New Materialisms
Recent papers in New Materialisms
'Fashion matters' proposes a new-materialist framework to look at global fashion. A new-materialist approach helps to highlight fashion's materiality and understand the hybrid mix of both local and global matters in fashion. An analysis... more
In this paper, I discuss how dance can operate as a method in the collaborative performance ethnography to explore the sensory and emo- tional dimensions of the embodiment of young womanhood. Drawing on one dance workshop where we... more
We live in an age of movement. More than at any other time in history , people and things move longer distances, more frequently, and faster than ever before. All that was solid melted into air long ago and is now in full circulation... more
New materialism is a term ascribed to a range of contemporary perspectives in the arts, humanities and social sciences that have in common a theoretical and practical ‘turn to matter’. This turn emphasizes the materiality of the world... more
La investigación en el campo de las técnicas y materiales en el arte contemporáneo requiere la aplicación de nuevas metodologías transdisciplinares que permitan obtener una perspectiva renovada sobre los contenidos que entraña la amplia... more
Print version of PhD Thesis. This practice-based project investigates modalities of performing eco-aesthetic assemblages across the modern nature―culture divide. Assemblages are here understood as non-hierarchical associations between... more
In this paper we interrogate the practices of imagining in human-computer interaction (HCI), particularly in scenario building (SBE) and persona construction. We discuss the philosophical premises of HCI imaginings in rationalism,... more
Might image have replaced substance; illusions substituted for ideas; language overwhelmed experience; text obfuscated world; now ignored the past? Might jargon mask authenticity; conversations censor criticism; affirmationism avoid... more
This article is about movement, documenting a researcher's reading, seeing, and feeling with the flaring movements of a young child's clenched fists as he punches the air in an early years' classroom. Drawing on postqualitative inquiry... more
An Interview with Elizabeth Grosz by Katve-Kaisa Kontturi & Milla Tiainen
Ethnographic video requires the makers to grapple with the idea of 'constituting a compositional present' (Stewart 2007), rather than a static notion of truth or representation. This audio/video performance project sits at the... more
This chapter examines the integral role that conservation plays within fashion curation.
Avec HOMO INC. OPORATED, Sam Bourcier poursuit la réflexion menée dans la trilogie des Queer Zones. Mariage, procréation, travail, patrie, les bons homos ont basculé dans la sphère de la reproduction et de la production. Que reste-t-il du... more
Climate-changed California is the contemporary staging ground for the long-standing collision and entanglement of the Indigenous and Euro-American fire regimes explored in this essay. Specifically, I consider how baskets handwoven by... more
Art gets away with murder, the things language can't always handle, including lies, and there were plenty of lies in Penelope's web.
Entry for the New Materialism Almanac.
Since the financial crisis of 2008, feminist social and economic critiques of capitalism have enjoyed a surge of international interest among scholars and the general public. Concurrently, scholars have turned to feminist consideration of... more
‘Rare Earth’ challenges the rhetoric of immateriality associated with a post-internet cultural condition, exploring how emergent (artistic) myths, identities and cosmologies issue from advanced applications of material scientific... more
Keywords: critical posthumanism, new materialism, feminism, science fiction
“Walter Benjamin’s World of Things.” Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory 19:3, Fall 2020: 393–403.
On the book: Obsolescence is fundamental to the experience of modernity, not simply one dimension of an economic system. The contributors to this book investigate obsolescence as a historical phenomenon, an aesthetic practice, and an... more
This paper discusses the processual ontological transitions of the curatorial after Paul O’Neill’s “curatorial turn”. Studying the curatorial from its discursive conception to a new materialist approach, it explores what can change when... more
The book examines frugality as an ideal and an ‘art de vivre’ which implies a low level of material consumption and a simple lifestyle, to open the mind for spiritual goods as inner freedom, social peace and justice or the quest for God... more
The article takes a material ecocritical view on contemporary Estonian literature—Andrus Kivirähk’s The Man Who Spoke Snakish. The canonical novel, which focuses on the forest life being replaced with village life as well as the... more
What happens when symbolic and biological meet up? How can mental and material resonate? What is the transition from synaptic to cultural and vice versa? Or rather, what does it mean for us—plastic beings— to arrive at a point where we... more
Materialism and questions revolving around the role of material instances in social processes are currently experiencing a remarkable revival in the Social Sciences and Humanities. Besides the New Materialism of authors such as Jane... more
Serenella Iovino "We need to make some connections between literature and the sun, between teaching literature and the health of the biosphere" (Rueckert 1996(Rueckert [1978: 109). With these words, coming as an outburst of discontent for... more
During the 19th century, sublime depictions of North American mounds captivated Euro-American colonists and Romantic travelers. Settlers frequently embedded farms and homesteads into the material fabric of these Indigenous ruins across... more
Addresses Abhinavagupta's panentheism in relation to new materialisms
La conciencia extrema ‒casi hasta lo intolerable‒ de los distintos planos de la significación fue la roca de Sísifo de Alejandra Pizarnik. Su condena a trabajos forzados puliendo las palabras como piedras preciosas. Construida sobre la... more
In den vergangenen zwei Jahrzehnten ist in den Geistes-und Sozialwissenschaften eine bemerkenswerte Neuorientierung und Akzentverschiebung zu beobachten: Dinge, Artefakte und Objekte werden zunehmend thematisiert und neu konzeptualisiert.... more
The most original and shocking interpretation of Lucretius in the last 40 years. Thomas Nail argues convincingly and systematically that Lucretius was not an atomist, but a thinker of kinetic flux. In doing so, he completely overthrows... more
Blue Sky Body: Thresholds for Embodied Research is the follow-up to Ben Spatz's 2015 book What a Body Can Do, charting a course through more than twenty years of embodied, artistic, and scholarly research. Emerging from the confluence of... more
This thesis provides a theoretical basis for applying complexity theory to classroom learning. Existing accounts of complexity in social systems fail to adequately situate human understanding within those systems. Human understanding and... more
Proceedings for the New Materialist Conference at the Victorian College of the Arts, The University of Melbourne (September 2015)
One-act play of John Millington Synge (1871-1909) Riders to the Sea (1904) is about the life in the Aran Islands, power of nature and death. While the life endowed with the sea determines the fate of Irish islanders, their dependence on... more
Speculative realism critiques the transcendental turn in philosophy, a turn that it sees manifested in Kant. But Hegel, in contrast, theorizes a return to reality through the contradictions of the transcendental rather than by attempting... more
This article seeks to offer a critical assessment of the conception of ethics underlying the growing constellation of 'new materialist' social theories. It argues that such theories offer little if any purchase in understanding the... more
Benjamin on Fashion reconstructs and redefines Walter Benjamin's complex, fragmentary and yet influential fashion theory that he developed in the Arcades Project (1927-1940) and beyond, while situating it within the environment from which... more