Neuroscience and brain research
Recent papers in Neuroscience and brain research
Cuprins 1 Cum afectează un accident vascular vorbirea? 2 Care sunt principalele tulburări de limbaj? 2.1 Afazia Broca 2.2 Afazia Wernicke 2.3 Afazia anomică 2.4 Afazia primar progresivă 2.5 Afazia transcorticală 2.6 Afazia de conducere 3... more
This paper explores how individual awareness (soul), brain processing, and environmental influences shape a person's perception of reality. It argues that each person constructs a unique version of reality based on their awareness... more
In vivo imaging of cerebral vasculature and blood flow provides highly valuable information for clinicians as well as researchers. Nevertheless, currently available methods are complex, time-consuming and expensive. Here, we present a... more
This is a Book Review for Becoming Psychic: Lessons from the Minds of Mediums, Healers, and Psychics by Jeff Tarrant PhD.
Neuroscience education is challenged by rapidly evolving technology and the development of interdisciplinary approaches for brain research. The Human Brain Project (HBP) Education Programme aimed to address the need for interdisciplinary... more
The real-time live fluorescent monitoring of surface AMPA receptors (AMPARs) could open new opportunities for drug discovery and phenotypic screening concerning neuropsychiatric disorders. We have developed FORTIS, a tool based on pH... more
1 Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences, College of Health Sciences, University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria 2 Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences, College of Health Sciences, University of Ilorin,... more
Modeling complex chronic conditions requires theoretical and conceptual frameworks that account for systemic causes and effects, developmental and evolutionary history, the role of the environment, as well as the multiple realities... more
The scientific investigation of consciousness generates new findings at a rapid pace. We argue that we need a novel theoretical framework, which we call the ALARM theory of consciousness, in order to account for all central observations.... more
- by Albert Newen
A group music program facilitated for residents in memory care at an Ontario, Canada retirement home is described with the goal of awakening the musical memory of seniors with dementia. The program equates with the practices of... more
The author reviews Margaret Wilkinson’s latest book, Changing Minds in therapy: Emotion, Attachment, Trauma & Neurobiology. Wilkinson skillfully incorporates a wealth of knowledge and recent neuroscience research with useful and... more
This paper pays special attention to the interfacing of the field of universal consciousness and our personal brain in relation to a potential afterlife and postulates a toroidal event horizon workspace of the brain that allows a... more
Lead exposure is a well-known environmental hazard. Its accumulation in humans may pose a danger to health. The present study investigated the beneficial effect of Ocimum gratissimum extract (OG) in reducing lead acetate (LA) induced... more
The objectives of the present study were to identify gender from thumbprints ridge thickness using likelihood ratio and posterior probability density as well as to determine which of the three areas of thumb has more potential in sex... more
Aim: The present work was aimed at evaluating the effect of ascorbic acid on mercuric chloride induced changes on the cerebrum of Wistar rats. Methods: Thirty Wistar rats of average weight of 200g were divided into 6 groups of 5 rats... more
Since the early 20th century, scientific interest in regeneration has steadily increased, fueled by hopes of applying basic knowledge of regeneration in complex living systems to clinical problems. Yet, partly because of the inherent... more
Perceived dyscognition or fibrofog has been ranked as one major contributor of distress in fibromyalgia (FM). The Multidimensional Inventory of Subjective Cognitive Impairment (MISCI) was devised as a brief and comprehensive self-report... more
Background To describe the key findings and lessons learned from an international pilot study that surveyed spinal cord injury programs in acute and rehabilitation facilities to understand the status of spinal cord injury care. Methods An... more
Use of fertilizers like ammonium nitrate (NH 4 NO 3) for agricultural purposes has increasingly contaminated the ecosystem with nitrate and/or nitrites. Nitrite is a toxic substance that can cause multiple physiological effects if allowed... more
The present study aimed to investigate the ameliorative effect of curcumin and ascorbic acid against ultraviolet (UVB)-induced thyroid toxicity and to study the haemtological and biochemical parameters. Twenty-four female Wistar rats,... more
The concept of the “self” in Gestalt therapy has not, to the author’s mind, been fully developed, making it a “heterogenous introject,” an amalgam of theoretical concepts from different scientific sources. This may explain why some... more
Aktivierungen zu erkennen, als darin, deine Gefühle anhand deiner neuronalen Aktivierungen zu erkennen.« 24
Since the early 20th century, scientific interest in regeneration has steadily increased, fueled by hopes of applying basic knowledge of regeneration in complex living systems to clinical problems. Yet, partly because of the inherent... more
Background: Brain-computer interfaces that use motor imagery hold promise for direct communication and control through brain signals. Common Spatial Pattern (CSP) techniques have emerged as powerful tools for extracting discriminative... more
