Sustainability is a wicked social problem, one difficult to solve because market capitalism inevitably produces ecological precarity. Consequently, marketing requires a paradigm shift. To address this problem, this research investigates a... more
The research question that drives this research is what kind of marketing can we imagine in a future in which the capitalist market economy is dethroned from its dominant position? The paper's purpose is thus to suggest a path to a future... more
„Moral und musikalische Kreativität in der Harry Potter-Fangemeinde“ C. Hall Catherine Hall stellt in ihrem Artikel „Reading and [w]rocking“: Moral und musikalische Kreativität in der Harry Potter-Fangemeinde fest: „Wizard Rock, in... more
Archaeological interpretations of prehistoric humanoid figurines, made and used by the hunter-gatherers of the Stone Ages, have traditionally relied on Western concepts of hylomorphism and iconology. Consequently, these figurines are... more
Im März 2023 stieß ich bei Spiegel Online in der Rubrik „Ausland“ auf einen kurzen Artikel zur thailändischen Gegenwartsgesellschaft, den ich hier als Ausgangspunkt nutzen möchte, um über die Darstellung thailändischer Religiosität in der... more
Animist cultures around the world are based on interactions among humans and other-than-human beings. Humans are active agents in this process and often establish alliances with other-than-human beings to accomplish a variety of goals.... more
Cornelia Funkes 2019 erschienener Fantasy-Roman „Das Labyrinth des Fauns“, der auf der Basis von Guillermo del Toros Film „Pan’s Labyrinth“ (2012) entstand, spielt in der Zeit der Franco-Diktatur und handelt von Ereignissen, die... more
Kann uns die Romantik helfen, die Welt zu retten? Das behaupten drei aktuelle Kunstausstellungen VON THOMAS THIEMEYER Vor drei Jahren setzte der chinesische Künstler Zheng Bo fünf nackte Tänzer für eine Woche in einem schwedischen Wald... more
The article addresses Robert Wessing's analysis of Javanese spirit. It places Java's animism at the meeting of three discourses: how rice agriculture organizes rural life, the idea of custom (adapt) and the region's ontological pluralism
Friends, I am dying: Friends I am done for. I've three scarves inside me, And this one makes four." -A young man in Salamanca, just killed by a bull The Beginning is the End: An Introduction The better you are at your job, the faster AI... more
The making process of Khekhe objects/subjects rests upon the animistic ontological premises of the past. Khekhe is the Nenets notion of a certain thing in a particular situation, an animation of a thing or a place, such as idols, sledges,... more
Editorial preface to Barend Jan Terwiel's (2023) book "The Soul of the Tai Re-Examined"
Recent developments in the study of nonhuman intelligence in nature-especially in the emerging field of plant "neurobiology"-are demonstrating that plants are much more than simply "green objects." 1 With the capacity to learn, remember... more
Introduction to the Special Issue of Religions journal on 'Art, Shamanism and Animism'
Animist cultures around the world are based on interactions among humans and other-than-human beings. Humans are active agents in this process and often establish alliances with other-than-human beings to accomplish a variety of goals.... more
In this in-depth interview with Prof. Yari Or, artist-scholar Raffaele Rufo traces the autobiographical and philosophical background of his eco-somatic dance practice and discusses its pedagogical and socio-cultural implications for a... more
Описано становлення теоретичного конструкту “християнський анімізм” у контексті оновленої академічної зацікавленості до архаїчних форм релігії. У цій роботі подано огляд адаптованого розуміння анімізму в контексті християнського... more
Our ways of representing the cosmological world are core issues in the reconfigured animism field in contemporary anthropology, as well as a recurring theme in the social sciences’ current interest in ontologies. This paper interrogates... more
I proposes that the modernist worldview that we have inherited is deeply flawed, and that animism offers a more sustainable way of being for the present time, one which is deeply relational and embodied, one which engenders a deep respect... more
Animist cultures around the world are based on interactions among humans and other-than-human beings. Humans are active agents in this process and often establish alliances with other-than-human beings to accomplish a variety of goals.... more
The research aims to develop an experiential and creative set of shared skills, tools, and experiences that will integrate somatic intelligence to access place, putting new tools into processes to think and experience the space as a... more
Animist cultures around the world are based on interactions among humans and other-than-human beings. Humans are active agents in this process and often establish alliances with other-than-human beings to accomplish a variety of goals.... more
In this chapter I synthesise ethnographic material with a recent paradigm shift in the anthropology of animism to outline a novel way of how mediumship in Thailand’s lower Northeast may be approached anthropologically. The chapter mirrors... more
