New Testament Narrative Criticism

332 papers
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New Testament Narrative Criticism is a method of biblical interpretation that analyzes the narrative structure, literary techniques, and character development within the texts of the New Testament. It focuses on how these elements contribute to the overall meaning and theological messages of the narratives, emphasizing the role of storytelling in shaping the reader's understanding.
Cette étude explore comment la persécution, relatée dans le livre des Actes des Apôtres, a joué un rôle fondamental dans l’essor de l’Église primitive. Contrairement à une entrave, la persécution a été un catalyseur missionnaire,... more
In this paper, I argue that the end of the Animal Apocalypse bears a striking resemblance to Micah 4:1-5 and Isa. 19:18-25. This text appears to answer the dilemma that Micah and Isaiah create: how will the Gentiles stop being violent and... more
An analysis of overt tropes and hidden clues to determine which female figure seated at the table in Giotto's "Wedding at Cana" is the bride - and who is her bridegroom.
Nei gruppi giudaici (esseni, comunità dei rotoli del Mar Morto, sicari, emerobattisti) e giudeocristiani (nazorei, ebioniti) la Legge mosaica e in particolare la circoncisione e le norme di purità alimentare ricoprivano un ruolo... more
This paper provides a detailed linguistic and historical analysis of Mark 1:7, uncovering the embedded Roman influence within the Gospel of Mark. By examining the Koine Greek text, we reveal how Roman elites, specifically the Piso family,... more
This study is primarily concerned with responsible and considerate interpretations of the Bible as sacred book in faith communities. The question of poverty and its related issues compelled me to ask the question: how can the gospels be... more
Against the grain of much Johannine scholarship, this article offers a sustained argument against the notion that John's Jesus replaces sacred Jewish institutions and practices such as ritual purification, the temple, the Sabbath, and the... more
The ending of Mark, 'And they (the women) said nothing to anyone for they were afraid' (16.8) is one of the most famous cruxes in the New Testament. Could the author really have intended to complete the gospel in such a way? Building on a... more
The article examines the meaning of the words Ναζαρέτ and ναζωραῖος in the Fourth Gospel. It argues that the first word plays an important role in the incar national logic of the Gospel, while the second word is significant for John's... more
La prière commence avant le début de l'évangile de Luc avec la supplication de Zacharie qui demandait un fils et elle se prolonge après la fin du livre avec la bénédiction des disciples, les fils de Jésus.
La courte prière du Notre Père est un merveilleux moyen de découvrir la présence aimante du Père. Les sept demandes qu’elle contient méritent une attention toute particulière. Il nous faut aussi répondre au fait que dans un certain nombre... more
This paper argues first that John 20:17b is Jesus's statement TO Mary, not to the male disciples THROUGH Mary. It further argues that it deliberately echoes Ruth 1:16-17, the only other place in the Bible where there is a similar phrase.... more
This paper is intended to present a reading of Luke 24:1-12 using a narrative analysis approach and characterization theory in order to enrich research on related text. I combined narrative analysis method with Bennema's characterization... more
The way and strategy in which the gospel of Mark teaches discipleship goes beyond the inner circle of the Twelve Disciples. Mark chooses to depict true discipleship through the “Minor Characters,” especially the women followers, who were... more
Paul’s zealousness for the Law had been revealed for what it was: a futile hope. It was time for initiates to discover Christ through the transformative power of the Spirit. Presented live and online to the SRIA's Metropolitan Study Group... more
En un temps où Dieu ne semble pas être la préoccupation principale de certaines personnes, les questions de société qui se posent sont légions : équilibre des genres, comportements écoresponsables, conflits proches ou lointains,... more
Editio critica maior Actus Apostolorum, recension critique, accompagnée de quelques réflexions personnelles sur l'avenir d'une ECM des Actes des Apôtres. En 2017, l'Institut für neutestamentiche Textforschung de Münster a publié, en... more
Forty years ago, Leander Keck criticised the ‘tyranny of titles’ in the study of New Testament Christology. While Keck rightly criticised early- to mid-twentieth approaches to titles for Jesus, there is no denying the importance of titles... more
understand the end of the interlude to be 11: 13. Although many would include 11: 14 in the interlude, it does not fit well there. As a number of scholars have pointed out, it would work better immediately before the beginning of the... more
A layperson in both the religous and academic sense provides comments on the Yale Bible Study, a series provided by the faculty of the Yale School of Divinity. Note the series was not viewed in its entirety. The YBS series is available on... more
This article is a narrative-critical interpretation of the flight of the naked youth (Mark 14:51–52) which examines Mark’s characteristic use of clothing with particular interest in the literary relationship between the young man’s... more