Die erneute Beschäftigung mit Friedlaender lässt es mir immer einsichtiger erscheinen, warum die Gestalttherapie als Praxis so effizient, ihre Theorie jedoch so wenig bekannt ist – sowohl in der wissenschaftlichen wie auch in der... more
The concept of the "self" in Gestalt therapy has not, to the author's mind, been fully developed, making it a "heterogenous introject," an amalgam of theoretical concepts from di erent scienti c sources. This may explain why some... more
Trauma registries play an important role in building capacity for trauma systems. Regularly, trauma registries exist in high-income countries (HICs) but not in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Neurotrauma includes common... more
German edition on the different meanings of the words 'mind', 'soul', 'I', and 'person', etc. are entirely ommitted from the present English text. But let us return from these dray technical questions to the great questions concerning... more
This chapter delves into the possibilities of a neurosemiotics of friendship by analyzing relevant research in social cognitive neuroscience. Neurosemiotics, both as a field dealing with neurobiologically based semiosic processes and as... more
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a disease of the peripheral organs while Diabetes inspidus (DI) is a disease of the brain. Both forms of diabetes are characterized by excess levels of blood sugar or glucose. Whereas the former is due to insulin... more
Establishment of association between two variables in the forensic science is of paramount importance. The study was aimed to determine association of lip prints types and left thumb prints among Nigerians. A total of 820 subjects (414... more
Personal identification is of paramount importance in the forensic odontology for ethical, humanitarian and criminal investigations. In forensic odontology, scientific methods using DNA is considered to be the gold standard method of... more
This paper aims to show the historical contingency of policy entrepreneurship in science by analyzing the case of brain research in South Korea during the last decade of the 20th century. This decade saw an increasing emphasis placed upon... more
The real-time live fluorescent monitoring of surface AMPA receptors (AMPARs) could open new opportunities for drug discovery and phenotypic screening concerning neuropsychiatric disorders. We have developed FORTIS, a tool based on pH... more
Establishment of association between two variables in the forensic science is of paramount importance. The study was aimed to determine association of lip prints types and left thumb prints among Nigerians. A total of 820 subjects (414... more
The effects of the aqueous and ethanolic extracts of Ocimum gratissimum (Linn) on the haematological indices and histology of the spleen of adult wistar rats, as well as its antimicrobial properties were studied in this study. Ocimum... more
This research explains that the use of superplasticizer admixture as an additional material in concrete mixes is expected to minimize concrete damage due to burning at high temperatures by increasing the quality of concrete in its... more
Bilateral asymmetry is one of the widely used features by proxy as an indicator of environmental and occupational stress and developmental instability. However, its application in personal identification has not been well elucidated in... more
Ethanol consumption has been linked with social and medical problems, coupled with damage of multiple organs including the cerebellum. The present study is aimed at investigating the histological and biochemical changes in the cerebellum... more
Indiscriminate consumption of herbs or medicinal plants is said to be harmful without caution. Overtime, the effects of consumption of many of these plants on the brain have remained mysterious. Ocimum gratissimum (scent leaf) is one of... more
In the present study, the performances of two well-known linear filtering techniques are compared for extraction of auditory Evoked Potential (EP) from a relatively small number of sweeps. Both experimental and simulated data are filtered... more
In vivo imaging of cerebral vasculature and blood flow provides highly valuable information for clinicians as well as researchers. Nevertheless, currently available methods are complex, time-consuming and expensive. Here, we present a... more
In vivo imaging of cerebral vasculature and blood flow provides highly valuable information for clinicians as well as researchers. Nevertheless, currently available methods are complex, time-consuming and expensive. Here, we present a... more
Objective: This study was designed to investigate the effects of Ocimum gratissimum (OG) on hematological parameters and oxidative stress in diabetic rats. Materials and Methods: Twenty-five male rats (150-200 g) were randomly grouped... more
Lead is a heavy metal that has been known for its adverse effects on many body organs and systems and thus their functions. In this study, the toxic effect of lead on blood was investigated, and ethanolic extract of... more
The present study was aimed at evaluating the effect of ascorbic acid on mercury-induced changes on the cerebellar cortex of adult Wistar rats. Methods: Thirty adult Wistar rats of average weight of 200g were randomly divided into 6... more
Ethanol consumption has been linked with social and medical problems, coupled with damage of multiple organs including the cerebellum. The present study is aimed at investigating the histological and biochemical changes in the cerebellum... more
- by Ibe M Usman