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Resumen. El fenómeno Booktube se configu-ra en un claro ejemplo de la cultura parti-cipativa, donde los usuarios toman las rien-das de los medios para aportar sus propias ideas, en este caso referidas a la literatura. En este trabajo se... more
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      Literary CriticismLiterary TheoryFandomNew Media and Digital Culture
Social relations between the Khasi and the non-tribal settlers in Meghalaya are filled with little nostalgia and much violence. A freak incident in June 2018 between two individuals due to an already congested traffic situation in the... more
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      Ethnic StudiesEthnicityNew Media and Digital CultureDigital Cultures
Increasingly, the virtual became reality by hybridization of the world as we knew it: the process that went on in recent years is one of a technically assisted hybridization of both space and self, the »old« world is becoming virtualized... more
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      Space and PlaceOnline CommunitiesNew Media and Digital Culture
Politicians across Western democracies are increasingly adopting and experimenting with Twitter, particularly during election time. The purpose of this article is to investigate how candidates are using it during an election campaign. The... more
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      CampaigningCommunicationMedia StudiesNew Media
This paper is a conceptual framework for comprehending how the shift in people’s access and choices in news, entertainment, and other information, changes people’s media consumption habits; thwarts many Mass Media business models and... more
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      Media StudiesNew MediaDigital MediaDigital Culture
As part of the proceedings of the 2016 transmediale (TM) festival, the Research Institute for Arts and Technology together with Critical Media Lab Basel was invited to stage one of the festival’s many “conversation pieces”. The thematic... more
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      Experimental Media ArtsMedia ArtsDigital Media And New LiteraciesNew Media Art
Dalla sua nascita nel 2011, Twitch.TV ha fatto registrare numeri sempre maggiori di utenti, spettatori, visitatori e, sopratutto, i cosiddetti "streamer": una nuova classe di intrattenitori digitali rivolti sopratutto ai giovani che... more
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      SociologyYouth CultureNew Media and Digital CultureMedia and Communications
Over the past decades, fashion has acquired centrality in social and economic processes for its capacity to penetrate and influence both cultural production and identitarian practices. The proliferation of media objects such as fashion... more
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      Cultural StudiesNew MediaMedia and Cultural StudiesFashion Theory
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      PrivacyDigital MediaFace RecognitionDigital Media & Learning
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      Hip-Hop/RapYouth SubculturesNew Media and Digital Culture
When visiting the Mona Lisa in the Louvre, a new phenomenon arises. Where it used to be crowded with people facing the picture to have a glance at the famous Leonardo da Vinci painting, nowadays a significant number of visitors have their... more
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      New MediaMuseum StudiesMobile MediaNew Media and Digital Culture
Basińska, A., Łuczak, M. J. (2014). Konstrukcja sieci społecznych. Komunikacja w nowych mediach na przykładzie forum internetowego. W: J. Bierówka, K. Pokorna-Ignatowicz (red.), Media – kultura popularna – polityka. Wzajemne oddziaływania... more
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      New MediaSocial NetworksNew Media StudiesSociology of Communication
MA Thesis Philosophy
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      Philosophy of TechnologyNarcissism (Psychology)Andrei TarkovskyNew Media and Digital Culture
Talking politics online is not exclusively reserved for those spaces dedicated to politics, particularly the everyday political talk crucial to the public sphere. However, past net-based public sphere research has focused mostly on... more
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      Media StudiesNew MediaMedia and Cultural StudiesPolitical Participation
Technologie informacyjno-komunikacyjne a dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym -model szans i zagrożeń Wprowadzenie Wpływ technologii informacyjno-komunikacyjnych (TIK) na rozwój dzieci stanowi poważny temat dyskursu publicznego. Jest to dialog... more
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      Media EducationICT in EducationMedia Literacy EducationChildren and Media
As we progress into the digital age, text is experiencing a resurgence and reshaping as blogging, tweeting and phone messaging establish new textual forms and frameworks. At the same time, an intrusive layer of text, obviously added in... more
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      New MediaTelevision StudiesEye trackingDigital Media