The answer to loneliness in ministry Last fall, I reached a saturation point of loneliness in ministry. I felt achingly, painfully alone. My body let me know it every time I was at church. For two months I couldn't focus on sermon prep,... more
Fr. Jomin Joseph is a priest belonging to the Syro Malabar catholic diocese of Kanjirapally, India. He received his licentiate in Scripture (S.S.L.) from the Pontifical Biblical Institute (2009) and his doctorate in biblical theology... more
The meaning of λόγος in the Prologue of John's Gospel has been discussed thoroughly in Johannine scholarship; however, many of the studies investigate the usage of this word from Jewish and Greco-Roman backgrounds. As important as these... more
William Loader is professor emeritus of New Testament at Murdoch University in Perth, Australia. He has written numerous books in the fields of New Testament and ancient Jewish and Christian sexuality. This volume is the update and... more
In the Gospel of John, truth holds great significance and understanding its missional significance in today's post-truth era requires a thorough examination of the 'truth passages' within this Gospel. Through the exegetical method, this... more
A handful of scholars have recently focused on the importance of “the deportation to Babylon” in Matt 1:11, 12, 17 and the determinative role it plays for understanding the author’s conceptualization of redemptive history. Others,... more
Over the past two decades, there has been a renewed interest in the analysis of character and characterization in the Hebrew Bible. Many studies have focused on the major characters and their company. However, insufficient attention has... more
This article examines the narrative models of qur'ānic characters and characterization from the perspective of narratological approaches. First, the weaknesses and strengths of character-oriented narrative theories in the West (Propp,... more
which relate that the Israelites' clothing was inde structible: they did not need more than the one set they had on. 16. According to the CritEd, Q 10,3-9 ordered missionaries to "go" (bredyeTe), not take a staff, not greet anyone, and... more
The chapter examines "sin" in the Gospel, Letters, and Revelation of John in order to construct a Johannine theology of sin, with a view to its implications for the Christian doctrine of sin.
Culled from the upcoming third edition of the book, this essay complements other essays reconsidering the Mary identifications in ancient art. In this essay too I stand in danger of criticism from the Accepted Academic Consensus, which... more
The woman in this masterpiece of El Greco is often identified as Jesus's mother. This essay begs to differ, and lists a number of details in the painting that suggest that she is the Magdalene.
The belief in the presence of supernatural entities that act directly or indirectly in the life of man has been documented since ancient times. The Mediterranean culture was not alien to the conscience of these entities. Greeks, Romans,... more
Le récit marcien du démoniaque de Gérasa (Mc 5,1-20) est l'élaboration d'un récit originaire qui a été l'objet de relectures successives : un exorcisme de Jésus en territoire païen aurait été relu de manière midrashique à la lumière de... more
In Das Evangelium des Johannes (1941), Rudolf Bultmann argues that John's account of the Samaritan woman in John 4:4-42 serves only as a catalyst in bringing the Samaritans to Jesus. Her strange question μήτι οὗτός ἐστιν ὁ χριστός (v. 29,... more
n 1892, Peter Corssen lamented in a short study on the Cyprian Text that modern textual criticism is built on the recension of fourth century texts. 1 Today Corssen's lamentation does not hold sway because, as William L. Petersen notes, «... more
In the Acts of the Apostles, characters from the divine sphere regularly interact with human beings. An examination of the last three of these interventions, however, shows that the author carefully bridges the gap between the narrated... more
Available March 2024
Foreword by Peter J. Leithart
Theopolis Books (an imprint of Athanasius Press)
Ce mémoire propose d'appliquer la méthode de l'analyse narrative au texte de Jean 11, 1-12, 11. L'hypothèse principale ici proposée suppose que le texte doit être lu comme un récit et donc, doit être interprété en fonction de critères... more
The Markan Passion narrative alludes to Ps 22 (LXX Ps 21) in reverse, culminating with Jesus' cry: 'My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?' (Mark 15.34; cf. Ps 22.1). I argue that this 'extended inverted allusion' was an admired... more
A 13:1 Then [a] I saw a beast coming up out of the sea. B It [b] had seven heads, cxi C and ten horns C' and on its horns were ten diadem crowns, [c] and B' on its heads a blasphemous name. [d] A' 2 Now [e] the beast that I saw was A'a... more
p.m 1.0 Course Description 1.1 Students demonstrate understanding of the first three Gospels. They interpret narratives of the Gospels, the sayings of Jesus and the parables of Jesus (3 hours). 2.0 Course Goals and Objectives 2.1 Goals... more
This course focuses on the various literary forms in Paul's letters (such as creeds and hymns, poetry, apocalyptic sections, epistolary materials); the circumstances and issues that occasioned Paul's letters (what problems or issues... more