In recent years, there has been a growing trend of news sharing through private messaging apps. This shift presents significant challenges for journalism, particularly in terms of media trust and news dissemination. Despite the importance... more
An alarming number of Floridians do not trust K-12 schools. But if schools focus more on civics, they could increase public trust. Those are two of the key takeaways of our recently conducted poll of Floridians. The Institute for... more
This study scrutinizes the news consumption habits and patterns among Sultan Qaboos University students in Oman, with a particular emphasis on the role of social networks in shaping news acquisition. Leveraging the theoretical lens... more
This article aims to analyse the perspectives of children and young people about disinformation and news consumption. Based on the inputs of participants and their own perceptions on the matter we explore how the disinformation phenomenon... more
This study seeks to understand how journalists deal with story/truth-making in their daily news practice, based on in-depth interviews with 67 journalists from Belgium and the Netherlands. The findings revealed a difference between news... more
This study examines the impact of word count in Facebook posts on user engagement and emotional responses, focusing on sports shoe brands. It addresses a research gap concerning the effects of post length on various emotional aspects and... more
Understanding journalism students' perceptions of their news consumption is fundamental for defining media strategy and new professional profiles. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to analyze the relationship between Portuguese... more
Esta investigación examina la oferta y la demanda de noticias en siete sitios de la Argentina a través de un análisis de contenido cuantitativo de las noticias publicadas de manera más prominente en las homepages o páginas de inicio y las... more
In the study reported in this article, the diverse news media repertoires in Portugal are investigated using a Q-methodological approach. We analyse the participants’ perceptions of the experienced values of the cross-media news landscape... more
This study examines antecedents of paying for news subscriptions. Taking the customerperceived value approach, we investigate the impact of perceived quality and perceived journalistic and societal value of news. News habit strength,... more
Early optimism saw possibilities for social media to renew democratic discourse, marked by hopes for individuals from diverse backgrounds to find opportunities to learn from and interact with others different from themselves. This... more
Research has explored the links between personality and political news consumption, resulting in mixed results that vary across platforms. One potential reason for these inconclusive patterns might be that previous work has exclusively... more
Η λέξη που επιλέχθηκε από το λεξικό Collins ως η λέξη της χρονιάς του 2017 ήταν η λέξη «fake news», δηλαδή οι παραποιημένες, συχνά εντυπωσιακές πληροφορίες που διαδίδονται υπό το πρόσχημα της είδησης. Για να εξηγήσει η επιτροπή σύνταξης... more
Since 2016, online social networks (OSNs), especially their “big data” algorithms, have been intensively blamed in popular news discourse for acting as echo chambers. These chambers entrap like-minded voters in closed ideological circles... more
Scholarly work argues that mobile technology facilitates serendipitous news consumption. This article examines how users understand serendipity in mobile news consumption and whether this leads to news diversity. Technology-mediated news... more
In this study, we analyze for the first time newly available engagement data covering millions of web links shared on Facebook to describe how and by which categories of U.S. users different types of news are seen and shared on the... more
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0.
