New Communication Technologies
Recent papers in New Communication Technologies
La enseñanza de la lengua en la era de las nuevas tecnologías: un acercamiento multidisciplinar"
R. ADELL ARGILÉS (coord.). ¿Dónde están las llaves? El movimiento okupa: prácticas y contextos sociales. Madrid,
The social construction of music markets: Copyright and technology in the digital age. In López-Sintas, J. (Ed.). The social construction of culture markets: Between incentives to creation and access to culture. Barcelona, Spain:... more
Quest’opera è percorsa da un interrogativo fondamentale: perché la telemedicina? Ovvero, quali sono le ragioni (effettive) per cui pazienti e professionisti sanitari dovrebbero adottare quest’innovativa forma di cura? Qual è l’entità dei... more
Resumo: Num Estado de Direito, a luta política entre os vários grupos, que defendem ou atacam interesses de classe, económicos, profissionais, geracionais, de género, ou outros, embora regulada, é uma constante. Governos, empresas e... more
Surveys of adults over the age of 55 have unique methodological considerations, which typically concern the physiological and psychological factors associated with age-related declines in cognitive functioning and health. Though... more
In recent years, virtual reality (VR) has gained traction in humanitarian communication through its utopian promises of co-presence, experiential immediacy, and transcendence. I analyze three communication texts that engage with the... more
Los desarrolladores de la Web 3D tratan de crear la Web "a imagen y semejanza" del mundo real. Por esa razón utilizo el término bíblico "Génesis". Sin embargo, se plantean dudas a la hora de aplicar la Web 3D a campos como la educación.... more
Trinta anos depois dos debates sobre a Nova Ordem Mundial da Informação e Comunicação (NOMIC), as desigualdades nos fluxos globais de informação permanecem,porém num contexto em que a produção e a circulação são facilitadas pelas novas... more
This paper considers the structural uses of new technologies (information communication technologies) in Kenya's early warning and conflict prevention mechanism managed by the National Steering Committee on Peace-building and Conflict... more
The paper draws on the speaker’s 25-year history of busking in UK city centres, and notes the increasing importance of playful loitering in the urban space. It notes the changing attitudes of the general public to costumed performance in... more
Özet Kişilere ait özel bilgilerin kolaylıkla toplanıp üçüncü taraflara aktarılmasını sağlayan yeni iletişim teknolojileri mahremiyetin korunmasında yeni bir mücadele alanı oluşturmuştur. Sosyal medyada ya da internette yapılan işlemler... more
Vous souhaitez devenir développeur mais sans passer le moindre diplôme ? Apprenez l’informatique pas à pas à votre rythme en autodidacte avec cet ouvrage de vulgarisation rédigé par un autodidacte lui-même ! Retracez l’histoire et... more
Una raccolta di saggi sulle tecniche e sui principi che favoriscono la transizione dalla città moderna alla città immateriale. Un tempo la ricchezza delle città era espressa soprattut- to dagli edifici, dai monumenti e dalle... more
Рост социальной дезадаптации детей-сирот побуждает к поиску решений этого глобализующегося вопроса как на административном, так и на методическом уровне. В прошлом году наша лаборатория открыла для себя новое направление экспериментальной... more
La série Black Mirror, qui questionne, au travers d'intrigues indépendantes les unes des autres, notre rapport contemporain à la technologie, connaît depuis sa création un succès notable. Après son rachat par Netflix, la série trouve un... more
Il apparaît nécessaire, d’une part, d’approfondir les questionnements sociologiques interrogeant les sens sociaux que recouvrent les usages, devenus multiples et diversifiés ; d’autre part, d’articuler les significations sociales et le... more
TEMARIO 1. El lugar y el mundo: extremos de un continuo. 2. La dinámica local en tiempos globales: imbricación de escalas. 3. Las interacciones locales y la globalización digital: nuevas perspectivas espacio-temporales 4. La Historia... more
The argument offered in this book is that new technology, as opposed to traditional media such as television, radio, and newspaper, is working against the national grain to weaken its imagined community. Online activities and... more
Helpdesk query: What is the recent evidence of the role of social media in post-conflict and fragile contexts with regards to conflict management? Key findings: Some of the roles social media has played in conflict management include:... more
Research concerning computer hackers generally focuses on how to stop them; far less attention is given to the texts they create. Phrack, an online hacker journal that has run almost continuously since 1985, is an important touchstone in... more
Docteur en droit, Laboratoire interdisciplinaire de droit des médias et des mutations sociales (EA n° 4328), Université d'Aix-Marseille Les robots s'immiscent chaque jour un peu plus dans les activités humaines et sociales, à tel point... more
Domínios de actuação na protecção do ciberespaço Protecção Simples Prossecução Criminal Defesa do Estado Caracterização Os ciberataques são vistos como ameaças à disponibilidade, integridade e confidencialidade da informação e de outros... more
This presentation discusses a number of different definitions of flipped learning or the 'flipped classroom'. It also looks at the origins of the term and provides some pointers to the factors that may assist the successful implementation... more
El segundo elemento a tener en cueata, es el soporte-ouesto o.ue establece diferencias en el modo en que la información utilizada por un mismo medio se rdministra, conserya, difunde o consuita. En este sentido, no es lo mismo transn:itir... more
This contribution deals with the relationship between the Liturgy of the Hours and new technologies. After pointing the need for the book liturgical, analyses the new phenomenon of the applications and its use to celebrate the Liturgy of... more
Skype, a voice over Internet protocol (VoIP) system, allows people to communicate through text, audio, and visual exchanges across short or great distances. At less than a decade old, it hosts the interaction of as many as 30 million... more
Após 25 anos do Relatório MacBride e dos debates sobre a Nova Ordem Mundial da Informação e Comunicação (NOMIC), as assimetrias dos fluxos mundiais de informação permanecem praticamente inalteradas. Embora a comunicação em redes e novas... more
Considerable scholarly discussion has been given to the idea that we are moving toward a state of “posthumanism.” This essay examines some possible implications of a posthuman existence, specifically as it relates to that most basic of... more
This study investigates how professional sports organizations are using socialmedia to develop long-term relationships with supporters. Professional sports clubs are important businesses with large communities of followers which present... more
This research outlines the capitalist reconstruction and dependency process in context of new accumulation order, refers to Turkish dimension of this process in frame of “desktop colonialism” concept and then analyzes case study of F and... more
‘Herbert Marcuse and the Legacy of One Dimensional Man’, International Herbert Marcuse Society Conference,
It is generally argued that the 1960s was a period of a global change. These years were important because they saw not only an increase in new forms of political participation, but also a change in the main conflictual issues. It is... more
Alternative Journalism is the first book to investigate and analyse the diverse forms and genres of journalism that have arisen as challenges to mainstream news coverage. From the radical content of emancipatory media to the dizzying... more
The growing need for underwater observation and subsea monitoring systems has stimulated considerable interest in advancing the enabling technologies of underwater wireless communication and underwater sensor networks. This communication... more
As technology evolves it does not only affect everyday aspects of our lives, but it also affects many cultural institutions. The tremendous impact of applying new technologies is obvious when it comes to museums. From using new... more