Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, German philosophy
Recent papers in Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, German philosophy
I look closely at one passage of the Genealogy of Morals where Nietzsche discusses Kant’s doctrine that the judgement of taste is disinterestedness. I separate Kant's view that the judgement of taste claims universal validity from Kant’s... more
This essay discusses Swami Vivekananda’s unduly neglected critical remarks on Arthur Schopenhauer’s philosophy, which are contained primarily in lectures delivered in America and England between 1895 and 1896. I argue that Vivekananda,... more
Friedrich Nietzsche is presented in this essayistic documentary film as a fascinating, questionable and sometimes repulsive philosopher whose influence goes far beyond the boundaries of the academic world. As a representative of... more
“Un giorno, preso dal cruccio, mi scappò di dire che l’arte è una forma della morale, ma non un mezzo morale. Mi si rispose che era una massima oscura”. Nell’oscurità di questa formula riportata nelle Betrachtungen eines Unpolitischen c’è... more
Resenha da introdução da obra por Clademir Araldi.
In der modernen Forschung zu Schopenhauer rücken methodologische und systematische Fragen immer mehr in den Vordergrund, mit besonderem Fokus auf perspektivistische und hermeneutische Momente seiner Philosophie. Michał Dobrzański geht in... more
A review of an important contemporary French philosopher-jurist's noted study of the thought of Nietzsche published in New Nietzsche Studies in the spring of 2006.
Resumen. Tanto el tema de la ciencia como la noción de creatividad en Nietzsche no han sido abarcadas con la atención que se merecen. El tema de la ciencia, sin embargo, puede considerarse un hilo de investigación que va llamando la... more
Discusses the main philosophies of Nietzsche and how they affect modern fiction.
ABSTRACT This article investigates how Gabriele D’Annunzio’s The Triumph of Death brings together Nietzsche’s ideas and Wagner’s music and interweaves them with the motifs of literary Decadence and the author’s own particular sexual... more
Tratto da L. Boni (dir.), L'India della psicoanalisi. Il continente dell'inconscio, Milano, IPOC, 2014 Il libro è out of print. Il manoscritto integrale può' essere richiesto al direttore di pubblicazione: [email protected]
Philosophe le plus lu de la seconde moitié du xixe siècle, Schopenhauer est-il toujours bien compris ? On le caricature souvent en vieillard acariâtre, chantre du pessimisme, aimant les bêtes bien plus que les hommes… Ce livre entend... more
Im Sommer 1875 notiert Nietzsche in seinem Tagebuch: "Socrates, um es nur zu bekennen, steht mir so nahe, dass ich fast immer einen Kampf mit ihm kämpfe" (NL 1875, KSA 8, S. 97). Dies lässt sich in gleicher Weise über die jeweils... more
Avec André Bayrou (CPGE lycée Carnot), Hélène Gravier (CPGE Georges de la Tour), Philippe Quesne (CPGE Henri 4) et Fanny Vernay (CPGE Jules Garnier) nous publions ce volume consacré au programme de lettres-philo des CPGE scientifiques... more
Resumo: O trabalho proposto intenta analisar a teoria da tragédia em Friedrich Schiller (1759-1805) e a concepção do nascimento da tragédia em Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1844-1900) para, em seguida, estabelecer um estudo comparativo de... more
Destiné aux étudiants du Supérieur, cet ouvrage a pour but de présenter l'essentiel des termes de la pensée Schopenhauerienne.
The first time that Nietzsche crossed the path of Dostoevsky was in the winter of 1886–87. While in Nice, Nietzsche discovered in a bookshop the volume L’esprit souterrain. Two years later, he defined Dostoevsky as the only psychologist... more
Secara filosofis, Pesimisme adalah gagasan/pandangan hidup yang memandang dunia yang terhadap pandangan/gagasan anti-optimis. Bentuk pesimisme bukan disposisi emosional seperti pada umumnya yang diketahui orang banyak (karena istilahnya... more
An introductory essay to the 3-volume work 'The Philosophy of the Unconscious' ('Die Philosophie des Unbewusstseins') of Eduard von Hartmann. Edouard d'Araille takes a brief survey of von Hartmann's life and thought, in particular the... more
Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) and Aurobindo Ghose (1872-1950) formulated their theories of the Will to Power and līlā, respectively, in the context of a distinctly modern cross-cultural conversation about the nature and value of... more
Nietzsche’s fascination for Bizet’s opera is not the outcome of an accidental caprice. We shall look for the metaphoric illustrations of his philosophical thinking contained in this opera– which was not intended to be Nietzschean at all –... more
Freud. Las influencias filosóficas monistas y la doctrina de las pulsiones
Nietzsche thinks health and strength are essential for the progress of culture, society and 'the type "man"' (BGE 62). He argues that such progress is inhibited by our contemporary life-denying value system. This is because contemporary... more
Nietzsche leu esse ensaio em sua versão francesa em Nice, nos primeiros meses de 1888, imediatamente após os malfadados esforços empreendidos com vistas à produção de sua planejada obra Vontade de poder: ensaio de uma transvaloração de... more
Resumen Schopenhauer, pese a la reticencia de Freud en reconocer estos “prestamos inconfesables”, se anticipó a Freud en medio siglo. En Schopenhauer aparece por vez primera una filosofía explícita del inconsciente y del cuerpo.... more
Nietzsche’s view of suicide is a topic which in the last years has been the focus of works such as Julian Young’s and Paul S. Loeb’s. Within this context, this paper seeks to add new elements to the discussion. To this purpose,... more
Se o cristianismo representa a negação absoluta da vida, então é somente mediante uma maldição plena e absolutamente radical do cristianismo que a vida pode ser afirmada de uma maneira igualmente plena e absolutamente radical, pois é... more
MORAES, E. C. Além da metafísica e do niilismo: a sabedoria trágica de Nietzsche. Dissertação (Mestrado em Filosofia), Universidade Federal de Goiás. 2013. Esta dissertação de mestrado tem por objetivo refletir sobre a filosofia de... more
Die "Leidenschaft der Erkenntnis" von Spinoza zu Freud Die Nähe seiner Theorie zu einigen Positionen der Philosophie empfand Sigmund Freud stets als prekär. So schreibt er 1925 in seiner "Selbstdarstellung" in Bezug auf Friedrich Nietzsche:
L’analisi dei principali temi della filosofia di Nietzsche conduce all’individuazione della nozione di forza come elemento centrale delle sue riflessioni. Egli la incorpora ed utilizza filosoficamente, in periodi diversi, per la... more
La Genealogia della morale si presenta al lettore come un compatto ma articolato crocevia di temi e di problematiche del pensiero di Friedrich Nietzsche. L'opera è caratterizzata da una particolare unità tematica, ma è al tempo stesso... more
Nietzsche on Theognis of Megara. A bilingual edition, Translated by R. M. Kerr.
A short introduction to Jung's reception of the ideas of Friedrich Nietzsche. For a more in-depth follow-up article to this article, see my recent article "Wotan in the shadows".
The World as Will and Representation is the major achievement of Schopenhauer’s life, and the backbone of his intellectual career. In 1844 he published a revised and extended edition of it, and now added a whole second volume of... more