New Models Of Participatory And Direct Democracy
Recent papers in New Models Of Participatory And Direct Democracy
The central challenge for theorists and practitioners of radical politics today is to develop the tools for collective action on a global scale, but also account for the specificity of diverse local struggles and promote the free... more
This paper examines two interrelated criticisms made of participatory democratic institutions = that their policy impact is weak and that they suffer from problems of scalability. Based on empirical analysis of a 'deviant' case the paper... more
Th is book explores the activism promoted by organised networks of civil society actors in opening up possibilities for more democratic supranational governance. It examines the positive and negative impact that such networks of civil... more
Die sechs Jahre der sowjetischen Perestroika zwischen 1985 und 1991 stellen eine krisenhafte Umbruchszeit dar, in der der Wandel von Bevölkerung und politischer Elite bewusst erlebt und aktiv gestaltet wurde. In dieser speziellen Periode... more
Family farming plays an important role in food security all around the world. More .................... !!
On reproche souvent au référendum d'être très peu délibératif. En opposition avec la « force non coercitive de l'argument meilleur » qui habite l'idéal délibératif, le vote sanctionne un rapport de force : la loi du plus grand nombre. Le... more
El diseño y la práctica de los referéndums latinoamericanos. Reseña del libro: “El diablo está en los detalles. Referéndum y poder político en América Latina” de Fernando Tuesta Soldevilla y Yanina Welp (coordinadores). Lima, Fondo... more
The article offers a systematic analysis of the comparative trajectory of international democratic change. In particular, it focuses on the resulting convergence or divergence of political systems, borrowing from the literatures on... more
This paper shows how the two virtues of collective intelligence – cognitive diversity and large crowds – turn into perils in crowdsourced policymaking. That is because of a conflict between the logic of the crowds and the logic of... more
This opening commentary presents the framework, rationale and discussion at the 2014 annual ECCSSA conference on new frontiers and models—providing continuity in dialogue from prior conferences and building on the prior year’s conference... more
El propósito de este boletín es identificar los elementos que tienen mayor efecto positivo en el ejercicio de presupuesto participativo en el ámbito local en Jalisco, así como sus principales oportunidades y restricciones. Se estudian los... more
Citizen participation in Spain after 15-M: a turning point in Spain's political culture?
Програмата на ДД ЗАЕДНО -единствената Национална Доктрина за България: размишления върху изобилието от "национални доктрини" и "национални стратегии" като способ за дефокусирането на нацията
Riassunto Il concetto di "inclusione" fa riferimento alla domanda "chi partecipa?", ovvero alla questione cruciale di come vengono determinati in astratto e selezionati concretamente i soggetti della società civile a cui viene demandata... more
This paper was presented at the 2010 ECPR Joint Sessions. It discusses the impact of populism on democratic reform theoretically and presents empirical evidence from Austria, Belgium and the Netherlands. The findings reveal an... more
Intro and table of contents of the forthcoming book
This article examines five common misunderstandings about case-study research: (a) theoretical knowledge is more valuable than practical knowledge; (b) one cannot generalize from a single case, therefore, the single-case study cannot... more
Michels analiza el comportamiento de las élites en el sistema democrático, en el marco de los partidos políticos, así como también la conducta de las masas en el juego del poder. De esta manera, utiliza el método sociológico para dar... more
Citizen participation institutions that have emerged strongly in Latin America since the late eighties have been seen as a way to challenge the political status quo, integrate social sectors that have traditionally been excluded from the... more
In Lebanon, municipalities are the only form of public administration which exercises its authority in a decentralized manner. Unfortunately, they usually experience a democratic deficit caused by the fact that most citizens are not well... more
Liberal political theorists often argue that justice requires limits on policy outcomes, limits delineated by substantive rights. Distinct from this project is a body of literature dedicated to elaborating on the meaning of democracy in... more
A renewed interest has appeared in citizen co-production of public services due to financial pressure on governments. While social media are considered an important facilitator, many digital participatory platforms (DPPs) have been... more
This ethnographic study investigates one of the most robust youth-adult school governance model, which was found to distribute leadership and trigger organizational change. Chapters highlight youth and adult leadership practices and the... more
The explosion of social media has fundamentally changed every aspect of daily life: relationships with people, businesses and even institutions. More and more politicians are exploiting social media to get closer to their citizens and... more
As technological innovations continue to proliferate, new modes of shared decision-making and inclusive empowering public engagement have not. Too many put their faith in new apps, algorithms and the internet of things, and talk... more
Note: This is a relatively early version of what eventually became my book, Happiness, Democracy, and the Cooperative Movement: The Radical Utilitarianism of William Thompson (2014, SUNY Press). William Thompson (1775-1833), best known... more
This article examines how anti–corporate globalization activists have used new digital technologies to coordinate actions, build networks, practice media activism, and physically manifest their emerging political ideals. Since... more
Phronetic organizational research is an approach to the study of management and organizations focusing on ethics and power. It is based on a contemporary interpretation of the Aristotelian concept phronesis, usually as ‘prudence’.... more
Nas últimas décadas, a democracia se tornou um significante com sentido positivo, bem como um elemento central para as reflexões da maior parte da literatura produzida pela Ciência Política na América Latina. Estas reflexões passaram por... more
Chap 1 (pages 1-24) excerpted from the book, Venezuela´s Polarized Politics: The Paradox of Direct Democracy Under Chavez. Ana L.Mallen and Maria Pilar Garcia-Guadilla . First Forum Press. Lynne Rienner Publishers, Inc. 2017. How... more
The Aalborg Project may be interpreted as a metaphor of modern politics, modern administration and planning, and of modernity itself. The basic idea of the project was comprehensive, coherent, and innovative, and it was based on rational... more
Já no seu primeiro livro, Vitórias na crise – trajetórias das esquerdas latino-americanas contemporâneas, Fabricio Pereira da Silva cuidou de fazer um estudo comparativo rigoroso sobre a chamada “onda rosa” ou “giro à esquerda”, o... more
At the same time that case studies are widely used and have produced canonical texts, it may be observed that the case study as a methodology is generally held in low regard, or is simply ignored, within the academy. For example, only 2... more