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The host-feeding patterns of Anopheles quadrimaculatus Say and Anopheles punctipennis (Say) were examined in order to evaluate their potential contributions to the transmission of eastern equine encephalitis virus (EEEv) and other... more
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      Medical and Veterinary EntomologyBiological SciencesMitochondrial DNADeer
Deteriorative environmental conditions in environmental justice (EJ) communities not only post direct health risks such as chronic illnesses, but also cause emotional distress such as anxiety, fear, and anger among residents, which may... more
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      PsychologyAngerPovertyQualitative Research
A blocking ELISA targeting an immunodominant West Nile epitope on the West Nile Virus NSI protein was assessed for the detection of West Nile-specific antibodies in blood samples collected from 584 sentinel chickens and 238 wild birds... more
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      EpidemiologyVector-Borne DiseaseEcologyImmunohistochemistry
The purpose of this study was to quantify the nitrogen (N) inputs to 34 estuaries on the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts of the United States. Total nitrogen (TN) inputs ranged from 1 kg N ha Ϫ1 yr Ϫ1 for Upper Laguna Madre, Texas, to 49 kg N ha... more
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      Earth SciencesEnvironmental ScienceBiological SciencesAtmospheric deposition
Background and Purpose A hospital-based pediatric outpatient center, wanting to weave evidence into practice, initiated an update of knowledge, skills, and documentation patterns with its staff physical therapists and occupational... more
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      DocumentationEvidence Based PracticeQuality ImprovementPhysical Therapy
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      Social ChangeAnthropologyPopulation GeneticsQuality of life
Introduction: This correlational study developed and tested theory to better understand positive health practices (PHPs) in middle adolescents. It tested theoretic relationships postulated between PHPs and (a) social support (SS), (b)... more
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      NursingHealth BehaviorLife StyleSocial Support
Objective: Patient satisfaction is a commonly measured indicator of quality emergency care. However, the existing empirical literature on emergency department (ED) patient satisfaction provides little guidance on how to analyze,... more
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      Emergency MedicineAdolescentQuality AssuranceProspective studies
Elevated concentrations of arsenic (As) occurred during warm months in water from the outlet of Lake Mohawk in northwestern New Jersey. The shallow manmade lake is surrounded by residential development and used for recreation. Eutrophic... more
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      Earth SciencesArsenicEnvironmental MonitoringEutrophication
Objective: To examine the relationship between childhood trauma and prevalence of cardiovascular disease (CVD) (either coronary disease or stroke) in Type 1diabetes (DM). Methods: From an original cohort of 725 African Americana with Type... more
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      Social ClassComorbidityPsychosomatic MedicineStroke
Early detection and treatment of neonatal hyperbilirubinemia is important in the prevention of bilirubin-induced encephalopathy. In this study, we evaluated the New Jersey pediatricians' practices and beliefs regarding the management... more
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      PediatricsCulturePublic HealthContinuing Medical Education
The potential for chemical vapor intrusion from contaminated ground water to the interior of homes was investigated at a site with a leaking underground gasoline storage tank in Stafford Township, New Jersey. This location exhibited... more
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      Ground WaterNew Jersey
We consider entanglement for quantum states defined in vector spaces over the real numbers. Such real entanglement is different from entanglement in standard quantum mechanics over the complex numbers. The differences provide insight into... more
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      Quantum PhysicsQuantum InformationQuantum TheoryQuantum Mechanics
Figure 1 (facing page). Map shows the NYHOPS Coastal Wave Modeling system: Bathymetry (m below Mean Sea Level), resolution (approximately 1 km), Surface (ETA and WRF wind) and Open Ocean (WNA WaveWatch III) boundary forcing sources, and... more
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      New JerseyForecasting for Arima Model
Synopsis: Laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) has been the patron of refractive surgery to allow people to eliminate their dependency on corrective lenses. Techniques to perform this procedure have been enhanced in order to produce safer... more
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      Femtosecond LaserNew JerseyClinical SciencesOptometry and Ophthalmology
Recent chirp seismic reflection data combined with multibeam bathymetry, backscatter, and analysis of grab samples and short cores provide evidence of significant recent erosion on the outer New Jersey shelf. The timing of erosion is... more
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      Earth SciencesMarine GeologyNew JerseyLast Glacial Maximum
The resurgence of farmers' markets in New Jersey has been welcomed by farmers, consumers and municipalities alike. This form of direct marketing has the potential to benefit all three sectors simultaneously. Farmers' markets allow... more
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      BusinessIndustrial OrganizationDirect MarketingProfitability
Casinos provide a remedy for desperately declining cities, and the case of Atlantic City, New Jersey provides one critical illustration of this. It was the only state other than Nevada to have legalized casino gambling in the late 1970s... more
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      International BusinessUrban DevelopmentUnited KingdomPublic Participation
In recent decades, many researchers have devoted themselves to the study of world cities. One of the most important contributions to world city research has come from the Globalisation and World Cities Study Group & Network... more
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      GlobalizationInternational TradeUrban And Regional PlanningLos Angeles
The American Cancer Society (ACS) has set aggressive challenge goals for the nation to decrease cancer incidence and mortality-and to improve the quality of life of cancer survivors-by the year 2015.
