New Testament Textual Criticism
Recent papers in New Testament Textual Criticism
A discussion of the evidence for the rival variants in Mark 1:2 (primarily "in the prophets" versus "in Isaiah the prophet"), and a review of the scribal tendency toward specificity and its relevance to this variant-unit. (With many... more
Despite John's distinctive and theological character, however, it still renders an independent memory of Jesus of Nazareth deserving full consideration in any effectively critical quest for the historical Jesus. The question is how do to... more
Desde el resurgir del igualitarismo 1 Corintios 14:34–35, escrito por el apóstol Pablo, ha causado un revuelo interpretativo. En un sentido, se podría decir que aunque léxica y sintácticamente el significado natural de estos versículos es... more
According to some, the doctrine of inerrancy is laden by so many qualifications as to render it irrelevant. Particularly troubling for New Testament scholar Bart Ehrman has been the doctrine’s demand that inerrancy be restricted to the... more
This study examines the text transmission of the figure of Martha of Bethany throughout the Fourth Gospel in over one hundred of our oldest extant Greek and Vetus Latina witnesses. The starting point for this study is instability around... more
Der griechische Text von RP 2018 übersetzt und kommentiert, zuvor bis dato nicht gesichtete Quellen zur Datierung angeführt und kommentiert. Update 2021. Research Interests: Greek Literature, New Testament, New Testament Textual... more
The sample rough draft of Hebrew Matthew chapters 1 and 2 attempts to compare the Hebrew Matthew MSS available today with more being discovered. The format chosen is English with Hebrew variants listed within the Hebrew MSS as noted.... more
This article challenges the common scholarly conviction that Acts in Codex Bezae Cantabrigiensis (D05) represents a single cohesive textual tradition, arguing instead that D05 should be understood as an evolving text, consisting of... more
This collection of essays originates from the 2014 Evil in Second Temple Judaism and Early Christianity conference hosted by the Centre for the Social-Scientific Study of the Bible at St Mary's University, Twickenham. Featuring an... more
The books of 1 and 2 Samuel offer a three-fold thematic scheme that supports the central claim of the Pentateuch, the claim found in Deuteronomy 6:4 and known to the Jews as “the Shema,” a verse that declares the God of Israel is one,... more
New Testament textual critics have long maintained that the earliest textual tradition of the Acts of the Apostles is bipolar, transmitted in two early textual forms. This conviction is now being challenged, with recent studies suggesting... more
I presented my paper, "THE REDISCOVERY OF CODEX BEZAE CANTABRIGIENSIS AND ITS SUBSEQUENT EFFECT ON THE RECEPTION OF LUKE 16:19-31" in room Central 214 of the Pontifical Gregorian University on Friday, July 05. My lecture was part of the... more
J. Rendel Harris' 1984 lecture on the Old Syriac text of Acts - reformatted to augment online legibility and reproduction. (One of Harris' Four Lectures on the Western Text.) Reformatted in 2020.
An introduction to conflations in the texts of New Testament documents - focusing upon, and challenging, Hort's proposals that conflations in Byzantine MSS' texts imply that the Byzantine Text is derivative of the Alexandrian and Western... more
Published version of my review of "Getting Into the Text: New Testament Essays in Honor of David Alan Black" to be published in Filologia Neotestamentaria.
Seven years, and a bibliography of over 100 pages: that is what Detlev Koepke invested in researching the gospel of Thomas. Over 600 carefully worded pages disclose in great detail his intricate study and findings on Jesus in the gospel... more
This chapter introduces past and current research on the Coptic Bible, especially as it relates to the recovery of the earliest recoverable Greek text of the New Testament.
Fixes to typos in A New Approach to Textual Criticism: An Introduction to the Coherence-Based Genealogical Method (2017)
A defense of the genuineness of John 7:53-8:11, with an explanation of the mechanism that elicited its early loss, a description of many of the witnesses for inclusion and non-inclusion of the passage, and a special chapter on the Old... more
Besprechung des griechischen Textes der o.g. Ausgabe, Abgrenzung zu andern Editionen und der technischen Details des Ausgabe.
The reliability of the NT text is often argued on the basis of how many more manuscripts we have for the NT than for works in the classical canon like Homer or Tacitus, and the fact that many of these are of such a relatively earlier... more
Slides for my presentation at the Centre for Computational Biology at the University of Birmingham (
Contributed the exegetical sections for Luke 2:14-30.
People are kind and loving to each other in the Book of Ruth. So God blesses everyone. The Book of Ruth is pivotal in our human evolution, as discussed in the forthcoming Red Line of Hope. This is an appendix for that book; it is a... more
This brief essay describes minuscule 1780, a complete Greek manuscript of all 27 books of the New Testament. This is one of only two such manuscripts in the United States. Digital page-views are online, and this essay features an index... more
The word χαλκολιβανον (chalcolibanon) in Revelation 1:15, describing the feet of a visionary presence, which appears nowhere else in classical literature, is usually explained as meaning “brass of Lebanon”. Since Lebanon has never been... more
Questions about areas of controversy or conflict between the Christian faith and the academic discipline can (and sometimes do) assume an easy dichotomy between the two. One's dual commitments to "the Faith" and the guild are often seen... more
O seguinte texto (segunda versão) trata do conceito de "autógrafo" em relação com os textos do Novo Testamento
Earlier scholarship faced a number of limitations in classifying catena manuscripts on the Acts of the Apostles. This study makes a comparison of exegetical scholia in selected text passages (Acts 2:1-16, 8:9-25, 28:19-31) in order to... more
This paper (in Dutch) investigates the possibility that, for the first chapter(s) of his gospel, Luke reworked a source (either Hebrew or Aramaic) which had at its centre the birth of John the Baptist. It deals with questions as: -was... more
In the Epistle to the Colossians, the family of 06 and other documents traditionally labeled as “Western” display notable variant readings in passages concerning women and their status in the Christian community. In this note the author... more
A critical analysis of the claim that Pietists had a view of the Bible that allowed for errors in historical matters or matters other than for spiritual life and faith. This study focuses on the preeminent Pietist, J. A. Bengel, and his... more
Author of Honest to Jesus and founder of the Jesus Seminar, Robert Funk, has channeled much of his energies towards his devotion to an entire lifetime of intensive research focused on the subject matter--historical Jesus. He conducts a... more
In Scribal Habits in Sixth-Century Greek Purple Codices, Elijah Hixson assesses the extent to which unique readings reveal the tendencies of the scribes who produced three luxury manuscripts of Matthew’s Gospel. The manuscripts, Codex... more