New forms, subjects and strategies of resistance have emerged in recent mass protests and insurrections, from the Arab Spring to Spain, Greece, Turkey and Brazil. Insurrections, exodus and democratic experimentation respond to the... more
Predictive policing has attracted considerably scholarly attention. Extending the promise of being able to interdict crime prior to its commission, it seemingly promised forms of anticipatory policing that had previously existed only in... more
The aim of this article is two-fold. Firstly, it identifies and maps out a new presence in race discourse in the UK arts and higher education, under the heading of 'US Black Critical Thought'. Secondly, it seeks to situate 'US... more
This essay analyses Nancy Cunard's contribution to the struggle for racial justice in England and her work with the black communities in Liverpool and London (whose histories and experiences differ radically from their counterparts in the... more
How is it possible to profit from protecting the environment, rather than through deepening its terminal crisis? In recent years, a growing group of investors, economists and governments have answered this question with a range of... more
Western philosophy often overlooked the problem of technology. It is a long-standing prejudice of a nominalist or idealist mentality that goes on from ancient Greece up to today. Compared to other contemporary currents of thought, the... more
Herein, I interrogate the phenomenological experience of enchantment as a playful sign process. Arguing against the Weberian notion that we are living in a "disenchanted world," I aim to reveal how the existing contours of enchantment's... more
It happens. Overnight, you change from Young Turk to Old Fogy; the former avant-garde becomes rearguard action. In the mythologised Sixties, we used to view the 1930s Marxists, with their class-based obsessions, as quaint; another thirty... more
This essay analyses Nancy Cunard's contribution to the struggle for racial justice in England and her work with the black communities in Liverpool and London (whose histories and experiences differ radically from their counterparts in the... more
Refering back to the (juridical) cases of Socrates (in Athens) and Thoreau (in Concord), which both discuss dissent, Hannah Arendt’s essay “Civil Disobedience” elaborates on the question of a strict distinction or complicity between a... more
This article focuses on the activism of the Walterton and Elgin Action Group (WEAG) who successfully campaigned against attempts by the UK Conservative government in the 1980's to sell off their council homes to private tenders.... more
As a consequence of the specific nature of Peirce's philosophical view, the literary text need not be set against semiotic theory; instead, it may be situated in such a way as to prolong the sign and the movement of semiosis. In the first... more
The perpetually unstable nature of the fe tish in theoretical discourse has been mirrored by a continuing debate on the place of fetishism within the larger realm of perversion. In an article 1. Maurice Heine, "Notes sur un classement... more
Joanna Zylinska's Bioethics in the age of new media is neither an applied ethics textbook for new media practitioners nor a new media textbook for bioethicists. Its project is rather more ambitious, and its audience somewhat more diffuse... more
This essay seeks to account for the sources and consequences of Arendt's conception of ruin as the 'natural' and 'normal' character of human affairs-a view she expressed most famously in The Human Condition and perhaps most powerfully in... more
At various strata of the debate, the sense that arguments surrounding euthanasia are no longer making significant advances has provoked a variety of attempts to find alternative ethical approaches that might break with standard deadlocks.... more
This article explores the gendered dimensions of the populist radical right discourse and policy by considering the Front national in France. The article shows how the Front national has progressively moved from a 'traditional' to a... more
This article examines psychoanalysis’s relation- ship to collective affiliation and group identity via its asso- ciation with two foundational figures, that of the Woman and the Jew. It begins by exploring reportage on the war in Ukraine... more
This Derridean and biosemiotic reading of Yamen Manai's novel L'Amas ardent illustrates that many other animals are capable of responding to a plethora of challenges through the transmission of signs that are laden with meaning.... more
The purpose of this essay is to explore the philosophical and linguistic implications of the French philosopher Edgar Morin's "complex thought." In stark contrast to standard communicative models which profess that Homo sapiens are the... more
Érudit est un consortium interuniversitaire sans but lucratif composé de l'Université de Montréal, l'Université Laval et l'Université du Québec à Montréal. Il a pour mission la promotion et la valorisation de la recherche.... more
In the last few years, we have witnessed a perplexing new trend. Following an extended period in which few high-profile women were willing to identify publicly with feminism, all of a sudden-or so it appeared-many well-known women were... more
The Vienna Method of Picture Statistics, also known as Isotype, has become a means for historians and theorists of modern culture to directly link visual modernism with modern social science and philosophy, specifically with logical... more
Our case study looks at the events surrounding the sacking of Google engineer James Damore who was fired for authoring a memo which stated that women are biologically less suited to high-stress, high-status technical employment than men.... more
In this essay I reflect on a sample of a relatively new literature that has emerged in recent years on the growth of 'womenomics' and what Adrienne Roberts has called 'transnational business feminism'. Are these developments a triumph for... more
As an alternative to Utilitarianism, animal ethics turned to the Continental philosophies of Levinas and Derrida that welcome and revere Otherness. While Utilitarianism relies on a 'closed' system of ethical calculations, the Levinasian... more
The Annual Biosemiotic Achievement Award was established at the annual meeting of the International Society for Biosemiotic Studies (ISBS) in 2014, in conjunction with Springer and Biosemiotics. It seeks to recognize papers published in... more
This essay pursues the processes and obstacles involved in making food out of an animal. Taking kangaroos and roo meat as the object of investigation, the essay follows roo through environmentalist arguments, promotional campaigns, animal... more
This essay examines philosopher of technology and media Bernard Stiegler's propositions concerning the nature and effects of the automation of social existence through computational processes deployed in online media. It argues for... more
Dr Jack Boulton Institute for Anthropological Research in Africa (IARA) Edges of the State may be short, but to misquote Hobbes' Leviathan this well-formed text is certainly not solitary, poor, nasty or brutish. The thesis of the text is... more
This text is a conversation among practitioners of independent political media, focusing on the diverse materialities of independent publishing associated with the new media environment. The conversation concentrates on the publishing... more
Nonhuman Photography is an invigorating and passionate call to reclaim photography's essence and to rethink its ontology and is a much needed addition to critical thinking about photography. At a time when the practices of what we still... more
This essay seeks to account for the sources and consequences of Arendt's conception of ruin as the 'natural' and 'normal' character of human affairs-a view she expressed most famously in The Human Condition and perhaps most powerfully in... more
This essay stages a dialogue between a handful of writers and artists whose works dramatize the 'predicament of dwelling'.
This report examines the relationship between SF and innovation, defined as one of mutual engagement and even co-constitution. It develops a framework for tracing the relationships between real world science and technology and innovation... more