Esta tese de doutorado coloca em questão os autorretratos digitais comumente nomeados enquanto “selfies” como práticas que revelam diferentes modos de experimentação cotidiana. O objetivo principal, portanto, é seguir a experiência... more
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Baetens, Jan, Ortwin de Graef and Silvana Mandolessi. Digital reason: A Guide to Meaning, Medium, Community in a Modern World. Leuven: Leuven University Press, 2020 The digital revolution has changed our ways of thinking, working,... more
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      Presentation of Self in Digital LifeNew Media and Digital CultureDigital ActivismDigital Politics
The paper deals with the influence of digital environment-digital media, in particular television and the Internet as the most influential mass media, on children through different cultural, social, educational and behavioral aspects. It... more
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      Digital HumanitiesSociology of Children and ChildhoodDigital LiteracyDigital Media
In questo volume vengono esposte in maniera organica e quanto più completa possibile le tecniche che, anche se non nate propriamente per la SAR, sono state utilizzate nel settore con ottimi risultati. I temi trattati hanno come filo... more
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      Media and Cultural StudiesCultural HeritageAugmented RealityInteractive and Digital Media
This paper presents a new situation in terms of human relations. Nowadays, the new technology changes our way of communicating and relating. UAICCrush is a Facebook page which exemplifies this kind of situation. Our research analysed the... more
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      Digital CultureInterpersonal RelationshipsNew Media and Digital CultureLiquid Modernity
Black Mirror's "Hang the DJ:" On Love in Algorithmic Embodiment. My paper discusses the episode titled "Hang the DJ" (2017) of Netflix-produced show Black Mirror, which tackles the highly computed experiences of romantic love. Rather than... more
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      Media StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesSpeculative RealismNew Media and Digital Culture
The internet has emerged as an important space for the creation and dissemination of gothic and horror media, particularly in the form of memes. Located at the intersection of digital culture and folklore, some horror memes remain... more
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      Participatory CultureDigital CultureMoral PanicInternet memes
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      New MediaGamificationNew Media and Digital Culture
Spectacular Posthumanism examines the ways in which VFX imagery fantasizes about digital disembodiment while simultaneously reasserting the importance of the lived body. Analyzing a wide range of case studies-including the films of David... more
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      New MediaArtFilm StudiesDigital Media
Questa tesi tratta della percezione del tempo nella cultura digitale. Questa verrà colta nella forma dell’atemporalità, intesa come sradicamento dalla storia e perdeita delle relazioni passato-presente-futuro. L'analisi del movimento... more
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      Cultural StudiesMusicDigital CultureNew Media Art
In Transmitted Wounds, Amit Pinchevski explores the ways media technology and logic shape the social life of trauma both clinically and culturally. Bringing media theory to bear on trauma theory, Pinchevski reveals the technical... more
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      TestimonyMedia StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesPosttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Uvodna reč Kada sam počela da radim na tekstu ove studije, 2017. godine, podkast tržište je bilo mnogo manje – i u programskom, i u finansijskom smislu – ali, moglo se naslutiti da u njemu leži krupan kreativni i ekonomski potencijal.... more
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      Business Model Development in the media IndustriesNew Media and Digital CultureMedia AudiencesRadio, Podcasting, Web Radio
In this essay, we interrogate the boundary between the highly controlled Hollywood celebrity star system and the highly liberated social media influencer. By examining the case of Lil Miquela, a virtual social media influencer created... more
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      AnimationAuthenticityCelebrity CultureDigital Culture
Defining postinternet art and aesthetics.
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      Visual StudiesNew MediaContemporary ArtExperimental Media Arts
How bad the phenomenon of file sharing of digital music is to the Music Industry, to the artists and to the consumers? MAY 2012 2 2
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      Music TechnologyPopular MusicDigital MediaCopyright
The purpose of the paper is to identify some converging lines that appear increasingly strong in the relationship between digital media and contemporary art. A convergence that was widely anticipated (in the Twentieth Century avant-garde... more
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      Digital HumanitiesArt TheoryCreativityDocumentation
Where to start when talking about _Don Quijote_? It's only the greatest book of all time!