I am an Eco-Pagan insider who became aware of the existence of a "somatic, physical knowing" through my personal practice (Harris, 1996: 151). Questions about this powerful but peculiar phenomena led me to undertake fieldwork amongst UK... more
Fourth session in the publication 'Diversity in Archaeology. Proceedings of the Cambridge Annual Student Archaeology Conference 2020/2021' Free download at: more
A short overview of the Estonian werewolf tradition of the 16th and 17th centuries and a glimpse of the 19th and 20th century werewolf beliefs offering a comparison of the perceptions of the werewolf of the earlier and later periods. The... more
This article undertakes a critical analysis of the adoption of process metaphysics in the field of archaeology and anthropology for the explanation of animism. The field of 'new animism' has adopted process metaphysics in order to counter... more
(EN) The research focuses on the somatic exploration of spatial qualities using performance as a tool for thinking about architecture. Performance is a powerful critical tool and helps to highlight the ways in which experimental practice... more
In this essay, I explore the mass possession of schoolgirls in the district of Dogondoutchi, Niger. Besides pointing to the struggles girls face in a country where women’s education remains controversial, possession brings attention to a... more
Why are ostensibly paradoxical statements so common when villagers in Thailand’s lower Northeast are asked to recount their personal encounters with the nonhumans known as phi in local language games? Inspired by the anthropology of... more
The ethnographic decipherment of the Bushman (San) rock art of southern Africa instigated a revolution in our understanding of hunter-gatherer rock arts worldwide, even in regions widely separated from the original context of the model.... more
Termite mounds are frequently mentioned in anthropological discussions of territorial cults in the region Paul Mus called monsoon Asia. While Mus emphasised stones and their veneration to identify a shared ritual language of chthonic... more
Статья посвящена эволюции научных представлений о духах, божествах и иных сакральных существах, начиная с эпохи Просвещения до наших дней. Затрагивая некоторые влиятельные школы и яркие научные идеи в антропологии, этнологии, социологии и... more
With earlier origins and a rebirth in the late 1990s, the New Animisms and the precipitate ‘ontological turn’ have now been in full swing since the mid-2000s. They make a valuable contribution to the interpretation of the rock arts of... more
The present work serves to bring to the fore bear-human relations as they appear in Scandinavian folklore. This has been done through mythic discourse analysis of Norwegian and Swedish folkloric material, which was organized by... more
In the last decades, the worldview(s) of so-called Indigenous religions have regained academic interest. Scholars of religion, anthropologists, and Indigenous writers engage in a new research field called new animism characterized by a... more
Idealtypisch gesprochen und mit Verweis auf Ferdinand Tönnies‘ grundlegende Typenbildung, beschäftige ich mich in diesem Beitrag mit lebensweltlichen Vorstellungen von Gemeinschaft und ihrer alltäglichen Reproduktion im ländlichen... more
This paper is a preliminary report on the results of an informal survey tentatively exploring the connections between the practice of Permaculture and extraordinary experiences. It will introduce Permaculture, give an overview of the... more
Ewa Domanska recovers a relatively unknown text by White, ”Posthumanism and the liberation of humankind” (2000), to inquire as to what extent the task of liberating individuals from «the burden of history» implies taking on the task of... more
The explorations presented in the article provide a brief outline of the larger affirmative humanities project. Following Rosi Braidotti’s ideas of affirmative ethics and politics, I propose an understanding of affirmative humanities as a... more
In this daring debut, Zayin Cabot challenges the wise homebodies of academia. A profoundly interdisciplinary approach to comparative scholarship, Ecologies of Participation offers a methodology whereby we can face our shared planetary... more
Slides for a lecture on Systems 'Thinking and Feedback in Nature' - Presented as part of a Sector39 Permaculture Design Course at Chester Cathedral, 14/02/2018.
Why would a lion have hooves or tusks? In the context of southern African rock art research, the ontological turn in social science has breathed new life into the discipline, allowing for fresh debate. This involves revisiting... more
Do it Yourself (DiY) is a participatory culture which exemplifies a particular ethos in its approach to technology and materials. Rather than engage with 'complete' technologies, such as a technology supplied as ready-to-go item, the DiY... more
Zu behaupten, ich hätte diese Arbeit "selbstständig verfasst", kommt mir angesichts der Beteiligung vieler Personen eigenartig vor. Jedenfalls lassen sich die Unterstützung, die Begleitung und auch die Zwänge, die zu der vorliegenden... more