Nibiru/Planet X

47 papers
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Nibiru, often referred to as Planet X, is a hypothetical planet proposed in various conspiracy theories and pseudoscientific claims, suggesting it will collide with or pass close to Earth, causing catastrophic events. It lacks empirical evidence and is not recognized by the scientific community as a legitimate astronomical object.
The greenhouse effect concept - thoroughly anthropogenic - cannot be applied to the other planets of the solar system, unless one wants to posit substantial human presence on those bodies. The paper also fails to address recent increases... more
Is our unknown "9th Planet" encoded in Christian scripture and mythology?
The now century-old search by the community of astronomers and astrophysicists for another and unknown planet that would be part of our solar system, intersects with the Sumerians' knowledge of the same planet for over 6,000 years. When... more
Iubiți discipoli: Datorită dragului nostru discipol N.E. Santana Q. putem să facem azi să ajungă la voi Supremul Mesaj al Noii Ere a Vărsătorului. Frații mei, abandonați idolatriile și ereziile voastre și întoarceți-vă la doctrina pe care... more
Building upon the observations in my Giza Stonehenge Connection paper, here I further the exploration to ascertain whether there were other large scale correlations between Ancient Egypt and the North European Megalithic Yard.
Esoterism: oriental, antic, iudaic, islamic, creștin, modern, astral, nibiruan
Is the Great Garuda, mount of Lord Vishnu a personification of Planet 9?
Dos deuses da antiguidade ao futuro da humanidade - Um exercício de lógica!
Are the Phoenix, Thunderbird, Bakunawa and Simurgh cultural memories of an unknown 9th planet in out solar system?
The reason for creating this edition was two photos from Antatida. Both have valleys, one at an altitude of 1181 m and the other at an altitude of 1772 m. Young water layers are visible on both. There is only one reason in this case, the... more
Zecharia Zitchin proposed in his books - during 34 years activity - a coherent and clear explanation of the Homo Sapiens Sapiens history in the last 445.000 years.
Notes to Canadian Jeffrey Hinchey's conceptual breakthrough of 'planetary radiation bounce' from Nibiru toward Earth as it passes through the Solar System [Oct. 13, 2022] Also a reply to critics of 'Nibiru Radiation Barrage' of February... more
Walter Fiori responds to William F. Drischler's critique of anthropogenic (Co2; greenhouse effect, etc.) interpretations of global warming.
Muchos científicos atribuyen a seres extraterrestres la creación de estas civilizaciones avanzadas de la antigüedad. Desde el punto de vista humano, los alienígenas son seres que proceden de un lugar ajeno a la tierra. Para otros,... more
Four response to the central climate change problem of our time - global cooling - are analysed. Conventional global warming theory claims continual human-generated carbon production is overheating the planet as a whole via green house... more
In occasione del centenario della nascita di Zecharia Sitchin, autore azero globalmente riconosciuto come il massimo esponente della Teoria degli Antichi Astronauti, ho deciso di raccogliere in una edizione speciale mono-volume il... more
Presentazione in occasione del Sitchin Day 2020, per il centenario della nascita di Z Sitchin.
La conferenza si é tenuta ad Albano Laziale il 26 Settembre 2020.
An intermittent land bridge between Ireland and Scotland crossed the mouth of the North Channel of the Irish Sea. It existed during two low stands of the sea, between 13,050 and 10,850 BC, then from 9450 to 8250 BC. In between, the... more
This paper proposes a pole reversal to solve an apparent contradiction of the time of year when Exodus occurred.
In 9577 BC, at the spring equinox in the southern hemisphere, planet Nibiru flew past Earth and unleashed a satellite, whose impact sank Atlantis west of Eire. At the same time, this or a separate strike caused Earth’s apparent axis of... more
Shock from a strike by Nibiru turned two horizontal layers of quartz into a frictionless surface. The top half slid west into Rockall Basin, gathering speed as it went. It slid 175 km, lost 1.5 km of elevation, and reached 422 kph.... more
Imagine, if you will, the fear that gripped Earth in 9400 BC. Everyone had witnessed monstrous Storm utterly destroy Mother, a planet three times the size of Earth, by flinging one of his many moons directly into her bowels. The resulting... more
In this paper we consider the Sumerian tradition of a planet, called Nibiru, claimed to approach Earth every 3600 years. We argue that the real period was 20 years and that a close passage of that body near Earth around 9500 BC ended the... more