Western democracies have seen a decreased participation in activities traditionally associated with political participation. One aspect of participating politically is to keep up-to-date with what happens in society, for example, by... more
The article presents the first version of a methodologically innovative typology of people's use and experience of news, across different media platforms. Theoretically, the article is based on the modernized version of Jürgen Habermas's... more
This research sought to identify to what extent news media consumption plays a role in forming an individual's political identity and their views on individual stances. The subsequent novel quantitative study asked students of various... more
The evolution and adaptation of journalistic practice in response to discourses taking place in networked and shared media environments and the implications of same have been the focus of much academic attention in recent years. This... more
With the advent of Web 2.0, new forms of journalism arose, paving the way for the implementation of computational and automatization processes in all aspects of mass communication. As such, chatbots have already been adapted in the news... more
India will have 1 billion smart phone users by 2026, according to a recent Deloitte report Big bets (2022). As for news consumption, a June 2022 article in Mint says that around 72% on Indians access news through smartphones, and only 35%... more
This study is a textual analysis of Egyptian queer activist Sarah Hegazi's suicide in 2020. Based on a grounded theory approach, qualitative analysis was performed on 23 media articles from Egypt, Lebanon, and the United States, with... more
The ease of access offered by the internet makes many people choose to turn to online media as a source of information and news. One of the notable news media portals in Indonesia is In conveying online news, more
El consumo digital de las noticias y la interacción de los usuarios con el contenido periodístico digital son dos cuestiones de gran interés en el nuevo contexto en el que se busca alcanzar un periodismo solvente que responda a sus... more
Since 2016, online social networks (OSNs), especially their “big data” algorithms, have been intensively blamed in popular news discourse for acting as echo chambers. These chambers entrap like-minded voters in closed ideological circles... more
User behavior patterns when consuming and sharing information on social networks are analyzed, paying special attention to the effects of the type of presentation and the type of social network. As is common when analyzing activity on... more
The Case of Online News and Information ... An Nguyen School of English, Media Studies and Art History ... Mark Western The University of Queensland Social Research Centre, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia ... Background.... more
ED451574 - Whatever Works: A Test of the "Division of Labor" Component of Uses and Gratifications Theory.
News media coverage, regardless of the platform being used, can shape people’s opinions, perceptions, behaviors, and preferences about policy, security, and civil liberties in times of crisis. This study examines the possible cultivation... more
The rise of news content on social media has been accompanied by a hope that people with lower socioeconomic status and less interest in political affairs would be “accidentally” exposed to news. By combining tracking and survey data from... more
News media coverage, regardless of the platform being used, can shape people's opinions, perceptions, behaviors, and preferences about policy, security, and civil liberties in times of crisis. This study examines the possible cultivation... more
This article comparatively examines news avoidance in a rapidly changing media environment. We utilize findings from a large dataset of 488 in-depth interviews with media consumers, conducted in Argentina, Finland, Israel, Japan, and the... more
An interdisciplinary approach explores how journalists embrace the unexpected as part of their reporting routines using Erdelez’s framework of information encountering from the study of human information behavior and the concepts of news... more
Legacy news consumption was found to be a predictor of getting news from social media influencers (SMIs) among respondents in seven nationally representative samples in Arab countries (N = 5,166). Getting news from SMIs does not seem to... more
Slides from a presentation given at the Digital TV in Transition in Ohio Panel, Bowling Green State University on February 4, 2009 by Louisa Ha
New democratic participation forms and collaborative productions of diverse audiences have emerged as a result of digital innovations in the online access to and consumption of news. The aim of this paper is to propose a conceptual... more
The present edition includes the presentation and analysis of the relevant research conducted by Eteron-Institute for Research and Social Change, in collaboration with aboutpeople, between 10-18 December 2021, regarding Gen Z in Greece.... more
An investigation into the modern news consumption habits of students and their adoption of Twitter as a mainstream news outlet.
To examine whether selective exposure occurs when people read news attributed to an algorithm author, this study conducted a 2 (author attribution: human or algorithm) × 3 (article attitude: attitude-consistent news, attitude-challenging... more
This article examines perceptions of social media use (e.g. the WhatsApp application), in particular looking at how Bahraini women use such technology and how mobile communication is used by such a segment of the population. Mobile... more
Research on political misinformation is booming. The field is continually gaining more key insights about this important and complex social problem. Academic interest on misinformation has consistently been a multidisciplinary effort. But... more
The study is based on data from a representative survey conducted in Hungary in 2020, which examined the public's consumption of political and public information. Using the survey data, the authors attempt to map the consumption patterns... more
Snapchat is a camera and ephemeral messaging application popular among young adults. Due to its self-destructing content and playful features, Snapchat is often associated with more trivial uses. However, the platform has added... more