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      Health PromotionExpert testimonyQuality of lifeLife Style
This longitudinal study of child abuse and neglect cases closed after investigation examined the impact of parental substance abuse on family functioning and on subsequent referrals to child protective services. The findings support the... more
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      PsychologySocial WorkChild abuse and neglectChild Welfare
Aim: To assess the effects of shortened door-to-intervention (DTI) time on appropriate clinical decisions regarding the four most critical and costly decisions during primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI): cath-lab activation... more
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      Treatment OutcomeElectrocardiographyEmergency Medical ServicesHospital costs
We investigated color preference, seasonal abundance, spatial distribution and species composition of thrips in northern highbush blueberries, Vaccinium corymbosum L., in New Jersey (USA). White sticky traps were more attractive to thrips... more
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      SeasonalityNew JerseySpecies CompositionSpatial Distribution
We conducted a cleaning trial in 40 northern New Jersey homes where home renovation and remodeling (R&R) activities were undertaken. Two cleaning protocols were used in the study: a specific method recommended by the US Department of... more
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      Nonparametric StatisticsHousingFiltrationBiological Sciences
Eutrophication degrades numerous estuaries worldwide and a myriad of assessment metrics have been developed. Here, we apply an example of a previously developed metric (Lee et al. 2004) designed to indicate incipient estuarine... more
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      Marine BiologyMarine EcologyBioindicatorsSeagrass
Sub-basins within the New York/New Jersey (NY/NJ) Harbor host variable amounts and sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Analyses of radionuclides 137Cs and 7Be were used to assign approximate dates to individual sections of... more
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      Earth SciencesOrganic GeochemistryIsotope Ratio Mass SpectrometryEnvironmental Sciences
Despite the deleterious mental health and health consequences experiences of perceived discrimination can have on ethnic and racial minorities in the United States, a dearth of qualitative studies exist to develop a better understanding... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceMental HealthGrounded Theory
We examined the association between lifetime depression history and sexual function in a communitybased sample of midlife women. Specifically, 914 women aged 42-52 who were participants in the Study of Women's Health Across the Nation... more
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      PsychologyLife StyleSubstance AbuseMajor Depressive Disorder
To evaluate the within-session and intersession repeatability of a new, short-duration transient visual evoked potential (SD-tVEP) device on normal individuals, we tested 30 normal subjects (20/ 20 visual acuity, normal 24-2 SITA Standard... more
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      ElectrophysiologyElectroencephalographyVisual acuityVisual Evoked Potential
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      New JerseyDielectric ConstantBiochemistry and cell biologyMolecular Structure
To describe the complications related to cataract surgery performed by phacoemulsification technique by third-year ophthalmology residents at New Jersey Medical School, who are trained to perform phacoemulsification without any prior... more
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      BritishAdolescentCataract surgeryChild
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      Earth SciencesSouth DakotaHistory and archaeologyNew Jersey
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      ZoologyNatural HistoryNew JerseyAuk
Eutrophication degrades numerous estuaries worldwide and a myriad of assessment metrics have been developed. Here, we apply an example of a previously developed metric (Lee et al., 2004) designed to indicate incipient estuarine... more
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      Plant BiologyAquatic botanyNew JerseyNitrogen
Patient transfers from one care giver to another are an area of high safety consequence, as is evident by many studies and the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organization's Patient Safety Goals. The authors describe how... more
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      NursingCommunicationAppreciative InquiryLeadership
Synopsis: LASIK has been the patron of refractive surgery to allow people to eliminate their dependency on corrective lenses. Techniques to perform this procedure have been enhanced in order to produce safer results. One technique... more
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      Femtosecond LaserNew JerseyClinical SciencesOptometry and Ophthalmology
We wish to investigate climate change-driven effects on electricity demand and production. We model hourly loads for the electricity region and the individual electric utilities of the Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Maryland... more
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      Climate ChangeSeasonalityUnited StatesPolitical processes modeling and forecasting
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      Organizational CultureLeadershipSystems AnalysisDatabase Management Systems
The linkage of the Caribbean and the United States in the international sugar economy has been long noted, specifically in connection with trade, technology and ownership. Yet the management aspect has been overlooked. This article... more
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      EngineeringCaribbean HistoryCaribbean StudiesAgriculture
It provides MMH with the expert research and evidence-based practice (EBP) consultation and affiliation of a UMDNJ-SN faculty member and the resources of the New Jersey JBI Center for Evidence Based Practice. For the participating SN... more
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      NursingPublishingEvidence Based PracticeEvidence Based Nursing
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      Cultural StudiesLawNew Jersey
Collections of essays that make up a reader are always difficult to review-the editor's judgments of what to include are nearly always at odds with what a reviewer would have preferred. For this reviewer, however, nearly all of the essays... more
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      Urban PolicyUrban And Regional PlanningPlanning EthicsPlanning Education
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      Program EvaluationPsychologyMental HealthHealth Education
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      Social PolicyViolencePublic Health PolicyPublic Health
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      NursingMethodologyPublic HealthAdolescent
Field trip road log from Philadelphia,  PA, and return.
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      PaleontologyVertebrate PalaeontologySedimentary geology and stratigraphyNew Jersey
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      Quality of lifePeruNew JerseyNatural Environment
The results of an ongoing collaborative project between the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) and SEMATECH on the temperature-dependent emissivity of silicon-related materials and structures are presented in this study. These... more
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      Microelectronics And Semiconductor EngineeringSemiconductor PhysicsSemiconductorsSemiconductor
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      Domestic ViolenceAttention-Deficit/Hyperactivity DisorderPsychometricsPersonality Assessment
Three experiments addressed the proposition that jurors use short cuts in processing information when confronted with expert scientific testimony. The results of the first two studies demonstrated that experts who are highly paid for... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceLawPublic Opinion