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesHumanities Computing (Digital Humanities)Comparative Literature
Abstract: The English title of a recent book by renowned film scholar Yomota Inuhiko reads: What is Japanese Cinema?. In the preface to the English edition Yomota states that the direction we might take, should we try to provide an answer... more
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      Film StudiesJapanese CinemaEast Asian CinemaJapanese Culture
The huge success of the television series Black Mirror has radically changed the already rich landscape of televised seriality. Since the very first episode it has imposed itself as a radical turning point in the TV series offer, both in... more
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      Cultural StudiesMedia StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesMedia Anthropology
There is no sport without television. Television has become vital to the existence and sustenance of all sport, including cricket. This paper focuses on the broadcast technologies of television and the manner in which they have influenced... more
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      SociologyCultural StudiesSociology of SportMedia Studies
Advancements in Digital Technologies have dramatically altered the practice of Journalism, Satellite smart phones, internet, digital audio recorders and laptops allow instantaneous communication between most destinations in the world. The... more
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      Digital MediaDigital Media & LearningCyberjournalismGender and religion (Women s Studies)
Today, engagement and participation are considered key when we investigate media and user practices. Participation has become a popular imperative of digital societies. A number of theoretical reflections on digital societies assume that... more
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      SociologyDigital HumanitiesInternet StudiesDigital Media
Esta pesquisa parte do surgimento, retomada e revitalização de laboratórios de mídia em todo o mundo (PLOHMAN; BUTCHER, 2010; SALAVERRÍA, 2015; TANAKA, 2011) para investigar a inovação midiática, particularmente a jornalística, em... more
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      Media StudiesNew MediaMedia InnovationDigital Journalism
Ο προσδιορισμός των σημερινών αισθητικών τάσεων στη μουσική τέχνη, αλλά και της επίδρασης των μέσων που χρησιμοποιούνται για την παραγωγή μουσικών έργων είναι ένα εγχείρημα περίπλοκο και αβέβαιο. Ήδη, από τις αρχές του προηγούμενου αιώνα,... more
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      Digital CultureNew Media and Digital CultureDigital Culture, Cyberculture, New Media StudiesArts and Culture: Digital Arts
This dissertation analyses the idea that videogames can be considered art in order to argue that wide-ranging benefits could be seen if the institution recognised them as such. I have explored the idea that the institution is the key to... more
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      Art HistoryVideo GamesHistory of ArtWomen and Culture
Las cuestiones de comunicación ética en internet y en sus redes sociales son un tema de gran controversia en la actualidad debido a que de forma directa o indirecta implican a toda la sociedad y a la constantemente emergente cultura... more
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      Digital HumanitiesDigital MediaSocial MediaAddiction and Recovery
The term “new media art” covers numerous, diverse phenomena with their own specific properties. I will present these properties in the following discourse. The diversity within this field sometimes leads to attempts at defining new media... more
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      New MediaContemporary ArtNew Media ArtsTransdisciplinarity
This article connects the main concepts of transmedia narratives developed by interactive digital storytelling researchers such as Kinder, Jenkins, Murray, Mateas, Bruni y Baceviciute… in order to generate an innovative methodology in the... more
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      Media StudiesDigital HumanitiesInteractive Digital StorytellingTransmedial Storytelling
Discourse analysts have worked on digital data for decades now (see Herring, 1999; Thurlow & Mroczek 2011), initially treating digital data as human texts (Blitvich & Bou-Franch, 2018), then increasingly as human, multimodal interaction... more
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      Discourse AnalysisSociologyAlgorithmsCritical Discourse Studies
Borrowing from the vocabularies of montage theory and found photography to look ay net art's "pro surfing" community, on the cusp of the postinternet movement.
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      Visual StudiesNew MediaContemporary ArtVisual Culture
Monografia "Dyskursy gier wideo", powstała pod wspólną redakcją Michała Kłosińskiego i Krzysztofa M. Maja , jest ósmym tomem serii „Perspektywy Ponowoczesności”. Rozdziałom polskich groznawców i teoretyków nowych mediów towarzyszą... more
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      Game studiesMedia StudiesNew MediaMedia and Cultural Studies
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      Virtual Reality (Computer Graphics)Digital MediaVirtual CommunitiesDigital Culture
Violence in video games has been a controversial object of public discourse for several decades. The question of what kind of emotional experiences players enact when playing with representations of physical violence in games has been... more
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      EmotionGame studiesViolenceEthnography
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      Citizen JournalismMedia and DemocracyAlternative MediaCitizenship And Governance