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In 1955 creates Herbert Phillipson Object Relations Test (ORT).His immediate predecessor is the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT), Henry Murray released in 1942 and is based on the Theory of Necessity - emotional strain.While both tests... more
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    • Neuroscience and brain research
BACKGROUND: In spite of its indusrial usefulness and varied daily uses, lead (Pb) pollution is a widespread ecological problem that faces the humans in the 21th century. Pb was found to produces a wide range of toxic effects including... more
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      Comparative AnatomyHuman Anatomy (Biology)Evolutionary BiologyMarine Biology
Special issue of "Culture Unbound". Through an introduction and six original articles, the issue investigates a variety of cultural and scientific discourses and practices that in different ways are related to neuroscience and the... more
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      Cultural HistoryNeuroscienceSociologyCultural Studies
Agnosia Definition: Fundamentally defined as a disorder of recognition and the inability to recognize the meaning of information received via the sensory system, from the external environment to the brain. The inability to recognize... more
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      NeuroscienceExecutive Functions (Cognitive Neuroscience)Cognitive NeuroscienceNeuroscience (Psychology)
Through her versatile use of video technology, Nina Sobell explores nonverbal means of communication that interfere with normative modes of behavior and closely regulated interpersonal relationships. Deeply informed by the pursuit of... more
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      Contemporary ArtCyberneticsFeminismArt and technology
Cet article explore l'ensemble des caractéristiques, des fonctions et de la perception des graphismes, sous les angles de la physiologie, de la sémiologie visuelle (science des signes) et des neurosciences. Au titre des fonctions, ce... more
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      MarketingEthicsVision ScienceVisual Semiotics
A brief presentation about the book "Neuroni specchio" (mirror neurons) written by Laila Craighero
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      NeurosciencePsychologySocial PsychologyPhilosophy
In spite of an increasing popularity of English, frequently named as a contemporary form of lingua franca, bilingualism is still one of the most desirable and valuable personal qualities on the job market, as well as a highly-respected... more
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      Language AcquisitionNeuroscience and brain research
Antibody-based tools for neurodegenerative disease research Handbook
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      Comparative AnatomyHuman Anatomy (Biology)NeurosciencePathology
Description (The PDF file is updated and expanded content). Atlas of Electroencephalography, ( E.C.G. - emotions cognitions, graphics) , it contains for the first time a study of the interactions of emotion and cognition in a... more
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      Brain-computer interfacesEEGBrain and Cognitive DevelopmentBrain Science
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      NeuroscienceEmergency MedicineInternal Medicine (General Medicine)Veterinary Medicine
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      Comparative AnatomyHuman Anatomy (Biology)Evolutionary BiologyMarine Biology
Editorial board member of the International Journal of Human Anatomy
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      Comparative AnatomyHuman Anatomy (Biology)Evolutionary BiologyMarine Biology
An explanation of the mechanism behind intuition which is inextricably intertwined with that behind memory, both of which involve a process of randomness not dissimilar to that evoked by quantum entanglement.
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      Intuitionistic LogicMemory (Cognitive Psychology)Human MemoryIntuition
The ultimate aim of this work is to discover what metaphorical entailments of women and womanhood are mapped onto wisdom as an abstract entity and then to discern how this personification is intended to inform wisdom. After a summary... more
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      TheologyConceptual Metaphor TheoryTheological AestheticsBiblical Hebrew (Languages And Linguistics)
The EEG alpha rhythm in specific not pathological situations no sample no opening locking eyes, in this experimental sample specific factors that cause said reactive responses shown. This could show in specific situations, some attitudes... more
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      Learning and the BrainBrain ImagingBrain-computer interfacesPedagogy
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      NeuroscienceCognitive PsychologyComputer ScienceCyborg Theory
Recent debates about the conventional traditional threshold used in the fields of neuroscience and psychology, namely P < 0.05, have spurred researchers to consider alternative ways to analyze fMRI data. A group of methodologists and... more
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      NeurosciencePsychologyCognitive PsychologyQuantitative Psychology
Theoretical psychology
Non-classical psychology
Vygotskian psychology
Object-oriented activity
Historically generated social identity
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      Cognitive PsychologyEconomicsGame TheoryCommunication
The modern thesis regarding the "structural plastic" properties of the brain, as reactions to injuries, to tissue damage, and to degenerative cell apoptosis, can hardly be seen as expendable in clinical neurology and its allied... more
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      History of MedicineRegenerationHistory of Neuroscience20th century (History)
Notes for lectures on co∼eventum mechanics.
