, each of which with its own legitimate traditions, cultures and... more
The night was dark and full of terrors in the Mesopotamian world, but the people there sought ways to drive out the darkness, be it an enemy at the city gates, a ghost, or a witch. In this contribution, the author traces the historical... more
The text focuses on how clandestinity, understood as the articulation of spaces of secrecy and invisibility, is traversed by a singular form of architectural knowledge centered around embodied practices. A set of minor know-hows playing... more
This chapter explores nocturnal music memories for migrants, the African diaspora and Black-Irish musicians based in Cork and Galway, Ireland. We do so through an analysis of the online web project titled, ‘Music, Memory and the Night’.
A pesquisa identifica as mudanças ocorridas nesses espaços e no cotidiano dos atores sociais envolvidos e responde à questão sobre como a área revitalizada e o seu entorno direto foram afetados. O projeto é apresentado desde sua fase de... more
Agenda 2030 e o desenvolvimento sustentável: o que a cultura tem a ver com esse assunto?
Si la nuit et la radio vont bien ensemble – ces deux objets appartenant aux territoires de l’intime et de l’imaginaire – que se passe-t-il lorsqu’une voix surgit sur les ondes dans le noir ? Timbres graves des conteurs, chuchotements des... more
I crescenti flussi turistici, il continuo spopolamento, la crescente tensione tra residenti e visitatori sono tre dei problemi più gravi che affliggono il centro storico di Venezia. Lo scopo di questo contributo è quello di esplorare la... more
Il contributo si sviluppa nel contesto di una ricerca più ampia e si configura come una sperimentazione delle possibilità offerte dalle metodologie creative ai fini dell’elaborazione di un metodo ibrido di raccolta dei dati. Il metodo... more
La riflessione proposta è incentrata sul tropo geo-letterario del fantasma, un elemento significativo che è emerso grazie ad un’attenta analisi del testo orientata a individuare stilemi e tematiche ricorrenti. Al fine di enfatizzare il... more
This paper investigates post-representational mapmaking as a co-constitutive element of a research-through-practice experience, namely a phenomenographic drawing session conducted in Venice, Italy. Contributing to a broader geo-literary... more
To emphasise the contribution of situated perspectives to the advancement of the field, this review provides a genealogy of night studies across southwestern Europe. This interdisciplinary field of research... more
COViD-19 subjected people to unprecedented limitations on their personal mobility that have had severe repercussions in many economic and social environments. tourism and nightlife were among the most affected... more
Quando scende la notte. Opportunità, limiti e interpretazioni della notte dall’antichità all’età contemporanea è una conferenza organizzata dal Corso di Dottorato in Storia dell’Università di Pavia rivolta a giovani studiosi e studiose... more
Paris and Pau) and different disciplines (environmental geography, land use planning, conservation biology, economics, political science, information and communication sciences, social psychology), as well as a photographer-videographer.... more
This proposal presents an ethnography of the occupation of the public garden at night in Casablanca. This space is located in a working-class neighbourhood characterized by a high density of inhabitants. The dwellings are generally small... more
El texto explora un asunto a menudo omitido: la funcio?n que desempen?a la noche en la arquitectura y los estudios urbanos. La discusio?n, enmarcada en el a?mbito emergente de los “estudios nocturnos”, destaca el seminario “Montreal by... more
explores mechanisms for generating possibility within nocturnal urban landscapes situated in Limerick, Ireland, and Paris, France, with the aim of moving beyond the scope of entertainment venues by proposing a wakeful city to explore... more
The following text is a transcription and translation from a conversation with Eduardo Santos, a Brazilian tagger and street artist who currently lives in Lisbon, Portugal. Santos, more widely known as Shp (‘sheep’), member of the group... more
This essay introduces astrocriticism, a critical theory and hermeneutic posture aimed at thinking the politics of expression in the New Space Age. It focuses on the theme of celestial music in American astroculture, offering readings of... more
