New Testament
Recent papers in New Testament
Shows how the canonical Nativity Gospels can easily be harmonized. And how the Blessed Virgin Mary may have anointed Jesus' head in Bethany, as consent to his sacrificial death in Jerusalem. This last issue is elaborated further and... more
A Story about something reminding of traumatization in Late Antqiuity.
Over the past fifty years, archaeological excavations in Israel have unearthed about half a dozen ancient synagogues that were in use at different points in time between the first century BCE through the outbreak of the Bar-Kochba... more
Journal of Biblical Literature 141 (2022): 337–57.
Scholars have commonly located the source of Paul’s analogy for the resurrection body in 1 Cor 15:39–49 in the enumerated creatures of Genesis 1. Some interpreters have suggested Sir 43:1–10 lies behind the reference to the variegated... more
The opening of Mark’s Gospel has received substantial scholarly attention over the past century. While initial debates largely centered on nailing down its precise ending, narrative criticism and increased attention to intertextuality... more
Jesus is variously titled by different people in the Fourth Gospel. John 8,12 is one of the I am sayings. This paper examines exegetically the import of this text as underscored by Isa 42,6. It argues that the author of the Fourth Gospel... more
Author: Kirsten Laurel Guidero Publisher: CBE International Evangelicalism can find a foothold in renewed practices of reading Scripture. This article first illustrates the larger problems haunting evangelical patterns of reading... more
Origen’s exegesis of the Song of Songs, despite the praise it generally raised both in antiquity and in modern times, still awaits for deeper investigation as far as the literary project of the Alexandrian and its output are concerned. In... more
The poet and classicist Anne Carson speaks of reading and writing as a painful separation from the world, a shutting down. A person who reads and writes learns "to close or inhibit the input of his senses, to inhibit or control the... more
Despite John's distinctive and theological character, however, it still renders an independent memory of Jesus of Nazareth deserving full consideration in any effectively critical quest for the historical Jesus. The question is how do to... more
The following paper explores the formulation of universal commandments for non-Jews within the book of Jubilees and compares it with rabbinic traditions that also deal with Gentiles and law observance. The discussion concerning... more
Desde el resurgir del igualitarismo 1 Corintios 14:34–35, escrito por el apóstol Pablo, ha causado un revuelo interpretativo. En un sentido, se podría decir que aunque léxica y sintácticamente el significado natural de estos versículos es... more
This paper argues that the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) can profitably be understood as a second Deuteronomy. The author makes his case through the development of strong conceptual links between these texts such as presentation and... more
Ionuţ ACRUDOAE, The prosopography of the militares from Pannonia in legio XV Apollinaris / 377 Marija BUZOV, Mljet -Melita in Dalmatia is the island of St. Paul's shipwreck (The Ragusan tradition on St. Paul's shipwerck) / 395 Alessandro... more
השאיפה לטהרה עמדה במוקד התרבות הדתית של יהודי העת העתיקה ועיצבה את תמונת עולמם, אורחות חייהם ויחסיהם החברתיים. קבוצות שונות הציעו דרכים למימוש חיי טהרה וכרכו בה גאולה עצמית ותיקון קוסמי. הספר טהרה וקהילה בעת העתיקה: מסורות ההלכה בין... more
A wide-ranging, academically oriented list of over sixty forthcoming publications on the Pastoral Epistles (as of April 2022) including essays, monographs, and commentaries. This list helps students of the Pastorals to see current trends... more
In the book we argue that 2 Cor 10, although presenting strong characteristics of polemical discourse, actually sets in motion a self-praise speech with a pedagogical, not defensive purpose. The chapter in question serves as a... more
The following video presentations were designed for the online study program at South Florida Bible College & Theological Seminary. They are similar in format to a class that has been taught by the same professor at Trinity International... more
According to some, the doctrine of inerrancy is laden by so many qualifications as to render it irrelevant. Particularly troubling for New Testament scholar Bart Ehrman has been the doctrine’s demand that inerrancy be restricted to the... more
This book debunks the myth that the cross was never used as a visual symbol in pre-Constantinian Christianity, bringing together the relevant material evidence demonstrating Christian use of the cross prior to Constantine. The artifacts... more
This new contribution to the Pillar New Testament Commentary series by Robert Yarbrough offers insightful exegesis of these three important but often overlooked letters. As he observes in his introduction, many readers approach the... more
Introduzione 1. La condanna cristiana degli spettacoli come problema storico, 8-2. L'ipotesi (letteraria) di una presenza cristiana nei luoghi di spettacolo, 16-3. La realtà (storica) di un giudizio radicalmente negativo, 23-4.... more
This essay was published in The Bible and Early Trinitarian Theology, edited by Christopher A. Beeley and Mark E. Weedman, for the CUAP Studies in Early Christianity (Washington DC: Catholic University of America Press, 2018); this is the... more
Paper to be given @ Nyack College's Graduate Program in Ancient Judaism and Christian Origin's first of a series of colloquia entitled, READING THE NEW TESTAMENT AS SECOND TEMPLE JEWISH LITERATURE
The so-called 'Christ hymn' of Phil. 2.5-11 has maintained great scholarly interest for over a century, with monographs and articles continuing to appear that seek to address important critical issues. Questions including the... more
Explores definitions, distinctions, and contexts key to understanding the concept of moral injury, and provides abstracts of the other essays in the book. I've decided to upload the full version as it is already available via Google... more
This study examines the import of the notice of Pilatus: Jesus of Nazareth, the King of Jews
Travail de Master réalisé en 2017 cherchant à développer des fondements éthiques proprement chrétiens pour répondre aux questions écologiques qui sont les nôtres. La réflexion prend pour point d'ancrage une péricope bien connue de la... more
This paper addresses the iconographic origins of the Virgin Annunciate spinning in both text and visual culture during late antiquity. Further, this paper promotes the original thesis that the earliest images of Mary were based on an... more
Building on my paper presented at SVS 2013, which sketched out the proposal that the manner of Jesus’ own coming into the world defines the manner of the coming of his kingdom into the world, this paper argues that the concept of kenosis... more