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      Mathematical StatisticsProbability TheoryQuantum ComputingArtificial Intelligence
A salience-attention-activated view of consciousness succeeds where the best-known views fail. Consciousness occurs when a sensory input, or other brain phenomenon, activates an attention network to the point that the network... more
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      Evolution of ConsciousnessConsciousness StudiesBrain and cognitive sciencesNeuroscience and brain research
This study was planned to evaluate the protective role of curcumin (Cur) against maternal and fetal oxidative stress and cerebral damage induced by lead (Pb) during pregnancy. In this study, positively pregnant female rats were divided... more
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      NeurosciencePathologyMilitary MedicineSpeech Language Pathology
DOI·10.13140/RG.2.2.26861.90086 Graphics E.E.G, field study of aggressive emotions - emotions of frustration. We Mas & Manjon Foundation, we showed a very small section of the studies in our department neurocognitive research.We trust... more
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      PsychiatryLearning and the BrainBrain ImagingBrain-computer interfaces
In perceiving that the most urgent social problem confronting our global society is that of the rapidly aging global population and the increasingly high incidence of dementia and other aging-related cognitive disability, we propose a... more
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      Cognitive ScienceNeuropsychologyLearning and the BrainDementia
Franz Anton Mesmer, physician and "democrat", discoverer of "animal magnetism" and the founders of modern hypnosis therapy.
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      NeurosciencePsychologyHistory of ScienceAltered States of Consciousness
Article de vulgarisation scientifique sur les techniques de microscopie de fluorescence utilisées lors de mon projet de recherche de maîtrise en neurobiologie, dans le laboratoire du Dr Paul de Koninck au Centre de Recherche CERVO à... more
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      NeuroscienceNeurobiology Of DiseaseFluorescence MicroscopyMolecular Neuroscience
Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a long-term degenerative disorder of the central nervous system that mainly affects the motor system. Dopamine precursor levodopa (L-dopa) is used as the first-line treatment for PD. Evidence suggests... more
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      NeuroscienceNeurodegenerative DiseasesMenopause, Hormone Replacement TherapyNeuroscience and brain research
Nous nous demandons jusqu’à quel point il est possible de comparer les étapes psychologiques et physiologiques telles qu’elles sont décrites dans la théorie cartésienne de l’admiration et dans la théorie de l’évaluation pré-émotionnelle... more
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      PsychophysiologyAffective NeuroscienceCartesianismPhilosophy of Cognitive Science
Uit hersenonderzoek zou blijken dat ons idee over vrijheid, en zelfs over bewustzijn slechts een illusie is. In dit essay probeer ik deze stellingname te ontkrachten.
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      Free WillNeuroscience and brain research
Virtually the definition of attempted coherence in schizophrenia. Demonstrates many of the various characteristics of the paranoid type schizophrenic personality with subtlety and without exaggeration.