The night has historically been neglected in both disciplinary and interdisciplinary research. To some extent, this is not surprising, given the diurnal bias of human researchers and the difficulty of performing work at night. The night... more
When everything is darkness around you, literally and figuratively, it is that it is oneself who becomes the light to discover, the instance to work on, to extend. Beyond these first nocturnal ethnographies, these contributions allow us... more
L'article propose une exploration des nuits de tous les jours. Il teste l'hypothèse contre-intuitive et paradoxale de l'existence d'un quotidien dans des nuits par nature extraordinaires, à partir des modes de vie de quelques figures... more
Pendant des années, on a rappelé que la première liberté supprimée par les autorités en cas de crise était celle de circuler la nuit. On citait les coups d’État, les guerres ou les mesures d’exception accompagnant certaines manifestations... more
La pandémie du Covid-19 met les nuits urbaines à l’épreuve. Il suffisait pendant le confinement d’arpenter les rues de nos villes, vides, sombres et silencieuses, pour mesurer l’ampleur du sinistre. Très touchée, la nuit apparaît pourtant... more
L'article montre la montée en puissance de la nuit comme champ de recherche interdisciplinaire (night studies). Cherchant à dépasser la mise en équation de la nuit, il met en évidence les apports de son exploration pour le jour comme la... more
The idea of publishing a special issue of Ethnologies around the theme of “nocturnal ethnographies” came as a need to answer some of the questions that arose while we were undertaking ethnographic fieldwork on the nocturnal hours in Cuba... more
La mise en art des espaces montagnards : acteurs, processus et transformations territoriales
explores mechanisms for generating possibility within nocturnal urban landscapes situated in Limerick, Ireland, and Paris, France, with the aim of moving beyond the scope of entertainment venues by proposing a wakeful city to explore... more
https://erossqueerurbannights.jimdosite.com Expressions, Research, Orientations: Sexuality Studies and Fringe Urban Narratives present this joint international conference that explores interdisciplinary approaches to Night Studies, with... more
Originally published in 2020 in the French journal Jef Klak: Revue de Critique Sociale et d'Expérience Littéraire as "'Banlieue is the New Cool': Grand Paris et Instrumentalisation des Musiques Électroniques", this article examines the... more
A proposta deste ensaio é analisar a significação da noite como espaço-tempo social em filmes brasileiros realizados ao final da década de 2010. Para além da expressividade e simbologia negativas da treva, costumeiras na iconografia do... more
Distribution électronique Cairn.info pour Nouveau Monde éditions. © Nouveau Monde éditions. Tous droits réservés pour tous pays. La reproduction ou représentation de cet article, notamment par photocopie, n'est autorisée que dans les... more
A pandemia provocada pelo Novo Coronavírus (Sars-Cov-2) impôs uma série de transformações no que tange à s relações econômicas, políticas e sociais ao redor do globo. No Brasil, a partir de março de 2020, as orientações das diferentes... more
Glavni zadatak ovog rada bio je upoznati se s radom Lua skriptnog jezika i proširiti program napisan u C++ jeziku tako da može izvoditi Lua skripte. U prvom dijelu rada općenito su opisani skriptni jezici te je navedeno koje vrste postoje... more
Naviguant entre memoire et histoire, nation et nationalisme, le Front national multiplie les hold-up symboliques puisant dans un fonds delaisse par les partis traditionnels. La confiscation du drapeau national semble deja acquise. En... more
3rd International Conference of NITE team: HERA-funded project on Night Spaces: migration, culture and integration in Europe. Co-organized with Kamila Krakowska Rodrigues, Seger Kersbergen, Maxime Schut, Angel Perazzetta (Leiden... more
This introduction provides an overview of this Special Issue: 'Night Stories: Urban Narratives of the Migrant Lives in Europe', which originates from work undertaken within the collaborative HERA-funded research project 'Night spaces:... more
This article discusses the significance of night-time spaces associated with the Cape Verdean community in Rotterdam, home to the third largest Cape Verdean diaspora in the world. Through interdisciplinary approaches including interviews... more