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      Organizational BehaviorNeurosciencePsychologyClinical Psychology
Toreduce in environmental load from pollution after primary using of various products (waste product), which is supporting to secondary utilization in preparation of thermal insulation materials using coal fly ash (40-60%), siliceous... more
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      Quantum ComputingAgricultural EconomicsComputational ElectromagneticsRocket/Missile Modeling and Flight Simulation
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      PhilosophyEthicsPhilosophy Of FreedomMoral Philosophy
In vivo imaging of cerebral vasculature and blood flow provides highly valuable information for clinicians as well as researchers. Nevertheless, currently available methods are complex, time-consuming and expensive. Here, we present a... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringImage ProcessingBrain ImagingNeuroimaging
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      Digital HumanitiesCollaborationCrisis ManagementDiversity & Inclusion
Covid-19 changes the lives for all of us: Institutions and other places are closed; it is not possible to see friends and family personally and keeping distance is the topmost commandment. Therefore, most of us are working from home and... more
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      Digital HumanitiesCollaborationCrisis ManagementDiversity & Inclusion
Establishment of association between two variables in the forensic science is of paramount importance. The study was aimed to determine association of lip prints types and left thumb prints among Nigerians. A total of 820 subjects (414... more
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      GeneticsMolecular CytogeneticsNeuroscience and brain researchLip prints in Personal Identification
An exploratory workshop to REFLECT ON how schooling and literacy damages the natural cognitive system meant for learning the world Existential Knowledge Foundation is planning a 3-day workshop in Bangalore to understand deeply, what is... more
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      NeurosciencePsychologyCognitive PsychologySocial Psychology
Please cite this article in press as: Seke Etet PF, et al. Evaluation of the safety of conventional lighting replacement by artificial daylight. J Microsc Ultrastruct (2017), a b s t r a c t Background: Short morning exposure... more
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      Comparative AnatomyHuman Anatomy (Biology)Evolutionary BiologyMarine Biology
Antibodies for neuroscience research
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      Comparative AnatomyHuman Anatomy (Biology)NeurosciencePathology
Dopaminergic functional recovery following controlled release of dopamine from biodegradable polymer matrices implanted in the lesioned striatum was investigated in a hemiparkinsonian animal model. Significant dopamine depletion in the... more
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    • Neuroscience and brain research
Establishment of association between two variables in the forensic science is of paramount importance. The study was aimed to determine association of lip prints types and left thumb prints among Nigerians. A total of 820 subjects (414... more
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    • Neuroscience and brain research
In this study we show that the conscious and unconscious, this is only one, transitioning the role of clarity. This shows us the way forward, to educate these rhythms in a scientific way (demonstrable in the laboratory) to apply the... more
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    • Neuroscience and brain research
For the first time show the Foundation Dr. J. Mas i Manjon a report on the project educated emotions, this project lasting more than thirty years, it has been studied and experienced the possibilities of a rigorous education in a... more
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    • Neuroscience and brain research
Annex, showing the bioelectric changes in the electroencephalogram in the study process of deep meditation. In the beginning, in the middle process, the time-increasing range and finally the return to standard bioelectrical function.
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      Learning and the BrainBrain ImagingDeep Brain StimulationBrain-computer interfaces
Research with electroencephalographic instrumental representation of virtual models on meditation and consequences in the ranges: physiological,psychological and behavioral. There is a relationship of consciousness with high rank in... more
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      EEGMeditationNeuronal activity in MeditationNeuronal Plasticity
DOI·10.13140/RG.2.2.33572.78722 theta rhythm, in a non-pathological and in normal adults, this rate has been linked to certain psychological activities, known as the rhythm of emotion. The theta and beta rolandic, amending consciously,... more
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      Cognitive SciencePsychiatryLearning and the BrainPedagogy
P300, especially P3b, the third positive wave of EEG signal with near 350ms associated with occipito-patieto-temporal region of the brain, is mainly responsible for categorization of different objects. So, this study investigates the... more
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      NeuroscienceCognitive ScienceBrain ImagingEEG
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      BusinessNeuroscienceLeadershipTraumatic Brain Injury
Cognitive and motor disorders are growing socio-economic concerns where drug treatments although being the first line of action, are not always effective in restoring cognitive and motor functionality. Research has shown that functional... more
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      Brain NetworksNeuroscience and brain researchFunctional Brain ConnectivitySynchronization In Brain Networks